血管迷走神経反射 vasovagal reflex
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/15 23:28:30」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 血管迷走神経反射 (Vasovagal reaction) - 失神#主な失神の原因疾患を参照。
- VVRケーブル - 電線の一種。600Vビニル絶縁ビニルシースケーブル(VV)の円形のもの。
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VVR may have several meanings:
- See LWR for VVR, the Russian class of nuclear reactor.
- See List of German transport associations for Verkehrsverbund Rottweil.
- See VERITAS Software for Veritas Volume Replicator.
- See Variable Voltage Regulator.
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English Journal
- First-time whole blood donation: A critical step for donor safety and retention on first three donations.
- Gillet P1, Rapaille A2, Benoît A3, Ceinos M3, Bertrand O2, de Bouyalsky I2, Govaerts B3, Lambermont M2.
- Transfusion clinique et biologique : journal de la Societe francaise de transfusion sanguine.Transfus Clin Biol.2015 Oct 14. pii: S1246-7820(15)00399-7. doi: 10.1016/j.tracli.2015.09.002. [Epub ahead of print]
- AIM OF THE STUDY: Whole blood donation is generally safe although vasovagal reactions can occur (approximately 1%). Risk factors are well known and prevention measures are shown as efficient. This study evaluates the impact of the donor's retention in relation to the occurrence of vasovagal reaction
- PMID 26476508
- Assessment of derived emission limits for radioactive effluents resulted from the decommissioning activities of the VVR-S nuclear research reactor.
- Tuca C1, Stochioiu A2, Sahagia M2, Gurau D2, Dragusin M2.
- Journal of environmental radioactivity.J Environ Radioact.2015 Oct;148:130-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2015.06.012. Epub 2015 Jul 8.
- This paper presents complex studies on establishment of derived emission limits for potential radionuclides emitted as gaseous and liquid effluents, during the decommissioning activities (2nd and 3rd phases) of a nuclear research reactor, cooled and moderated with distilled water, type VVR-S, owned
- PMID 26162768
- Vesicovaginal Reflux and Urocolpos.
- Fernández-Ibieta M1, Martínez-Castaño I1, Guirao-Piñera MJ1, Vicente-Calderón C2, Piñero-Fernández J2, Zambudio-Carmona G1, García-López A3, Ruiz-Jiménez JI1.
- Archivos españoles de urología.Arch Esp Urol.2015 Jun;68(5):502-5.
- OBJECTIVE: Vesico-vaginal reflux (VVR) is defined as the reflux of urine into the vaginal vault during voiding, occasionally seen in pre- adolescent girls. The typical history consists in post voiding leaks in the daytime, that correspond to the progressive urine discharge from the vagina, after it
- PMID 26102054
Japanese Journal
- 運動負荷と採血時に血管迷走神経反射が誘発されためまい症例
- 正木 義男
- Equilibrium research 69(3), 134-140, 2010-06-01
- … The vasovagal reflex (VVR) is a reflex reaction in which abnormal autonomic system activity may be involved, and it has been known as a cause of dizziness and syncope following standing up quickly, drawing blood and after exercise. … We report on a case where an exercise test was used to clinically confirm dizziness due to the VVR. … The VVR was caused when drawing blood. … But the VVR attack recurred together with bradycardia (36 beats/min) 4.5 minutes after the test. …
- NAID 10026700827
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- 英
- vasovagal reflex, VVR
- 関
- 血管迷走神経失神
血管迷走神経反射 VVR