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- 1. 女性の骨盤臓器脱:先端脱(子宮脱または膣円蓋脱)の外科的修復pelvic organ prolapse in women surgical repair of apical prolapse uterine or vaginal vault prolapse [show details]
…detail separately. SSLS (also referred to as sacrospinous ligament fixation) is the most commonly studied transvaginal procedure for treating vaginal vault prolapse. Although SSLS may also improve anterior …
- 2. 女性の骨盤臓器脱:一次手術の術式選択pelvic organ prolapse in women choosing a primary surgical procedure [show details]
… comparing the outcomes of two vaginal procedures (uterosacral ligament suspension [ULS] or sacrospinous ligament fixation [SSLF]) and two perioperative treatments (behavioral therapy and pelvic floor muscle training …
- 3. 子宮摘出時の予防的膣尖部挙上術prophylactic vaginal apex suspension at the time of hysterectomy [show details]
…symptomatic POP require a restorative procedure (eg, uterosacral ligament suspension, sacrospinous ligament fixation, or sacrocolpopexy), not routine hysterectomy or prophylactic apical suspension . All …
- 4. 骨盤手術に関連する神経損傷nerve injury associated with pelvic surgery [show details]
…suspending the prolapsed vagina to structures in the pelvis. Uterosacral suspension and sacrospinous ligament suspension of the vagina may produce neuropathies of the sacral nerve roots and pudendal nerve …
- 5. 女性骨盤の外科解剖学surgical female pelvic anatomy [show details]
…with careful blunt dissection in order to avoid the small veins in this area. During sacrospinous ligament suspension, the pararectal space is accessed to identify the sacrospinous ligament. The posterior…
English Journal
- Anatomical structures at risk using different approaches for sacrospinous ligament fixation.
- De Decker A, Fergusson R, Ondruschka B, Hammer N, Zwirner J.
- Clinical anatomy (New York, N.Y.). 2019 May;().
- For 50 years now, sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF) has been used to treat pelvic organ prolapse consequent on altered integrity of the pelvic myofascial structures. It is usually performed vaginally, but it has recently been performed laparoscopically through either an anterior or a posterior
- PMID 31087424
- NLRP3 inflammasome activation from Kupffer cells is involved in liver fibrosis of Schistosoma japonicum-infected mice via NF-κB.
- Zhang WJ, Fang ZM, Liu WQ.
- Parasites & vectors. 2019 Jan;12(1)29.
- NOD-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome was reported as expressed in schistosomiasis-induced liver fibrosis (SSLF). We used an NLRP3 inflammasome inhibitor, MCC950, to investigate whether it inhibited liver fibrosis, and explored the preliminary molecular mechanism. BALB/c mice were infecte
- PMID 30635040
- Concomitant Anterior Repair, Preoperative Prolapse Severity, and Anatomic Prolapse Outcomes After Vaginal Apical Procedures.
- Nager CW, Grimes CL, Nolen TL, Wai CY, Brubaker L, Jeppson PC, Wilson TS, Visco AG, Barber MD, Sutkin G, Norton P, Rardin CR, Arya L, Wallace D, Meikle SF, .
- Female pelvic medicine & reconstructive surgery. ;25(1)22-28.
- The aim of the study was to compare anterior and overall prolapse prevalence at 1 year in surgical participants with or without concomitant anterior repair (AR) at the time of sacrospinous ligament fixation (SSLF) or uterosacral ligament suspension (ULS). This is a secondary analysis of two surgical
- PMID 29232267
Japanese Journal
- 村山 久美子,山下 利之
- デザイン学研究 1992(92), 13-20, 1992
- 本研究では美術大学生のキャリアの成功を援助するという目的を持った創造性開発訓練コースにアートセラピーの技法を応用している。「美的表現訓練」と名づけたコースは9週間のセッションから構成された。プログラムの中心は成功のためのイメージトレーニングの考え方を応用して,過去の成功イメージに相当する過去の絵の再現,現在の問題に対処するためのフォーカシング技法を用いた表現を2回,未来の成功イメージに関連する将来 …
- NAID 110008444795
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- 膣尖部脱と腹圧性尿失禁を有した女性に対する、2つの手術法(仙棘靭帯固定術:SSLF、仙骨子宮靱帯挙上術:ULS)および周術期介入(骨盤底筋訓練、BPMT)の有効性、安全性を検討した結果、術後2年時点のアウトカムは、SSLFと ...
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- 英
- sacrospinous ligament fixation、SSLF