- an impairment of health or a condition of abnormal functioning
- of or pertaining to or involving the heart and blood vessels; "cardiovascular conditioning"
- caused by or altered by or manifesting disease or pathology; "diseased tonsils"; "a morbid growth"; "pathologic tissue"; "pathological bodily processes" (同)morbid, pathologic, pathological
- affected by arteriosclerosis
- (体の)『病気』,疾患 / (精神・道徳などの)病気,病弊
- 女性の話術芸人 =diseur
- 心臓と血管の(に影響する)
- 病気にかかった / 病的な,不健全な(morbid)
- 動脈硬化[症]の
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- 1. 心血管疾患と同等のリスクと確立した危険因子の概要 overview of the risk equivalents and established risk factors for cardiovascular disease
- 2. 心血管疾患の危険因子の概要 overview of the possible risk factors for cardiovascular disease
- 3. 上肢末梢動脈疾患の概要 overview of upper extremity peripheral artery disease
- 4. 下肢末梢動脈疾患の臨床的特徴および診断 clinical features and diagnosis of lower extremity peripheral artery disease
- 5. 心血管疾患の二次予防 secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
English Journal
- C-reactive protein levels are associated with cerebral small vessel-related lesions.
- Mitaki S1, Nagai A2, Oguro H1, Yamaguchi S1.
- Acta neurologica Scandinavica.Acta Neurol Scand.2016 Jan;133(1):68-74. doi: 10.1111/ane.12440. Epub 2015 May 14.
- OBJECTIVE: Inflammation has received increasing attention as a cause of stroke. Although several lines of evidence suggest that inflammatory processes have a role in arteriosclerotic vascular events, their involvement remains to be determined. The purpose of this study was to examine the association
- PMID 25974422
- Coronary changes in the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L: characterization and impact of dietary fatty acid compositions.
- Dalum A1, Tangen R1, Falk K2, Hordvik I3, Rosenlund G4, Torstensen B5, Koppang EO1.
- Journal of fish diseases.J Fish Dis.2016 Jan;39(1):41-54. doi: 10.1111/jfd.12321. Epub 2014 Nov 20.
- Consumption of fatty acids from fishes is widely regarded as beneficial for preventing cardiovascular disorders. Nevertheless, salmonids themselves are victims of vascular diseases. As the pathogenesis and nature of these changes are elusive, they are here addressed using novel morphological and tra
- PMID 25413740
- Association between Ophthalmological Changes and Cardiovascular Diseases in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis.
- Nokiba H1, Takei T, Suto C, Nitta K.
- Journal of atherosclerosis and thrombosis.J Atheroscler Thromb.2015 Dec 1;22(12):1248-54. doi: 10.5551/jat.30601. Epub 2015 Jun 30.
- AIMS: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis (HD) have a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Arterial sclerosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of CVD. However, to date, there have been no reports of assessment of the association between retinal
- PMID 26133318
Japanese Journal
- Association between Ophthalmological Changes and Cardiovascular Diseases in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Hemodialysis
- Nokiba Hirohiko,Takei Takashi,Suto Chikako,Nitta Kosaku
- Journal of Atherosclerosis and Thrombosis advpub(0), 2015
- … Aims: Patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) undergoing hemodialysis (HD) have a high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). …
- NAID 130005086184
- 血液透析患者における頸動脈血流速度波形の検討 : 頸動脈拡張末期最低血流速度の低値は脳・心血管障害の発症と関連する
- 蔦谷 知佳子,對馬 惠,寺山 百合子 [他],畠山 真吾,山谷 金光,斉藤 久夫,舟生 富寿
- 日本透析医学会雑誌 = Journal of Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy 46(8), 715-721, 2013-08-28
- … 血液透析患者において動脈硬化性疾患は頻度の高い合併症となっている.今回われわれは,血液透析患者の頸動脈血流速度波形の指標から脳・心血管障害(cerebro- and cardiovascular disorders:CCVD)発症の予測因子として有用なパラメーターを検索した.血液透析患者87例について,頸動脈エコーによる左右総頸動脈の血流速度から,収縮期最高血流速度(peak systolic velocity: PSV),拡張末期最低血流速度(end diastolic …
- NAID 10031195748
- Is Visceral Fat Really a Coronary Risk Factor?:A Multi-Detector Computed Tomography Study
- Shimamoto Yukiko,Mizukoshi Masato,Kuroi Akio,Imanishi Toshio,Takeshita Tatsuya,Terada Masaki,Akasaka Takashi
- International Heart Journal 54(5), 273-278, 2013
- … Metabolic syndrome (MS) is currently considered to be a risk factor for arteriosclerotic disease. … The accumulation of visceral fat leads to arteriosclerotic disease after other risk factors have developed and either direct or mutual effects occur. …
- NAID 130003392040
Related Links
- Arteriosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease occurs in a person due to the thickening or blockage of the artery walls. The artery walls become thick due to the fat that starts getting collected on the walls. The fats are due to the formation of ...
- Atherosclerosis is a disease in which plaque builds up inside your arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood to your heart and other parts of your body. Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other ...
- 英
- arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease
- 疾患:illnessより厳密な概念。「ある臓器に明確な障害が確認され、それによって症状が出ているとはっきり説明できる場合」 (PSY.9)
- 特定の原因、病態生理、症状、経過、予後、病理組織所見が全てそろった場合 (PSY.9)
- something that is very wrong with people's attitudes, way of life or with society.
- 関
- ail、ailment、disease entity、disorder、ill、illness、malady、sick、sickness
- disease ≠ illness ≠ disorder
- 心血管の、心血管系の、循環器の、循環器系の、心血管性の
- 関
- cardiovascular system、circulatory system
- 関
- arteriosclerosis