- of or relating to a catarrh; "catarrhal fever is any of several respiratory or oral diseases of livestock such as bluetongue in horses and sheep"
- any disease of the throat or fauces marked by spasmodic attacks of intense suffocative pain
- inflammation of the nose and throat with increased production of mucus
- カタル性の
- アンギナ(のどの炎症に関する諸病気) / =angina pectoris
- カタル(特にかぜなどで鼻・のどなどの粘膜に起こる炎症)
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English Journal
- [The role of nebulizer therapy in acute laryngeal inflammation].
- Antoniv VF, Gribanova AG, Kazanova NI, El'kun GB, Rusanova EV, Chernolev AI.
- Vestnik otorinolaringologii.Vestn Otorinolaringol.2006;(3):16-8.
- The addition of nebulizer therapy with antiedematous, steroid and mucolytic drugs to antibacterial therapy in patients with different forms of acute laryngitis was assessed. Basing on the main symptoms of the disease, three variants of nebulizer therapy were proposed. As shown by the results of trea
- PMID 16912667
- [Peculiarities and complexities of questioning the patient in myocardial infarct].
- Frankfurt AA.
- Klinicheskaia meditsina.Klin Med (Mosk).1992 Mar-Apr;70(3-4):69-71.
- The author depicted several cases of myocardial infarction which onset or preinfarction angina symptoms were taken by the patients for a catarrhal disease. The signs enabling the doctor to exclude the "catarrhal" origin of patient's feelings were indicated. The author suggested that the term of "cat
- PMID 1507855
- [Acute catarrhal angina; etiology].
- Brasil-médico.Bras Med.1955 Aug 6-27;69(32-35):482-4.
- PMID 13284165
Japanese Journal
- 島田 馨他
- CHEMOTHERAPY 41(8), 886-910, 1993
- 新規セフェム系抗生物質DQ-2556の内科領域感染症における臨床的有用性を検討するとともに肺炎に対する至適用量を検討した。<BR>1. 一般臨床試験<BR>DQ-25561回0.5gおよび1.0g, 1日2回投与を中心に検討した。下気道感染症に対する有効率 (有効以上の比率) は, 肺炎76.5%(26/34), 慢性呼吸器疾患二次感染7/9, 気管支拡張症 (感染時) 6 …
- NAID 130004073039
- 三宅 廉
- 京都府立医科大学雑誌 16(1/2/3/4), 1231-1263, 1936
- … 9) Complications: Bronchitis (50.0%), angina (14.9%), pneumonia (6.8%) are the most outstanding; … Complications of the nervous system usually occur in the paroxysmal stage (77.8%), then in the decremental stage (14.8%), rarely in the catarrhal stage (3.7%) and have no relation with the season. …
- NAID 110007119383
Related Links
- Catarrhal and Exudative Forms angina, swollen, tonsil, symptoms, times, pharyngeal and inflammatory Page ... Catarrhal Angina In catarrhal angina the pharyngeal mucosa is much reddened, more or less syvollen and coated ...
- Tonsillitis throat (acute amygdala, acute tonsillitis), acute infectious disease mainly affecting the tonsils. When nasopharyngeal angina local changes are expressed mainly in nasopharyngeal amygdala, guttural angina-in lymphoid ...
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- 英
- catarrhal tonsillitis
- 同
- カタル性アンギナ catarrhal angina
- 関
- 急性扁桃炎
- 関
- catarrhalis