- the 20th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)t
- alone and on your own; "dont just sit there on your tod"
- a unit of weight for wool equal to about 28 pounds
- tritiumの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/06/21 00:15:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- TBSオンデマンド(TBS OnDemand) - 株式会社TBSテレビ(TBS)が運営するインターネットを利用したビデオ・オン・デマンド (VOD) 事業、有料動画配信サービスの名称。
- テイルズ オブ デスティニー(Tales Of Destiny) - ナムコ(現・バンダイナムコゲームス)から発売されたコンピュータRPG。
- ドルアーガの塔(The Tower Of Druaga) - ナムコ(現・バンダイナムコゲームス)から発表されたアーケードゲーム。
- ザ・タイピング・オブ・ザ・デッド(THE TYPING OF THE DEAD) - セガより発売されたタイピングソフト。
- 公共交通指向型開発(Transit Oriented Development) - 公共交通機関に基盤を置き、自動車に依存しない社会を目指した都市開発。
- 情報処理学会論文誌:データベース(IPSJ Transactions On Databases)
- トーナメント・オブ・デス(Tournament of Death) - コンバット・ゾーン・レスリングの開催による例年のプロレスの大会。
- トルクオンデマンド - いすゞ自動車のSUV用トランスファー制御システムの商標で、スタンバイ4WDの一種。ボルグワーナーが開発した、パートタイム4WDでの面倒な切り替えを不要としながら、タイトターンブレーキングの発生を防ぐ、電磁式駆動力断続機構。
- TOD地区(Tokyo Ordnance Depot) - 第二次世界大戦後にアメリカ軍によって接収された東京北部の旧軍用地。米軍東京兵器補給廠。
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[Wiki en表示]
Tod may refer to:
- Surname
- James Tod, British East India Company army officer and political agent, author of Annals and Antiquities of Rajas'han
- John Tod, 1779-1830, an historical member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Pennsylvania
- Time
- Time of day
- Time of death, used by many departments of investigation
- Places
- El-Tod, a village and archaeological site in Egypt
- Mount Tod, also known as Tod Mountain, a summit near British Columbia, Canada. Tod Mountain was formerly the name of the ski resort at that location now named Sun Peaks
- Mount Tod (Antarctica), a peak near Amundsen Bay, Antarctica
- Tod Inlet, a sidewater of Saanich Inlet on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, also the name of a former post office at this location. Also Tod Creek and Tod Rock, in association with this name.
- Transportation, city names, city planning
- Tioman Airport, IATA airport code TOD
- Transit-oriented development, a form of land use planning
- Technology
- Top of descent, an aviation term
- Torque on Demand, four wheel drive system based on multi-disc differential
- Computers, telecommunications and video
- TOD (video format), a tapeless video format by JVC
- Sports
- CZW Tournament of Death, an annual professional wrestling event by Combat Zone Wrestling
- Association
- Foresters' Association of Turkey (Türkiye Ormancılar Derneği - The TOD)
- Animal
- Scottish and northern English term for fox
See also
English Journal
- Interacting effects of age and time of day on verbal fluency performance and intraindividual variability.
- Iskandar S1, Murphy KJ2,3, Baird AD1, West R4, Armilio M5, Craik FI3,6, Stuss DT3,6,7.
- Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition.Neuropsychol Dev Cogn B Aging Neuropsychol Cogn.2016 Jan;23(1):1-17. doi: 10.1080/13825585.2015.1028326. Epub 2015 Apr 1.
- We explored the effects of age and time of day (TOD) on verbal fluency ability with respect to performance level and intraindividual variability (IIV). Verbal fluency, which involves complex cognitive operations, was examined in 20 older (mean age = 72.8 years) and 20 younger (mean age = 24.2
- PMID 25827792
- Short-term blood pressure variability over 24 h and target organ damage in middle-aged men and women.
- Madden JM1, O'Flynn AM1, Dolan E2, Fitzgerald AP3, Kearney PM1.
- Journal of human hypertension.J Hum Hypertens.2015 Dec;29(12):719-25. doi: 10.1038/jhh.2015.18. Epub 2015 Mar 19.
- Blood pressure variability (BPV) has been associated with cardiovascular events; however, the prognostic significance of short-term BPV remains uncertain. As uncertainty also remains as to which measure of variability most accurately describes short-term BPV, this study explores different indices an
- PMID 25787777
- Blood pressure variability predicts cardiovascular events independently of traditional cardiovascular risk factors and target organ damage: a LIFE substudy.
- Vishram JK1, Dahlöf B, Devereux RB, Ibsen H, Kjeldsen SE, Lindholm LH, Mancia G, Okin PM, Rothwell PM, Wachtell K, Olsen MH.
- Journal of hypertension.J Hypertens.2015 Dec;33(12):2422-30. doi: 10.1097/HJH.0000000000000739.
- BACKGROUND: Assessment of antihypertensive treatment is normally based on the mean value of a number of blood pressure (BP) measurements. However, it is uncertain whether high in-treatment visit-to-visit BP variability may be harmful in hypertensive patients with left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH).M
- PMID 26378687
Japanese Journal
- トレンドキーワードに関するウェブリソースの横断的分析
- 英
- total oxygen demand, TOD
- 同
- 全酸素要求量、全酸素消費量