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English Journal
- Zika virus infection of first-trimester human placentas: utility of an explant model of replication to evaluate correlates of immune protection ex vivo.
- Petitt M1, Tabata T1, Puerta-Guardo H2, Harris E2, Pereira L3.
- Current opinion in virology.Curr Opin Virol.2017 Dec;27:48-56. doi: 10.1016/j.coviro.2017.11.008.
- PMID 29172071
- Zika Virus Replicates in Proliferating Cells in Explants from First-trimester Human Placentas, Potential Sites for Dissemination of Infection.
- Tabata T1, Petitt M1, Puerta-Guardo H2, Michlmayr D2, Harris E2, Pereira L1.
- The Journal of infectious diseases.J Infect Dis.2017 Nov 2. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jix552. [Epub ahead of print]
- PMID 29106643
- Congenital cytomegalovirus infection undermines early development and functions of the human placenta.
- Pereira L1, Tabata T2, Petitt M2, Fang-Hoover J2.
- Placenta.Placenta.2017 Nov;59 Suppl 1:S8-S16. doi: 10.1016/j.placenta.2017.04.020. Epub 2017 Apr 25.
- PMID 28477968
Japanese Journal
- Trophoblast differentiation during formation of anchoring villi in a model of the early human placenta in vitro
- ヒト妊卵着床部trophoblastの増殖活性に関する研究 : 細胞単離法による核DNA顕微螢光測光と単クローン抗体Ki-67を用いた免疫組織化学的研究
- 和久田 晃司,吉田 吉信
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 42(9), 1182-1188, 1990-09-01
- ヒト妊娠初期における着床部各種trophoblast (Tr)の増殖活性の違いを部位別Tr核DNA量測定によるDNA ploidy patternの解析および抗体Ki-67を用いた免疫組織化学的手法により明らかにした. 研究対象として, 子宮頚癌I期合併のため開腹手術により摘出された妊娠子宮を用いた. 着床部組織凍結ブロックより連続切片を作製し酵素抗体法によるKi-67の組織に対する反応性を検討し …
- NAID 110002105761
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- The presence of myofibroblasts arranged parallel to the longitudinal axes of anchoring villi of the placenta has previously been described. Furthermore, it has been suggested that intraplacental blood volume, and hence fetal-maternal ...
- 1. Placenta. 1995 Jan;16(1):41-56. Trophoblast differentiation during formation of anchoring villi in a model of the early human placenta in vitro. Vićovac L, Jones CJ, Aplin JD. INEP, University of Belgrade, Zemun, Yugoslavia. In human ...
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- 英
- fastening villi、anchoring villi、anchoring villus、fixative villi、fixation villi
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