- brusque and surly and forbidding; "crusty remarks"; "a crusty old man"; "his curmudgeonly temper"; "gruff manner"; "a gruff reply" (同)curmudgeonly, gruff, ill-humored, ill-humoured
- form a crust or form into a crust; "The bread crusted in the oven"
- the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties (同)gall, impertinence, impudence, insolence, cheekiness, freshness
- the outer layer of the Earth (同)Earth''s crust
- a hard outer layer that covers something (同)incrustation, encrustation
- the leg from the knee to foot
- (物が)外皮のある;外皮のような,堅い / (人・態度などが)こちこちの
- 〈C〉〈U〉『パンの皮』,パイの皮;〈C〉堅くなった一切れのパン / 〈C〉〈U〉(物の)堅い表面;(動物の)甲殻(かく);地殻;堅くなった雪面 / 外皮におおわれる《+『over』》
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/09 14:17:33」(JST)
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"Crusty" redirects here. For things pertaining to or having a crust, see Crust. For the airliner, see Tupolev Tu-134.
The term 'crusties' can refer to two distinct, but not entirely separate, subcultural groups. Particularly in North America, but to some extent worldwide, the term is used to refer to crust punks. In the UK and Ireland especially, particularly in the 1990s, the term was used to refer to people who are members of a subculture related to the New Age travellers movement.
Crusties are distinctive for their unkempt appearance. They are associated with anti-capitalism,[1] road protests, squatting, raves and begging.[2] Typical dress styles involve dreadlocks,[3] piercings, tattoos and dirty clothing, which are generally second-hand or army surplus.[4] Similar to anarcho-punk, most clothing is black in colour. Earth colours are also common. Denim jackets, hooded sweatshirts with sewn-on patches, vests covered in studs, spikes, and band patches are characteristic elements of the crust punk style of dress.[5]
Julian "Leggo" Kilsby of Deviated Instinct describes crust as "a punk-y biker look, more akin to Mad Max. Mad Max 2 is the crustiest film ever made!"[6]
Crusties have also been described as being typically unemployed youth with no permanent home.[4] Some are an urban version of the New Age Traveller[2] and so may have relatively settled long-term homes.
See also
- Gutter punk
- Crust punk
- Feral (subculture)
- New Age travellers
- Hippies
- ^ Jones, Liz, "I hate these Crusties", The Daily Mail, 5 April 2009
- ^ a b Hetherington, K: New Age Travellers, page 9. Cassell. 2000
- ^ Hetherington, K. New Age Travellers, page 9. Cassell. 2000
- ^ a b Cambridge Dictionary, "Definition of Crusty, noun"
- ^ Kevin Stewart-Panko, "I Saw Disfear Three Times in Three Days", Decibel, no. 46, August 2008, p. 22.
- ^ Glasper 2009, 287
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English Journal
- Are veterans and the VA any more "crusty" than others?
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