- surround with a wall in order to fortify (同)palisade, fence, fence in, surround
- a difficult or awkward situation; "his back was to the wall"; "competition was pushing them to the wall"
- a layer of material that encloses space; "the walls of the cylinder were perforated"; "the containers walls were blue"
- a masonry fence (as around an estate or garden); "the wall followed the road"; "he ducked behind the garden wall and waited"
- an architectural partition with a height and length greater than its thickness; used to divide or enclose an area or to support another structure; "the south wall had a small window"; "the walls were covered with pictures"
- (anatomy) a layer (a lining or membrane) that encloses a structure; "stomach walls" (同)paries
- a vertical (or almost vertical) smooth rock face (as of a cave or mountain)
- anything that suggests a wall in structure or function or effect; "a wall of water"; "a wall of smoke"; "a wall of prejudice"; "negotiations ran into a brick wall"
- cause emotional anguish or make miserable; "It pains me to see my children not being taught well in school" (同)anguish, hurt
- a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension" (同)hurting
- a bothersome annoying person; "that kid is a terrible pain" (同)pain in the neck, nuisance
- a somatic sensation of acute discomfort; "as the intensity increased the sensation changed from tickle to pain" (同)pain_sensation, painful sensation
- emotional distress; a fundamental feeling that people try to avoid; "the pain of loneliness" (同)painfulness
- box with a lid; used for storage; usually large and sturdy
- an alliance of nations joining together to fight a common enemy
- {C}(石・れんがなどの)『壁』,へい / {U}(胃などの)内壁,内側 / {C}(…の)壁[のようなもの]《+of+名》 / …‘を'壁(へい)で囲む / …‘を'壁で仕切る / 〈窓・入り口など〉‘を'壁ぃふさぐ《+up+名,+名+up》
- 〈C〉〈U〉(肉体のある部分の)『苦痛』,『痛み』 / 〈U〉(精神的な)『苦痛』,心痛 / 《複数形で》骨折り,苦労,努力 / 〈C〉不快感,いやな感じ;うんざりさせるもの,やっかい者 / (肉体的・精神的に)…‘に'苦痛を与える(受動態にできない)
- (ふた付きのじょうぶな)『大箱』,ひつ / 《米》たんす(=chest of drawers) / (…の)たんすいっぱい《+『of』+『名』》 / 『胸[部]』,肺
- 《補語にのみ用いて》腹を立てて / 《補語にのみ用いて》(心が)鐘ついて / 不愉快な,気まずい
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English Journal
- Customized silicone implant for the correction of acquired and congenital chest wall deformities: A valuable option with pectus excavatum.
- Soccorso G1, Parikh DH2, Worrollo S3.
- Journal of pediatric surgery.J Pediatr Surg.2015 Jul;50(7):1232-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jpedsurg.2015.04.010. Epub 2015 Apr 25.
- BACKGROUND: Surgical remodeling and correction of congenital and acquired chest wall deformities (CWD) is undertaken many times for cosmesis. Although reportedly minimally invasive, commonly used Nuss procedure for correction of pectus excavatum (PE) is not without complications. Nuss procedure is a
- PMID 25957023
- Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) for treatment of central and ultra-central lung tumors.
- Chaudhuri AA1, Tang C1, Binkley MS1, Jin M1, Wynne JF1, von Eyben R1, Hara WY2, Trakul N1, Loo BW Jr3, Diehn M4.
- Lung cancer (Amsterdam, Netherlands).Lung Cancer.2015 Jul;89(1):50-6. doi: 10.1016/j.lungcan.2015.04.014. Epub 2015 May 4.
- OBJECTIVES: Treatment of central and ultra-central lung tumors with stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) remains controversial due to risks of treatment-related toxicities compared with peripheral tumors. Here we report our institution's experience in treating central and ultra-central lung tum
- PMID 25997421
- Pectus Carinatum Evaluation Questionnaire (PCEQ): a novel tool to improve the follow-up in patients treated with brace compression.
- Pessanha I1, Severo M2, Correia-Pinto J3, Estevão-Costa J1, Henriques-Coelho T4.
- European journal of cardio-thoracic surgery : official journal of the European Association for Cardio-thoracic Surgery.Eur J Cardiothorac Surg.2015 Jun 9. pii: ezv198. [Epub ahead of print]
- OBJECTIVES: A questionnaire (Pectus Carinatum Evaluation Questionnaire, PCEQ) was developed to be applied in follow-up of patients with Pectus Carinatum (PC). After validation of the PCEQ, we aimed to quantify the compliance to brace compression and to assess factors that could influence this treatm
- PMID 26059874
Japanese Journal
- 心嚢水貯留と房室ブロックを伴った心臓および乳腺のびまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫
- 富川 武樹,多林 孝之,得平 道英 [他],渡部 玲子,佐川 森彦,根本 朋恵,木村 勇太,高橋 康之,森 茂久,東 守洋,田丸 淳一,木崎 昌弘
- 臨床血液 56(1), 9-15, 2015
- 心臓原発悪性リンパ腫は稀な疾患で,一般に予後不良である。症状の顕在化が遅く,診断が遅れることが多い。今回,我々は心嚢水貯留と房室ブロックにて発症したびまん性大細胞型B細胞リンパ腫(DLBCL)の1症例を経験した。患者は35歳女性。呼吸苦と胸痛,左乳腺の硬い腫瘤を主訴に受診した。心電図検査ではI度房室ブロックを示し,心臓超音波検査では右心房と心房中隔に腫瘤影を認め,多量の心嚢水貯留を認めた。左乳腺腫 …
- NAID 130004920697
- 森 浩一郎,小西 尚巳,尾嶋 英紀,伊藤 秀樹,池田 哲也,登内 仁
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(10), 2844-2848, 2014
- 症例:83歳,男性.主訴:右側胸部痛.現病歴:二階から転落,当院に救急搬送された.入院時現症:血圧64/58mmHg,脈拍74回/分.右季肋部に限局した反跳痛,軽度の筋性防御が認められた.血液生化学所見:Hb 9.1g/dl.明らかな肝機能異常,胆道系酵素の上昇なし.超音波所見:胆嚢は腫大,壁は層状に肥厚し浮腫状,胆嚢内部は鏡面形成が認められた.腹部CT:腹水なく,壁は低信号で肥厚していた.鈍的外 …
- NAID 130005068266
- 両側胸鎖関節を含む胸骨切除を行った甲状腺癌胸骨転移の1例
- 春木 朋広,石黒 清介,細谷 恵子,城所 嘉輝,若原 誠,中村 廣繁
- 日本臨床外科学会雑誌 75(9), 2388-2393, 2014
- 症例は59歳,女性.7年前に甲状腺癌で甲状腺全摘,頸部リンパ節郭清を施行され,病理診断は乳頭癌,pT1bN1bM0,stage IV Aであった.6年前に縦隔リンパ節に再発し,胸骨縦切開下縦隔リンパ節郭清を施行,術後内照射を行った.4年前のPET/CTで胸骨柄・胸骨体および縦隔リンパ節に転移を認め,増大,疼痛も出現し,根治的切除の適応と判断した.手術は頸部襟状切開と胸部正中切開下に,胸骨柄・胸骨体 …
- NAID 130005063136
Related Links
- Chest wall - or musculoskeletal chest pain - is a common cause of chest pain, and can be produced by several different medical conditions ... Chest pain is always an alarming symptom, since it usually raises the fear of ...
- Relief for Non Cardiac Chest wall pain can be difficult to come by. Quite often a full evaluation is done to rule out cardiac sources of chest pain but if none are found consideration of non cardiac causes can be lacking. Non Cardiac ...
- 英
- chest wall pain, thoracalgia
- 同
- 胸痛
- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/pain
- physical suffering or distress, as due to injury, illness, etc.
- a distressing sensation in a particular part of the body
- mental or emotional suffering or torment
- pains,
- laborious or careful efforts; assiduous care
- the suffering of childbirth.
- 関
- breast、pectoral、pectoral region、thoraces、thoracic、thorax