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活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間(かっせいか・ぶぶん・トロンボプラスチン・じかん)とは、血液凝固能検査のひとつ。APTT(activated partial thromboplastin time)とも略される。内因系及び共通系の凝固異常を判定する検査として用いられる。
- 1 検査法
- 2 活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間の意義
- 3 その他
- 4 脚注
- 5 関連項目
- PTTは部分トロンボプラスチン(脳抽出粗製セファリン=血小板第3因子作用物質)と適量のカルシウムを添加し、凝固時間を測定するもの。
正常ではAPTT (試薬がリン脂質+カルシウム+エラジン酸) 30-45秒。
- 一般に正常対照(ネガティブ・コントロール)と共に測定する。
血液凝固障害における検査所見 (表 - 話)
状態 |
プロトロンビン時間 |
活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間 |
出血時間 |
血小板数 |
ビタミンK欠乏 or ワルファリン |
延長 |
変化なし または やや延長 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
播種性血管内凝固症候群 |
延長 |
延長 |
延長 |
減少 |
ヴォン・ヴィレブランド病 |
変化なし |
延長 or 変化なし |
延長 |
変化なし |
血友病 |
変化なし |
延長 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
アスピリン |
変化なし |
変化なし |
延長 |
変化なし |
血小板減少症 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
延長 |
減少 |
急性肝不全 |
延長 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
変化なし |
末期肝不全 |
延長 |
延長 |
延長 |
減少 |
尿毒症 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
延長 |
変化なし |
無フィブリノーゲン血症 |
延長 |
延長 |
延長 |
変化なし |
第Ⅴ因子欠乏 |
延長 |
延長 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
第Ⅹ因子 欠乏 |
延長 |
延長 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
血小板無力症 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
延長 |
変化なし |
ベルナール・スリエ症候群 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
延長 |
減少 または 変化なし |
第ⅩⅡ因子欠乏 |
変化なし |
延長 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
遺伝性血管浮腫 |
変化なし |
短縮 |
変化なし |
変化なし |
- ^ 野村武夫ほか、血小板-止血・凝固・線溶-,中外医学社, 1994年, p100-101
この項目は、医学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めています(プロジェクト:医学/Portal:医学と医療)。 |
[Wiki en表示]
"KccT" redirects here. For the radio station, see KCCT.
Partial thromboplastin time |
Intervention |
Common notation of coagulation times in medical records
MeSH |
D010314 |
[edit on Wikidata]
The partial thromboplastin time (PTT) or activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT or APTT) is a medical test that characterizes blood coagulation. Apart from detecting abnormalities in blood clotting,[1] it is also used to monitor the treatment effects with heparin, a major anticoagulant. PTT is a performance indicator of the efficacy of both the "intrinsic" (now referred to as the contact activation pathway) and the common coagulation pathways. It is used in conjunction with the prothrombin time (PT) which measures the extrinsic pathway. Kaolin cephalin clotting time (KccT) is a historic name for the activated partial thromboplastin time.[2]
- 1 Methodology
- 2 Interpretation
- 3 History
- 4 References
Blue Top Vacutainer tube used for PT and PTT blood tests
Prothrombin time is typically analyzed by a medical technologist or a laboratory technician on an automated instrument at 37 °C (as a nominal approximation of normal human body temperature). The test is termed "partial" due to the absence of tissue factor from the reaction mixture.
- Blood is drawn into a test tube containing oxalate or citrate, molecules which act as an anticoagulant by binding the calcium in a sample. The blood is mixed, then centrifuged to separate blood cells from plasma (as Partial thromboplastin time is most commonly measured using blood plasma).
- A sample of the plasma is extracted from the test tube and placed into a measuring test tube.
- Next, an excess of calcium (in a phospholipid suspension) is mixed into the plasma sample (to reverse the anticoagulant effect of the oxalate enabling the blood to clot again).
- Finally, in order to activate the intrinsic pathway of coagulation, an activator (such as silica, celite, kaolin, ellagic acid) is added, and the time the sample takes to clot is measured optically. Some laboratories use a mechanical measurement, which eliminates interferences from lipemic and icteric samples.
The typical reference range is between 30 seconds and 50 s (depending on laboratory). Shortening of the PTT is considered to have little clinical relevance, but some research indicates that it might increase risk of thromboembolism.[3] Normal PTT times require the presence of the following coagulation factors: I, II, V, VIII, IX, X, XI, & XII. Notably, deficiencies in factors VII or XIII will not be detected with the PTT test. Prolonged APTT may indicate:
- use of heparin (or contamination of the sample)
- antiphospholipid antibody (especially lupus anticoagulant, which paradoxically increases propensity to thrombosis)
- coagulation factor deficiency (e.g. hemophilia)
- Sepsis - coagulation factor consumption
- Presence of antibodies against coagulation factors (factor inhibitors)
To distinguish the above causes, mixing tests are performed, in which the patient's plasma is mixed (initially at a 50:50 dilution) with normal plasma. If the abnormality does not disappear, the sample is said to contain an "inhibitor" (either heparin, antiphospholipid antibodies or coagulation factor specific inhibitors), while if it does disappear a factor deficiency is more likely. Deficiencies of factors VIII, IX, XI and XII and rarely von Willebrand factor (if causing a low factor VIII level) may lead to a prolonged aPTT correcting on mixing studies.
Laboratory findings in various platelet and coagulation disorders (V - T)
Condition |
Prothrombin time |
Partial thromboplastin time |
Bleeding time |
Platelet count |
Vitamin K deficiency or warfarin |
Prolonged |
Normal or mildly prolonged |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Disseminated intravascular coagulation |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Decreased |
Von Willebrand disease |
Unaffected |
Prolonged or unaffected |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Hemophilia |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Aspirin |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Thrombocytopenia |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Decreased |
Liver failure, early |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Liver failure, end-stage |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Decreased |
Uremia |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Congenital afibrinogenemia |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Factor V deficiency |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Factor X deficiency as seen in amyloid purpura |
Prolonged |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Glanzmann's thrombasthenia |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Bernard-Soulier syndrome |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Decreased or unaffected |
Factor XII deficiency |
Unaffected |
Prolonged |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
C1INH deficiency |
Unaffected |
Shortened |
Unaffected |
Unaffected |
The aPTT was first described in 1953 by researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill explaining the Carolina blue Vacutainer tube top color.[4]
- ^ "MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Partial thromboplastin time (PTT)". Retrieved 2009-01-01.
- ^ "KCCT - General Practice Notebook". GP Notebook. Oxbridge Solutions Ltd. Retrieved 2010-06-08.
- ^ Korte, Wolfgang; Clarke, Susan; Lefkowitz, Jerry B. (January 2000). "Short activated partial thromboplastin times are related to increased thrombin generation and an increased risk for thromboembolism". American journal of clinical pathology 113 (1): 123–7. doi:10.1309/G98J-ANA9-RMNC-XLYU. PMID 10631865.
- ^ Langdell RD, Wagner RH, Brinkhous KM (1953). "Effect of antihemophilic factor on one-stage clotting tests; a presumptive test for hemophilia and a simple one-stage antihemophilic factor assy procedure". J. Lab. Clin. Med. 41 (4): 637–47. PMID 13045017.
Myeloid blood tests (CPT 85002–85999)
Clotting |
- Mean platelet volume
- vWF:
- Ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation
clotting factors: |
- Prothrombin time
- Partial thromboplastin time
- Thrombin time
- Activated clotting time
other/general: |
- coagulation
- Bleeding time
- animal enzyme
- Reptilase time
- Ecarin clotting time
- Dilute Russell's viper venom time
- Thromboelastography
fibrinolysis: |
- Euglobulin lysis time
- D-dimer
Red blood cell indices |
- RBC count
- Hematocrit
- Hemoglobin
ratios: |
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin
- Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration
- Mean corpuscular volume
- Red blood cell distribution width
Fetal hemoglobin: |
- Apt–Downey test
- Kleihauer–Betke test
Other |
- Reticulocyte index
- Haptoglobin
- Mentzer index
- Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride test
- Complete blood count
- Absolute neutrophil count
Other |
- Blood film
- Blood viscosity
- Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Index of cells from bone marrow
Description |
- Immune system
- Cells
- Physiology
- coagulation
- proteins
- granule contents
- colony-stimulating
- heme and porphyrin
Disease |
- Red blood cell
- Monocyte and granulocyte
- Neoplasms and cancer
- Histiocytosis
- Symptoms and signs
- Blood tests
Treatment |
- Transfusion
- Drugs
- thrombosis
- bleeding
- other
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English Journal
- Hypofibrinogenemia induced by tigecycline: a potentially life-threatening coagulation disorder.
- Sabanis N1, Paschou E, Gavriilaki E, Kalaitzoglou A, Vasileiou S.
- Infectious diseases (London, England).Infect Dis (Lond).2015 Oct;47(10):747-50. doi: 10.3109/23744235.2015.1043942. Epub 2015 May 8.
- A 74-year-old female patient with end-stage renal disease, undergoing periodic hemodialysis, was hospitalized due to infection by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii after hip replacement surgery. She was treated with tigecycline, a glycylcycline agent. Subsequently she developed coagulation
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- Molecular medicine reports.Mol Med Rep.2015 Sep;12(3):4179-86. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2015.3971. Epub 2015 Jun 22.
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- Pediatric transplantation.Pediatr Transplant.2015 Sep;19(6):E135-8. doi: 10.1111/petr.12539. Epub 2015 Jul 8.
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Japanese Journal
- 森 祐輔,辻 純,安里 亮,神田 智子,本多 啓吾,牛呂 幸司,渡邊 佳紀
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床 104(6), 455-459, 2011-06-01
- … We finally diagnosed her condition as acquired hemophilia because of aberrant bleeding, prolonged coagulation time (APTT), and decreased factor VIII and inhibitor-positive factor VIII. …
- NAID 10028223043
- A case of atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome due to anti-factor H antibody in a patient presenting with a factor XII deficiency identified two novel mutations
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- Clinical and experimental nephrology 15(2), 269-274, 2011-04-01
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Related Links
- APTT(活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間)。血液の凝固は12の凝固因子(Ⅰ~ⅩⅢ) が関わって起こります。トロンボプラスチンはその第Ⅲ因子で、血液の凝固に関与します 。
Related Pictures

- 英
- activated partial thromboplastin time, aPTT, APTT
- 同
- 部分トロンボプラスチン時間
- 関
- 血液凝固因子、プロトロンビン時間 PT、部分トロンボプラスチン時間 PTT
活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間 APTT aPTT
活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間 aPTT
- 関
- Activated partial thromboplastin time assay
活性化部分トロンボプラスチン時間 activated partial thromboplastin time