- a pattern of symptoms indicative of some disease
- a complex of concurrent things; "every word has a syndrome of meanings"
- (疾患の徴候となる一群の)症徴候,症候群 / (事件・社会的状態などのパターンを示す)徴候形態
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English Journal
- The rate of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome in a clinic where primary care physicians are working in Japan.
- Okumura T, Tanno S, Ohhira M, Nozu T.SourceDepartment of General Medicine, Asahikawa Medical University, 2-1-1 Midorigaoka-Higashi, Asahikawa, 078-8510, Japan.
- Rheumatology international.Rheumatol Int.2012 Jun;32(6):1695-9. Epub 2011 Mar 24.
- We analyzed the rate of polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) and remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome, both characterized as seronegative inflammatory arthritis in elderly, in an outpatient unit where primary care physicians are working in Japan to better understa
- PMID 21431946
- High serum matrix metalloproteinase 3 is characteristic of patients with paraneoplastic remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome.
- Origuchi T, Arima K, Kawashiri SY, Tamai M, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H, Tsukada T, Aramaki T, Furuyama M, Miyashita T, Kawabe Y, Iwanaga N, Terada K, Ueki Y, Fukuda T, Eguchi K, Kawakami A.SourceDepartment of Rehabilitation Sciences, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, 1-7-1 Sakamoto, Nagasaki, 852-8520, Japan,
- Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association.Mod Rheumatol.2011 Nov 17. [Epub ahead of print]
- Recently, it was reported that remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema (RS3PE) syndrome could be complicated with solid tumors. In a retrospective, multicenter study between October, 2003 and September, 2010, we investigated the characteristics of patients with paraneoplastic
- PMID 22089392
Japanese Journal
- Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema(RS3PE)症候群様症状で発症した肺癌の1切除例
- 濱中 瑠利香,村上 修司,横瀬 智之,中山 治彦,山田 耕三,岩崎 正之
- 肺癌 51(4), 253-258, 2011
- … 背景.Remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema(RS3PE)症候群は腫瘍随伴症候群の一つとして知られているが,肺癌に合併した報告は稀である.RS3PE症候群様症状で発症し,外科的切除を施行することで症状軽快を認めた肺癌の1例につき報告する.症例.79歳,男性.2009年12月頃から両下肢と足背の浮腫を認め,次第に手指と両手関節の腫脹,手関節と足関節の熱感,疼痛を自覚した.2010年4月 …
- NAID 130000954004
- Monitoring of therapeutic efficacy in a patient with RS(3)PE syndrome by serologic variables and radiographic methods.
- Kawashiri Shin-Ya,Nakano Michiko,Kawakami Atsushi,Eguchi Katsumi
- Rheumatology international 30(12), 1677-1680, 2010-11
- … We describe a typical case of a patient with remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis and pitting edema (RS(3)PE) syndrome. … Our present case supports a previous observation that synovial tissue is a major inflammatory source of RS(3)PE syndrome. … IL-6 (and VEGF), probably produced from the synovial tissues, are considered to be essential factors in the development of RS(3)PE syndrome. …
- NAID 120001657507
Related Links
- RS3PE Syndrome (Remitting Seronegative Symmetrical Synovitis With Pitting Edema)について. 概念. 1985年にMcCarty DJらが、高齢男性8名(59歳から82歳)、 高齢女性2名(65歳と66歳)の、 (1) 予後の良い (Remitting)、 (2) リウマチ因子陰性 ...
- 英
- remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema syndrome, RS3PE syndrome, remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema, RS3PE
- 予後の良い(remitting)、リウマチ陰性疾患であって(seronegative)、対称性の圧痕性浮腫を伴う滑膜炎(symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema)
- ほぼ全例60歳以上で特に70-80歳に多い。日本では女性にやや多い(1:1.5-2) (参考4)
- CRP上昇、赤沈亢進、RF陰性、骨X線正常 (参考4) ← 骨びらんはない
- ガリウムシンチ・骨シンチで多発性対称性関節集積 (参考4)
- MRIで手指や足の腱滑膜炎の所見 (参考4)
remitting seronegative symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema