- endoscopic examination of the abdomen through the abdominal wall
English Journal
- miR-31 and miR-145 as Potential Non-Invasive Regulatory Biomarkers in Patients with Endometriosis.
- Bashti O1, Noruzinia M2, Garshasbi M1, Abtahi M3.
- Cell journal.Cell J.2018 Apr;20(1):84-89. doi: 10.22074/cellj.2018.4915. Epub 2017 Dec 1.
- PMID 29308623
- Comparison of The Efficacy and Safety of Palomo, Ivanissevich and Laparoscopic Varicocelectomy in Iranian Infertile Men with Palpable Varicocele.
- Hosseini K1, Nejatifar M2, Kabir A3.
- International journal of fertility & sterility.Int J Fertil Steril.2018 Apr;12(1):81-87. doi: 10.22074/ijfs.2018.5158. Epub 2018 Jan 7.
- PMID 29334212
- Characterization and correction of intraoperative soft tissue deformation in image-guided laparoscopic liver surgery.
- Heiselman JS1,2, Clements LW1,2, Collins JA1,2, Weis JA3, Simpson AL4, Geevarghese SK5, Kingham TP4, Jarnagin WR4, Miga MI1,2.
- Journal of medical imaging (Bellingham, Wash.).J Med Imaging (Bellingham).2018 Apr;5(2):021203. doi: 10.1117/1.JMI.5.2.021203. Epub 2017 Dec 14.
- PMID 29285519
Related Links
- Medical definition of celioscopy: examination of the abdominal cavity by surgical insertion of an endoscope through the abdominal wall. ... Cite this Entry “Celioscopy.” The Merriam-Webster.com Medical Dictionary, Merriam-Webster ...
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- 英
- laparoscopy, peritoneoscopy, celioscopy, ventroscopy, abdominoscopy
- 同
- ラパロスコピー
- 関
- 腹腔鏡検査法
- クローズ法:気腹針を原則モンロー点より刺入。
- オープン法:
- NGY.76 (also see. QB.Q-12
- 1. 通常の診察・検査では確診が得られない非定型的な子宮外妊娠や卵巣出血
- 2. 不妊症(子宮の発育異常や奇形、卵巣の排卵障害や多嚢胞性卵巣症候群、卵管の癒着及び形態異常や通過障害など)
- 3. 子宮内膜症
- 4. 原因不明の腹痛
- 5. 骨盤内腫瘍(卵巣腫瘍と子宮筋腫などの鑑別)
- 6. 卵巣悪性腫瘍の術後、あるいは化学療法施行後の治療効果判定)
- 腹腔内臓器の損傷と出血(大網、腸管、大血管・血管、その他腹腔内臓器)
- 皮下気腫
- [[ガス塞栓]