- a reddish-brown pigment produced by roasting sienna
- dark brown pigment obtained by heating umber
- spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"
- pain that feels hot as if it were on fire (同)burning
- undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well" (同)combust
- destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries" (同)fire, burn_down
- cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns only Diesel oil" (同)incinerate
- an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation
- burn with heat, fire, or radiation; "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"
- a place or area that has been burned (especially on a persons body) (同)burn mark
- damage inflicted by fire
- cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels" (同)combust
- shine intensely, as if with heat; "The coals were glowing in the dark"; "The candles were burning" (同)glow
- burn at the stake; "Witches were burned in Salem"
- feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"
- feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"
- of immediate import; "burning issues of the day"
- execution by fire (同)burning at the stake
- the act of burning something; "the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance" (同)combustion
- a form of torture in which cigarettes or cigars or other hot implements are used to burn the victims skin
- remove the burrs from (同)burr
- seed vessel having hooks or prickles (同)burr
- small bit used in dentistry or surgery (同)burr
- burnの過去・過去分詞 / 焼けた;焦げた;やけどした
- 焼き(煮)すぎの食物 / 燔(はん)祭(焼いて神にささげるいけにえ)
- 消耗した,使いすぎの / すたれた
- 〈火・家などが〉『燃える』,『焼ける』 / (火や熱によって)『焦げる』,日焼けする / 『光』(『熱』)『を出す』 / (…で)熱さを感じる,ほてる《+『with』+『名』》 / (愛憎などで)燃える,かっかとなる《+『with』+『名』》 / …'を'『燃やす』,『焼く』 / …'を'焦がす;…'を'日焼けさせる / …'を'熱く感じさせる,'を'ほてらせる / …'を'燃料にする / 『やけど』;焼け焦げ / 『日焼け』 / ロケットの噴射・(CDなどに)焼く、(音楽{おんがく}やデータなどを)(CDなどに)焼く
- 《スコットランド》小川
- 燃えている,焼けている / 燃えるように熱い;強烈な / 火急の,差し迫った
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/07/28 01:03:10」(JST)
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Look up burned or burnt in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Burned or burnt may refer to:
- Anything which has undergone combustion
- Burned (image), quality of an image transformed with loss of detail in all portions lighter than some limit, and/or those darker than some limit
- Burned (album), 1995 album by Electrafixion
- "Burned" (CSI: Miami), an episode of CSI: Miami
- "Burned" (The Twilight Zone), a 2003 episode of The Twilight Zone
- Burned (Hopkins novel), a 2005 novel by Ellen Hopkins
- Burned (Cast novel), a 2010 novel by P. C. Cast
- Burned (TV series), 2003 MTV television series
- "Burned", a song written by Neil Young on the eponymous Buffalo Springfield album
See also
- Burning (disambiguation)
- Burn (disambiguation)
- All pages beginning with "Burned"
- All pages beginning with "Burnt"″—
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English Journal
- The effect of victim age on burnt bone fragmentation: Implications for remains recovery.
- Waterhouse K.SourceUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H4. Electronic address: kbwaterh@ualberta.ca.
- Forensic science international.Forensic Sci Int.2013 Sep 10;231(1-3):409.e1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.04.032. Epub 2013 May 16.
- This research investigates how victim bone age affects the fragmentation and subsequent recovery of burnt bone. It could be inferred that the lower density and higher organic content of bone from younger individuals results in more significant bone breakdown compared to bone from older individuals.
- PMID 23683947
- The importance of an anthropological scene of crime investigation in the case of burnt remains in vehicles: 3 case studies.
- Porta D, Poppa P, Regazzola V, Gibelli D, Schillaci DR, Amadasi A, Magli F, Cattaneo C.SourceFrom the LABANOF, Laboratorio di Antropologia e Odontologia Forense, Sezione di Medicina Legale e delle Assicurazioni, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche per la Salute, Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy.
- The American journal of forensic medicine and pathology.Am J Forensic Med Pathol.2013 Sep;34(3):195-200. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e318288759a.
- Inspection of a crime scene is a crucial step in forensic medicine, and even the methods taught by forensic anthropology are essential. Whereas a thorough inspection can provide crucial information, an approximate inspection can be useless or even harmful. This study reports 3 cases of burnt bodies
- PMID 23629387
- Phantosmia as a meteorological forecaster.
- Aiello SR, Hirsch AR.SourceUniversity of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.
- International journal of biometeorology.Int J Biometeorol.2013 Sep;57(5):813-5. doi: 10.1007/s00484-013-0639-x. Epub 2013 Mar 1.
- In normosmics, olfactory ability has been found to vary with ambient humidity, barometric pressure, and season. While hallucinated sensations of phantom pain associated with changes in weather have been described, a linkage to chemosensory hallucinations has heretofore not been reported. A 64-year-o
- PMID 23456373
Japanese Journal
- 森 顕登
- レコード・マネジメント : 記録管理学会誌 (68), 63-79, 2015-03-23
- 戸籍制度は親族関係を公証する国民登録制度であるが、この制度のもとに作成される戸籍は災害のたびに存在の危機にさらされてきた重要文書の一つである。昨今の例では2011年の東日本大震災で4つの自治体の戸籍正本が滅失しているが、先の大戦でも空襲によって戸籍を滅失させた自治体が相次いだ。例えば旧東京市部では7区の戸籍が被害を受け、そのうち3区はそのすべてを滅失している。来たるべき空襲に備えて戸籍はどのように …
- NAID 110009923269
- 原爆の記憶と観音像 : 広島・長崎の公園の事例から
- 君島 彩子,Ayako KIMISHIMA,キミシマ アヤコ
- 総研大文化科学研究 (11), 143-159, 2015-03
- … However, among all the images of Buddha, the statue of Kannon has also come to be a monument, as a symbol in latter-day thought of "motherhood" as well as a monument conveying the tragic memory of the atom bomb as an allegory of "peace" and "post-war Japan."
The peace parks, developed after the war in the hypocenters of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that instantly became burnt-out areas due to the atom bombs, are where today large-scale peace memorial ceremonies are held every August. …
- NAID 120005598101
- 1822年の有珠山噴火による被災者の熱傷の程度の推定:──1991年雲仙普賢岳噴火による被災状況との比較 ──
- 遠藤 匡俊
- 季刊地理学 66(3), 155-175, 2015
- 1822(文政5)年の有珠山噴火によって火砕流・火砕サージが発生し,多数の人々が死亡した。しかし,具体的な死因や被災地点の噴火口からの距離と熱傷程度との関係は必ずしも明らかではなかった。本研究では,史料に記された被災者の熱傷に関する記述を用いて熱傷の深度,重症度,救命率などを推定した。推定にあたっては1991(平成3)年の雲仙普賢岳の噴火による被災例を参考にした。その結果,火砕流・火砕サージに遭遇 …
- NAID 130005090494
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- 燃えている、煮えたぎった。(燃えているように)明るい。(燃えるように)体が熱い、熱がある。(痛みが)ヒリヒリする。心が燃えている、情熱的な、熱烈な。早急な、差し迫った
- (クリ・ゴボウなどの)いが。いがのある植物。くっつくもの。厄介者。(医)バー(ドリル)(外科・歯科用の小さなドリル)。バードリルの穿子