- any of various large nonvenomous snakes that kill their prey by crushing it in its coils
- become tight or as if tight; "Her throat constricted" (同)constringe, narrow
- 括役筋・周縮筋 / 獲物を締め殺ず大蛇(ぼあなと)
- 〈物など〉'を'締めつける,圧縮する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/08/29 08:17:06」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Constrictor may refer to:
- Any snake that kills its prey by constriction
- A taxonomic synonym for Boa, also known as boas, a genus of non-venomous boas found in Mexico, Central and South America, Madagascar
- A taxonomic synonym for Python, also known as pythons, a genus of non-venomous pythons found in Africa and Asia
Other uses
- Constrictor (album), a 1986 album by Alice Cooper
- Constrictor (comics), a supervillain/hero in the Marvel Comics universe
- Constrictor knot, a binding knot
- Pharyngeal constrictor, one of the muscles that serves to constrict the pharynx
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English Journal
- Gross anatomical observations of attachments of the middle pharyngeal constrictor.
- Sakamoto Y.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.).Clin Anat.2014 May;27(4):603-9. doi: 10.1002/ca.22344. Epub 2013 Dec 17.
- The pharyngeal muscles overlap each other and some of their parts have different areas of origin. Such arrangements make the interrelationships among pharyngeal muscles complicated. This study investigated the attachments of the middle constrictor to clarify its configuration and re-examine its func
- PMID 24343865
- Low-flow mediated constriction: the yin to FMD's yang?
- Humphreys RE1, Green DJ, Cable NT, Thijssen DH, Dawson EA.
- Expert review of cardiovascular therapy.Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther.2014 May;12(5):557-64. doi: 10.1586/14779072.2014.909728. Epub 2014 Apr 18.
- Given the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD), early detection is crucial. Although traditional cardiovascular risk factors relate to future CVD, the predictive value of these risk factors can be relatively limited. Contemporary scientific attention has focused on alternative direct measures
- PMID 24745959
- Wet- and Dry-Season Steroid Hormone Profiles and Stress Reactivity of an Insular Dwarf Snake, the Hog Island Boa (Boa constrictor imperator).
- Holding ML1, Frazier JA, Dorr SW, Pollock NB, Muelleman PJ, Branske A, Henningsen SN, Eikenaar C, Escallón C, Montgomery CE, Moore IT, Taylor EN.
- Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ.Physiol Biochem Zool.2014 May-Jun;87(3):363-73. doi: 10.1086/675938. Epub 2014 Apr 15.
- Abstract Field endocrine studies providing new comparisons for inference into the evolutionary and ecological factors shaping organismal physiology are important, often yielding novel physiological insights. Here, we explored factors associated with the sex steroid hormone concentrations and adrenoc
- PMID 24769701
Japanese Journal
- 第2鰓溝の遺残による内瘻孔が原因であった扁桃周囲および深頸部膿瘍の1例
- 小町 太郎,三枝 英人,山口 智 [他],門園 修,中村 毅,粉川 隆行,愛野 威一郎,木村 繁,伊藤 裕之
- 日本気管食道科学会会報 66(1), 40-45, 2015
- 症例は66歳男性。3日前から左側咽頭痛が出現し,急激に悪化した。左側頸部の発赤・腫脹が出現し,経口摂取も不能となったため当科へ緊急入院した。初診時,左側頸部の発赤・腫脹が顎下部から鎖骨上まで及んでいた。また,左側扁桃下極後下方付近の発赤・腫脹,左側咽頭側壁から喉頭蓋,披裂喉頭蓋襞に浮腫性変化を認めた。頸部造影CTでは左側扁桃後下方付近から副咽頭間隙,咽頭後間隙,前頸間隙に膿瘍の形成を認めたため,緊 …
- NAID 130004915941
- Advanced Validation of Nonequilibrium Plasma Flow Simulation for Arc-Heated Wind Tunnels
- Takahashi Yusuke,Abe Takashi,Takayanagi Hiroki,Mizuno Masahito,Kihara Hisashi,Abe Ken-ichi
- Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 28(1), 9-17, 2014-01
- … The arc discharge in the constrictor section and the expansion processes in the nozzle section played key roles in the formation of an arc-heated flow. … Moreover, the mechanisms of energy input by discharge and energy loss are discussed, along with the distributions of the electronic excitation temperature and heat flux on the constrictor wall derived from the arc column. …
- NAID 120005460234
- 兵頭 政光
- 日本気管食道科学会会報 65(5), 373-378, 2014
- 嚥下障害は高齢化社会の到来とともに医療的にも社会的にも大きな問題となってきた。高齢者では生理的に嚥下機能が低下する結果,誤嚥性肺炎の危険性が増大し,高齢者の生命予後を左右する。そこで,加齢による嚥下機能の変化について臨床的観点から述べた。高齢者では,嚥下関連器官の解剖学的および生理学的変化により嚥下機能が低下する。特に咽喉頭の感覚機能の低下や下咽頭収縮筋の機能的変化などによる嚥下反射の惹起遅延,食 …
- NAID 130004700383
Related Links
- constrictorとは。意味や和訳。[名]1 獲物を締めつけて殺す蛇(特にboa constrictor).2 圧縮[緊縮,圧迫]する物[人].3 解剖収縮筋,括約筋. - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて探せる辞書検索サービス ...
- ALICEなんてすっかり忘れていたあの頃、ジェイソンと共に彼は帰ってきた。その曲名もまさに「HE'S BACK」曲そのものは往年のものに比べてずば抜けるものはないのもののそのイントロ・・・チチチ…ハハハ… 忘れられません。
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- 英
- constrictor
- 関
- 収縮薬
- 英
- constrictor
- 関
- 収縮剤
- 関
- constriction、constrictive、contract、contraction、convergence、convergent、deflation、shrink、stenoses、stenosis、stenotic、stricture