- being essentially equal to something; "it was as good as gold"; "a wish that was equivalent to a command"; "his statement was tantamount to an admission of guilt" (同)tantamount
- the atomic weight of an element that has the same combining capacity as a given weight of another element; the standard is 8 for oxygen (同)equivalent_weight, combining weight, eq
- a person or thing equal to another in value or measure or force or effect or significance etc; "send two dollars or the equivalent in stamps"
- of or made from or using substances produced by or used in reactions involving atomic or molecular changes; "chemical fertilizer"
- material produced by or used in a reaction involving changes in atoms or molecules (同)chemical substance
- relating to or used in chemistry; "chemical engineer"; "chemical balance" (同)chemic
- 同等の,同量の,同価の / 同等(同価,同量)の物;(文法で)(…の)相当語句《+『for(of)』+『名』》
- 『化学の』,化学上の;化学的な,化学作用による / 化学薬品の,化学薬品を用いる / 『化学薬品』(『製品』)
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English Journal
- Identification of relevant micropollutants in Austrian municipal wastewater and their behaviour during wastewater treatment.
- Clara M, Windhofer G, Weilgony P, Gans O, Denner M, Chovanec A, Zessner M.SourceUmweltbundesamt GmbH, Spittelauer Lände 5, 1090 Vienna, Austria.
- Chemosphere.Chemosphere.2012 Jun;87(11):1265-72. Epub 2012 Feb 17.
- The European Union has defined environmental quality standards (EQSs) for surface waters for priority substances and several other pollutants. Furthermore national EQSs for several chemicals are valid in Austria. The study investigated the occurrence of these compounds in municipal wastewater treatm
- PMID 22342340
- Enhancement of the electrocapacitive performance of manganese dioxide by introducing a microporous carbon spheres network.
- Wei W, Huang X, Tao Y, Chen K, Tang X.SourceSchool of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, People's Republic of China. xbhuang@sjtu.edu.cn.
- Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.Phys Chem Chem Phys.2012 May 7;14(17):5966-72. Epub 2012 Mar 27.
- An amorphous MnO(2)·nH(2)O/microporous carbon spheres (α-MnO(2)·nH(2)O/MCS) composite electrode material is prepared by a chemical co-precipitation method. It is observed that the amorphous MnO(2) particles are deposited on the surface of the MCS, which form a network with a uniquely developed th
- PMID 22453213
Japanese Journal
- Molecular Breeding of a Fungus Producing a Precursor Diterpene Suitable for Semi-Synthesis by Dissection of the Biosynthetic Machinery
- Noike Motoyoshi,Ono Yusuke,Araki Yuji,Tanio Ryo,Higuchi Yusuke,Nitta Hajime,Hamano Yoshimitsu,Toyomasu Tomonobu,Sassa Takeshi,Kato Nobuo,Dairi Tohru
- PLoS One 7(8), e42090, 2012-08-01
- … It is therefore important to breed microorganisms that produce a compound most suitable for chemical synthesis. … The mutant produced this compound as a sole metabolite, which can be easily and efficiently converted into an anti-cancer drug, and its productivity was equivalent to the sum of FC-related compounds produced by the parental strain. …
- NAID 120004689045
- 内部建材からの化学物質の室内侵入経路に関する測定 : 木造軸組構法と木造枠組壁構法の戸建住宅の隙間ネットワーク
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- 化学当量(かがくとうりょう、英語:chemical equivalent)は化学反応における量的な 比例関係を表す概念である。化学当量以外にも当量は存在するが、化学の領域 において単に当量といえば化学当量を表す。代表的なものとして質量の比を表すグラム 当量と ...
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- 関
- considerably、correspond、correspondence、corresponding、equal、equivalence、equivalency、equivalent weight、equivalently、identical、identically、management、match、parallel、same、substantial
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- chem、chemical agent、chemically、chemistry、chemo