- the 15th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)o
- the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens; "people with type O blood are universal donors" (同)type_O, group O
- 《呼び掛けの名前の前につけて》『おお』,あ / (驚き・恐れ・喜び・苦痛などを表して)『おお』,ああ,まあ / 《肯定・否定を強めて》
- oxygenの化学記号
- ohmオーム / Old
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/02/03 17:31:56」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
ONR can mean:
- Ontario Northland Railway in Ontario, Canada
- Office for Nuclear Regulation in the United Kingdom
- Office of Naval Research of the U.S. Navy
- Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny, a Polish nationalist organisation before World War II
- Organisation for National Reconstruction, a defunct political party in Trinidad and Tobago
- outside the normal range, classified data analysis
- Air One Nine, Libya (ICAO airline code)
- Otter Nelson River School, a high school located at Cross Lake, Manitoba, Canada
- One Nation Racing
- Ohio Northern Region, one of the largest regions in BBYO
English Journal
- Advances in our structural understanding of orphan nuclear receptors.
- Gallastegui N1, Mackinnon JA1, Fletterick RJ2, Estébanez-Perpiñá E3.
- Trends in biochemical sciences.Trends Biochem Sci.2015 Jan;40(1):25-35. doi: 10.1016/j.tibs.2014.11.002. Epub 2014 Dec 11.
- Nuclear receptors (NRs) are key players in the regulation of gene expression, coordinating protein assemblies upon their surfaces. NRs are regulated by ligand binding, which remodels the interaction surfaces and subsequently influences macromolecular complex formation. Structural biology has been in
- PMID 25499868
- A trans-dimensional polynomial-spline parameterization for gradient-based geoacoustic inversion.
- Steininger G1, Dosso SE1, Holland CW2, Dettmer J1.
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.J Acoust Soc Am.2014 Oct;136(4):1563-73. doi: 10.1121/1.4892787.
- This paper presents a polynomial spline-based parameterization for trans-dimensional geoacoustic inversion. The parameterization is demonstrated for both simulated and measured data and shown to be an effective method of representing sediment geoacoustic profiles dominated by gradients, as typically
- PMID 25324060
- Cytotoxic dimeric quinolone-terpene alkaloids from the root bark of Zanthoxylum rhetsa.
- Ahsan M1, Haque MR1, Hossain MB1, Islam SN2, Gray AI3, Hasan CM4.
- Phytochemistry.Phytochemistry.2014 Jul;103:8-12. doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2014.03.008. Epub 2014 Apr 22.
- Four quinolone-terpene alkaloids, chelerybulgarine (1), 2'-episimulanoquinoline (3), 2,11-didemethoxyvepridimerine B (4), and rhetsidimerine (5) were isolated from the root bark of Zanthoxylum rhetsa DC. Chelerybulgarine (1) is a C-C linked terpene alkaloid where the C-6 of dihydrochelerythrine is l
- PMID 24768324
Japanese Journal
- 27aYH-11 ジグザグ鎖を有するNaCr_2O_4の中性子散乱とμSRによる磁気構造解析(27aYH 遷移金属化合物,領域8(強相関系:高温超伝導,強相関f電子系など))
- 野崎 洋,原田 雅史,桜井 裕也,室町 英治,Mansson M.,Pomjakshin V.,Keller L.,Ofer O.,Ansaldo E. J.,Brewer J. H.,杉山 純
- 日本物理学会講演概要集 67(1-3), 693, 2012-03-05
- NAID 110009567375
- 話題の工法 ONR工法--クロロプレンゴム系の表面被覆工法
- Surf-riding threshold in following seas: new analytical formulae and their validation
- Maki Atsuo,Umeda Naoya,Renilson Martin [他]
- 日本船舶海洋工学会講演会論文集 (9K), 105-108, 2009-11
- NAID 40016901614
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- 英
- obturator nerve reflex ONR
- 関
- TUR、閉鎖神経
- 内転筋群の反射。
- 単極切除の時に起きやすい。
- TUR施行に膀胱灌流液に非電解質を使うと良く発生していたらしい。
- ひとたび発生すれば膀胱穿孔の危険がある。
- これまでは経皮的に閉鎖神経ブロックを行ってきた(SURO.317)
- 最近の流れだと、生食を灌流液に使うことで患者に電流が流れにくくなり、発生を防ぐことができているらしい。
- TURis(TUR in saline:生理食塩水を灌流液に用いたTUR)技術解説
- http://www.me-hon.ne.jp/meb/tmp/T22TJNQL55BU9HKXPQV2V7MESWK495N9/2000003211869600200P0B.pdf
- TURis(TUR in saline)開発の動機は、TUR で問題になる閉鎖神経反射とTUR 症候群を解決すべきと考えたからである。TURではループ先端部に気泡ができて放電を起こすとすぐに切れ始めるが,TURisではループ全体が気泡に包まれないと切れ始まらないという両者の違いを解説した。それに起因するTURis での切れ始めのタイムラグの改良目的で、放電起動性を迅速にすべく出力時波形を間欠波にした。これによりタイムラグも解消し、大きなループも使用できるように改良できた。
- [Case of bladder perforation due to the obturator nerve reflex during transurethral resection (TUR) of bladder tumor using the TUR in saline (Turis) system under spinal anesthesia]
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20229762
- 同
- 食道入口部