- pains felt by a woman after her baby is born; associated with contractions of the uterus
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- 1. 産後ケアの概要 overview of postpartum care
English Journal
- Easing afterpains: wisdom from the Midwives College of Utah.
- Burgess M.
- Midwifery today with international midwife.Midwifery Today Int Midwife.2014 Summer;(110):55.
- PMID 25112073
- Afterpains: a comparison between active and expectant management of the third stage of labor.
- Jangsten E1, Bergh I, Mattsson LÅ, Hellström AL, Berg M.
- Birth (Berkeley, Calif.).Birth.2011 Dec;38(4):294-301. doi: 10.1111/j.1523-536X.2011.00487.x. Epub 2011 Sep 6.
- BACKGROUND: Management of the third stage of labor, the period following the birth of the infant until delivery of the placenta, is crucial. Active management using synthetic oxytocin has been advocated to decrease blood loss. It has been suggested, but not studied, that oxytocin may increase af
- PMID 22112329
- Does continuing oral magnesium supplementation until delivery affect labor and puerperium outcome?
- Meier B1, Huch R, Zimmermann R, von Mandach U.
- European journal of obstetrics, gynecology, and reproductive biology.Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol.2005 Dec 1;123(2):157-61.
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the labor and puerperal impact of continuing oral magnesium supplementation until delivery.STUDY DESIGN: Single-center study with matched controls. In 40 pairs of healthy women with vaginally delivered singleton pregnancies, matched for maternal age, race and parity, maternal
- PMID 15899543
Japanese Journal
- 後藤 正彰
- 日本産科婦人科學會雜誌 36(8), 1171-1179, 1984-08-01
- 分娩第3期における,胎盤の剥離機転には,不明の点がまだ色々ある.このため,著者は,リニア電子スキャン法を用いて,分娩第3期の胎盤剥離過程を観察すると同時に,録画再生装置を用いて胎盤の剥離動態を検討して,次の成績を得た.1.リニア電子スキャン法による,胎盤剥離過程の観察の結果,胎盤の剥離様式を次の3型に分類した.I型:分娩第3期後陣痛とともに,胎盤が一塊として子宮壁を滑り落ちる如く,円滑た剥離を示す …
- NAID 110002232397
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- af·ter·pain / ˈæf tərˌpeɪn, ˈɑf-/ Show Spelled [af-ter-peyn, ahf-] Show IPA noun Medicine/Medical. pain due to continuing contractions of the uterus following childbirth. Origin: 1550–60; after + pain Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on ...
- afterpains [-pÄ nz′] plural noun pains from contractions of the uterus following childbirth Search Webster's New World College Dictionary Webster's New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2010 by Wiley Publishing, Inc ...
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- 英
- afterbirth pain, after pains, after pain, afterpains, afterpain
- ラ
- dolores post partum
- 関
- 産褥、産褥期