- 関
- action tremor、fine tremor、intention tremor、limb tremor、muscle tremor、perioral tremor、rest tremor、resting tremor、senile tremor、tremor
- of textures that are rough to the touch or substances consisting of relatively large particles; "coarse meal"; "coarse sand"; "a coarse weave" (同)harsh
- of low or inferior quality or value; "of what coarse metal ye are molded"- Shakespeare; "produced...the common cloths used by the poorer population" (同)common
- lacking refinement or cultivation or taste; "he had coarse manners but a first-rate mind"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "an untutored and uncouth human being"; "an uncouth soldier--a real tough guy"; "appealing to the vulgar taste for violence"; "the vulgar display of the newly rich" (同)common, rough-cut, uncouth, vulgar
- shake with seismic vibrations; "The earth was quaking" (同)quake
- shaking or trembling (usually resulting from weakness or stress or disease)
- an involuntary vibration (as if from illness or fear) (同)shudder
- a small earthquake (同)earth tremor, microseism
- (品物が)『粗末な』,下等な / (表面が)『粗い』,ざらざらした / 『粗野な』,低俗な,下品な
- (地面などの)震動,揺れ / (恐怖・興奮などによる体・手足の)震う,身震い
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- 1. 振戦の概要 overview of tremor
- 2. ジストニアの分類および評価 classification and evaluation of dystonia
- 3. 心因性不随意運動 psychogenic movement disorders
- 4. 本態性振戦の外科治療 surgical treatment of essential tremor
- 5. 本態性振戦の薬理学的治療 pharmacologic treatment of essential tremor
English Journal
- Concomitant blockade of 5-HT(1A) receptor and 5-HT transporter: Use of the Hunter Serotonin Toxicity Criteria in a clinical pharmacology study.
- Parks V, Philipp AW, Raje S, Plotka A, Schechter LE, Connell J, Chalon S.SourceEarly Development and Clinical Pharmacology, Wyeth Research, Paris, France.
- European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology.Eur Neuropsychopharmacol.2012 Feb;22(2):92-9. Epub 2011 Jul 5.
- There is a potential risk that 5-HT(1A) receptor blockade combined with blockade of the 5-HT transporter by an SSRI may cause a toxic increase in 5-HT within the synapse, sparking concern for 'serotonin syndrome', a rare but potentially life threatening condition. We evaluated the safety and pharmac
- PMID 21733663
- Supine head tremor: a clinical comparison of essential tremor and spasmodic torticollis patients.
- Agnew A, Frucht SJ, Louis ED.SourceUnit 198, Neurological Institute, 710 West 168th Street, New York, NY 10032, USA; EDL2@columbia.edu.
- Journal of neurology, neurosurgery, and psychiatry.J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry.2012 Feb;83(2):179-81. Epub 2011 Nov 5.
- Background Essential tremor (ET) is among the most misdiagnosed neurological diseases, and overdiagnosis is especially common. As many as 30-50% of supposed 'ET' cases have other diagnoses, with dystonia prominent among these. Therefore, the recognition of differences in tremor phenomenology has pot
- PMID 22056962
Japanese Journal
- 橋出血後に一側上肢の粗大振戦様の不随意運動を認めた1例
- 小田嶋 奈津,松永 高志,古川 哲雄,塚越 廣
- 脳卒中 12(3), 231-236, 1990
- 発病1年7ヵ月後に一側上肢の粗大振戦様の激しい不随意運動の出現を認めた橋出血の1例について報告した.この不随意運動は運動時と姿勢時に認められ, 表面筋電図では上腕二頭筋と上腕三頭筋で2~3Hzの高振幅, 相反性の律動的群化放電を認め, 同時に躯幹筋や胸鎖乳突筋にも小さな群化放電を認めた.本例の不随意運動は活動時振戦に属するが, 運動時, 姿勢時とも振幅が極めて粗大で, あまりにも激しい動きであった …
- NAID 130003438902
- 視床出血後のHyperkinesie volitionnelle クロナゼパムの有効性およびその発生機序に関する考察:―クロナゼパムの有効性およびその発生機序に関する考察―
- 川村 力,花山 耕三,永田 雅章,亀井 敦行
- 医療 42(5), 416-420, 1988
- 視床出血後hyperkinésie volitionnelle (HV)を呈しクロナゼパムが著効した3症例を経験した. 視床出血後のHVの報告は本邦では他に1例のみと少ないが, 全例出血後ある期間を経てHVが出現している. 同様のことがpalatal myoclonusでもしられ, 一つの仮説として血管障害後のdentatorubroolivary系におけるdenervation supersen …
- NAID 130004107117
- 先天性表皮水ほう症(常染色体性劣性遺伝栄養障害型)の1例における神経病理学的検討
- 篠崎 昌子,猪原 玲子,新井 ゆみ,石崎 朝世,川井 未加子,坂本 皓哉,篠原 猛,佐藤 順一,森松 義雄
- 脳と発達 19(4), 322-327, 1987
- 死亡半年前から体幹失調, 上肢伸展時の粗大な振戦が見られた先犬性表皮水疱症 (常染色体性劣性遺伝栄養障害型) の8歳男児例を報告した. 軽度脳室拡大, 脳溝開大, 白質の発達不良はすでに6歳以前より存在したものと思われたが, これが慢性の低栄養状態によるものか本疾患に生来的に伴うものかは不明であった. 脊髄後索, 脊髄小脳路, 皮質脊髄路の変性ならびに前角細胞, 脳幹神経核等での神経細胞腫大がみら …
- NAID 130004182321
Related Links
- tremor /trem·or/ (trem´er) an involuntary trembling or quivering. action tremor rhythmic, oscillatory, involuntary movements of the outstretched upper limb; it may also affect the voice and other parts. coarse tremor one in which the vibrations are ...
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- action tremor、coarse tremor、fine tremor、intention tremor、limb tremor、muscle tremor、perioral tremor、resting tremor、senile tremor、tremor
- 関
- action tremor、coarse tremor、fine tremor、intention tremor、limb tremor、muscle tremor、perioral tremor、rest tremor、resting tremor、tremor
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- action tremor、coarse tremor、intention tremor、limb tremor、muscle tremor、perioral tremor、rest tremor、resting tremor、senile tremor、tremor
- 関
- action tremor、coarse tremor、fine tremor、intention tremor、muscle tremor、perioral tremor、rest tremor、resting tremor、senile tremor、tremor
- 関
- action tremor、coarse tremor、fine tremor、intention tremor、limb tremor、perioral tremor、rest tremor、resting tremor、senile tremor、tremor
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- crude, harsh, rough