- 関
- arsenical
- relating to or containing arsenic; "arsenic vapor"
- a pesticide or drug containing arsenic
- create by mixing or combining
- (chemistry) a substance formed by chemical union of two or more elements or ingredients in definite proportion by weight (同)chemical_compound
- put or add together; "combine resources" (同)combine
- an enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient)
- a whole formed by a union of two or more elements or parts
- combine so as to form a whole; mix; "compound the ingredients" (同)combine
- calculate principal and interest
- composed of more than one part; "compound leaves are composed of several lobes; "compound flower heads"
- consisting of two or more substances or ingredients or elements or parts; "soap is a compound substance"; "housetop is a compound word"; "a blackberry is a compound fruit"
- a white powdered poisonous trioxide of arsenic; used in manufacturing glass and as a pesticide (rat poison) and weed killer (同)arsenic_trioxide, arsenous anhydride, arsenous oxide, white arsenic, ratsbane
- a very poisonous metallic element that has three allotropic forms; arsenic and arsenic compounds are used as herbicides and insecticides and various alloys; found in arsenopyrite and orpiment and realgar (同)As, atomic number 33
- combined into or constituting a chemical compound
- (…になるように)〈要素・成分など〉'を'混ぜ合わせる《+『名』+『into』+『名』》;(…から)〈薬など〉'を'調合する,混ぜ合わせて作る《+『名』+『from』(『of』)+『名』》 / 《しばしば受動態で》〈めんどうな事・損害など〉'を'もっとひどくする / 〈利子〉'を'複利で計算する / (…と)話し合いをつける,妥協する《+『with』+『名』》 / 複合の,合成の / 『合成物』,混合物,調合物;化合物 / 複合語,合成語(classroom, heart-to-heartなどをいう)
- (異民族の家屋・商館などがある)囲み地区,構内
- ヒ素(化学記号は『As』);《俗に》亜ヒ酸 / ヒ素の,ヒ素を含む
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English Journal
- Probing Sub-atomistic Free-Volume Imperfections in Dry-Milled Nanoarsenicals with PAL Spectroscopy.
- Shpotyuk O1,2, Ingram A3, Bujňáková Z4, Baláž P4, Shpotyuk Y5,6.
- Nanoscale research letters.Nanoscale Res Lett.2016 Dec;11(1):10. doi: 10.1186/s11671-016-1228-9. Epub 2016 Jan 12.
- Structural transformations caused by coarse-grained powdering and fine-grained mechanochemical milling in a dry mode were probed in high-temperature modification of tetra-arsenic tetra-sulfide known as β-As4S4. In respect to X-ray diffraction analysis, the characteristic sizes of β-As4S4 crystalli
- PMID 26754936
- Diphenylarsinic Acid Induced Activation of Cultured Rat Cerebellar Astrocytes: Phosphorylation of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases, Upregulation of Transcription Factors, and Release of Brain-Active Cytokines.
- Negishi T1, Matsumoto M2, Kojima M2, Asai R2, Kanehira T2, Sakaguchi F2, Takahata K2, Arakaki R2, Aoyama Y2, Yoshida H2, Yoshida K2, Yukawa K2, Tashiro T3, Hirano S4.
- Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology.Toxicol Sci.2016 Mar;150(1):74-83. doi: 10.1093/toxsci/kfv310. Epub 2015 Dec 8.
- Diphenylarsinic acid (DPAA) was detected as the primary compound responsible for the arsenic poisoning that occurred in Kamisu, Ibaraki, Japan, where people using water from a well that was contaminated with a high level of arsenic developed neurological (mostly cerebellar) symptoms and dysregulatio
- PMID 26645585
- Arsenic Metabolites, Including N-Acetyl-4-hydroxy-m-arsanilic Acid, in Chicken Litter from a Roxarsone-Feeding Study Involving 1600 Chickens.
- Yang Z, Peng H1, Lu X, Liu Q, Huang R, Hu B1, Kachanoski G2, Zuidhof MJ3, Le XC.
- Environmental science & technology.Environ Sci Technol.2016 Feb 26. [Epub ahead of print]
- The poultry industry has used organoarsenicals, such as 3-nitro-4-hydroxyphenylarsonic acid (Roxarsone, ROX), to prevent disease and to promote growth. Although previous studies have analyzed arsenic species in chicken litter after composting or after application to agricultural lands, it is not cle
- PMID 26876684
Japanese Journal
- Possible production of arsenic hemoglobin adducts via exposure to arsine
- Possible production of arsenic hemoglobin adducts via exposure to arsine
- P29 超音波を用いた硫酸酸性坑廃水中の亜ヒ酸の酸化とその除去(ポスターセッション)
Related Links
- This section lists some binary compounds with halogens (known as halides), oxygen (known as oxides), hydrogen (known as hydrides), and some other compounds of arsenic. For each compound, a formal oxidation number for ...
- Arsenic and arsenic compounds smelter wastes, agricultural land treated with arsenical pesticides) can have concentrations of arsenic up to several grams per kilogram. Mean sediment arsenic concentrations range from 5–3000 mg ...
- 関
- arsenic、arsenic compound、As
- 関
- combination、compositus、mixture