壊死性腸炎 necrotizing enterocolitis
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/03/29 22:27:09」(JST)
「NEC」はこの項目へ転送されています。その他の用法については「NEC (曖昧さ回避)」をご覧ください。 |
種類 | 株式会社 | |||
市場情報 |
略称 | 日電、NEC | |||
本社所在地 | 日本 〒108-8001 |
設立 | 1899年(明治32年)7月17日 | |||
業種 | 電気機器 | |||
事業内容 | ITサービス事業 システムプラットフォーム事業 |
代表者 | 代表取締役社長 遠藤 信博 | |||
資本金 | 3972億円 (2013年3月31日時点)[1] |
発行済株式総数 | 26億473万2635株 (2012年3月31日時点)[2] |
売上高 | 連結:3兆716億900万円 (2013年3月期)[3] |
営業利益 | 連結:1146億4700万円 (2013年3月期)[4] |
純利益 | 連結:304億3400万円 (2013年3月期)[5] |
純資産 | 連結:8170億5800万円 (2013年12月末時点)[6] |
総資産 | 連結:2兆5419億2500万円 (2013年12月末時点)[7] |
従業員数 | 10万2375人 (2013年3月末時点)[8] |
決算期 | 3月末日 | |||
主要株主 | 日本トラスティ・サービス信託口 5.47% 日本マスタートラスト信託口 4.67% |
主要子会社 | ルネサス エレクトロニクス(株) 33.9% レノボNECホールディングス 49% |
関係する人物 | 岩垂邦彦(創業者、初代社長) ウォルター・T・カールトン(創業者) |
外部リンク | http://www.nec.co.jp/ | |||
テンプレートを表示 |
日本電気株式会社(にっぽんでんき、英:NEC Corporation、略称:NEC(エヌ・イー・シー)、旧英社名Nippon Electric Company, Limitedの略)は、東京都港区芝五丁目(元・東京都港区芝三田四国町)に本社を置く住友グループの電機メーカー。大手電機8社の一角(パナソニック、ソニー、シャープ、富士通、日立製作所、東芝、三菱電機、NEC)。
日本において「NEC」という名称で親しまれているものに、パーソナルコンピュータ(PC)がある。長らくNECおよびその関連企業によって製造がおこなわれてきたが、2011年7月にレノボとの合弁で発足したレノボNECホールディングス(NECの出資比率は49%)の子会社であるNECパーソナルコンピュータに移管された[9]。ただし、国内市場では引き続きNECブランドのPCが製造販売され、企業向けPC(Mate・VersaPro)についてはNECパーソナルコンピュータが製造、日本電気本体が販売を担っている。携帯電話および半導体集積回路(IC)事業は、それぞれNECカシオ モバイルコミュニケーションズおよびルネサスエレクトロニクスに分社化され、NECはこれらの会社の筆頭株主となっている。
ブランドステートメントは「Empowered by Innovation」である。
戦後は、通信関係や真空管や半導体など電子部品のほか、子会社「新日本電気」(のちの日本電気ホームエレクトロニクスとなり、現在は清算)による家電・無線通信機器分野への進出がされた。また、1958年(昭和33年)のNEAC 1101からコンピュータの開発にも取り組み始めた。
1977年(昭和52年)に、当時会長であった小林宏治によって「コンピュータと通信の融合」をうたった「C&C」(Computer & Communicationの略)のスローガンが提唱され、新たな企業理念となる。これ以降、それまで「電電ファミリー」(例えば電話交換機では富士通と並び大手の一角と言われた)というイメージの強かったNECは、情報・通信系を中心とした総合電機メーカーへと変貌を遂げる。
西垣社長体制下において、不採算事業のリストラとガバメント強化施策に従い、家電分野から撤退した。1999年(平成11年)12月には、DRAM事業部門を分社化し、NEC日立メモリ(現・エルピーダメモリ)を設立する。また、2000年(平成12年)4月には、社内カンパニーとしてNECソリューションズ・NECネットワークス・NECエレクトロンデバイスを設立したが、2002年(平成14年)11月に半導体関連部門のNECエレクトロンデバイスをNECエレクトロニクス(現・ルネサスエレクトロニクス)として分社化、カンパニー制自体も導入からわずか3年後の2003年(平成15年)4月に金杉社長体制において廃止された。 総合電機メーカーとしての暖簾を下ろし、C&Cコンセプトに立ち戻り、コンピュータシステム及び通信を中心とした電機メーカーへ転換した。
また、ITとネットワークの融合を掲げ、通信ネットワークのインターネット化・IP化を進めていく。次世代電話網のNGN (Next Generation Network) に関しては、IT/NW機器業界では一番早くから対応を進めている。NECの製品であるUNIVERGEブランドもNGN関連の著名な製品となっていく。
2007年(平成19年)4月、日産自動車とともに自動車アプリケーション用リチウムイオン電池の開発を行うオートモーティブ エナジー サプライを設立する。これによって、自動車の電化時代の到来に対応している。2010年にはリチウムイオン電池専門のNECエナジーデバイスを設立。
2010年(平成22年)、携帯電話事業を分社化し、NECカシオ モバイルコミュニケーションズを設立する。
また、SDN (Software Defined Network) を実現するOpenFlow技術を世界で初めて製品化したUNIVERGE PFシリーズを発売する[15]。
代 | 氏名 | 在任期間 | 役職 |
1 | 岩垂邦彦 | 1899年 7月 - 1926年12月 | 専務 |
2 | 大畑源一郎 | 1926年12月 - 1932年 6月 | 専務 |
3 | 志田文雄 | 1932年 6月 - 1938年 4月 | 専務 |
4 | 梶井剛 | 1938年 7月 - 1943年 2月 1943年 2月 - 1946年 1月 |
専務 社長 |
5 | 佐伯長生 | 1946年 1月 - 1947年 6月 | 社長 |
6 | 渡辺斌衡 | 1947年 6月 - 1964年11月 | 社長 |
7 | 小林宏治 | 1964年11月 - 1976年 6月 | 社長 |
8 | 田中忠雄 | 1976年 6月 - 1980年 6月 | 社長 |
9 | 関本忠弘 | 1980年 6月 - 1994年 6月 | 社長 |
10 | 金子尚志 | 1994年 6月 - 1999年 2月 | 社長 |
11 | 西垣浩司 | 1999年 3月 - 2003年 3月 | 社長 |
12 | 金杉明信 | 2003年 3月 - 2006年 3月 | 社長 |
13 | 矢野薫 | 2006年 4月 - 2010年 3月 | 社長 |
14 | 遠藤信博 | 2010年 4月 - | 社長 |
※ 梶井剛の任期途中の1943年2月以降から社長を置く。それまでは専務がトップマネージメント。
UNIX戦争の影響やその後の、Windows OS ベースのサーバやワークステーションの躍進を受けての、国産UNIX市場の衰退により、自社独自開発のUNIX関連製品群を放棄、HP-UXのOEMへの縮退に至った。コンピュータ事業は、企業向けにおいてはシステムインテグレーション (SI) 案件の受注及び、ミッションクリティカルコンサルティングサービスといったSIサービスに軸足を移し、そのSIに必要なソフトウェアパッケージの販売を含め、建設系ゼネコンのような総合力で利益の確保を図った。さらに、クラウドコンピューティングという新たな潮流に対応するべく、データセンター向けのサーバシステムやネットワーク経由のサービス提供(SaaS)にも力を入れた。その一方で、Itanium系サーバの展開は失敗に終わった。
2011年(平成23年)1月27日、NECパーソナルプロダクツのPC事業を分社化し、レノボとともに「Lenovo NEC Holding B.V.」という持株会社を設立すると発表した。NEC 49%、レノボ 51%の出資比率で同年7月1日に発足し、その100%子会社として、NECパーソナルプロダクツのPC事業を分離した新会社NECパーソナルコンピュータおよび既存のレノボ・ジャパンが独立して設置された[30]。 レノボとともにNECのブランドも残る。しかしながらこの合弁は、NECにとっては実質的なパソコン事業の売却であるとも理解され[28]、統合から5年後に、レノボ側が合弁会社の全株式取得権をNECの同意があれば行使できる事が明らかにされた[31]。
ほとんどNTTドコモ向けだが、ソフトバンクモバイルにも旧デジタルフォン・デジタルツーカー時代から端末を提供していた。また、かつてはツーカーグループ・DDIセルラーグループ(のちのau(KDDI / 沖縄セルラー電話))にも供給していたこともあった。日本における折たたみ(二つ折り)式端末のパイオニアで、2001年のNTTドコモ503iシリーズでN503iが多く売れたことが他社も折畳式に流れるきっかけとなった。
また、NECとパナソニック モバイルコミュニケーションズ(松下通信工業)は、第三世代携帯電話向けの端末・技術を共同で開発していた。
2010年(平成22年)4月より、カシオ計算機と日立製作所の合弁会社カシオ日立モバイルコミュニケーションズと経営統合し、携帯電話端末事業はNECカシオ モバイルコミュニケーションズとして統合されることとなった(実際の移行スキームは、NEC本体からの部門譲受が同年5月1日付、次いで同年6月1日付でカシオ日立を吸収合併し、以降のカシオブランド端末の販売開始と同時に、日立ブランドを含む保守部門を継承)。統合後もNECブランドとして携帯電話を供給する。
1950年(昭和25年)に日本電気のラジオ事業部で蛍光ランプを試作したのが始まり、清算された日本電気ホームエレクトロニクスから引き継いだ事業。1970年代にはアメリカの管球・照明器具メーカー、シルバニア(現在はオスラム傘下)との合弁会社「日本電気シルバニア株式会社」が展開していた。 現在ランプ類を製造している水口工場は全国でも有数の規模を誇る管球工場であり一般ユーザー向け商品(下記の2製品が代表例)のほか特殊用途向け蛍光ランプのOEM生産も比率が高くなっている。
NECの組織は論理的にはビジネスユニット-事業本部-事業部の階層構造をとっている (研究所はビジネスユニット上の階層をR&Dユニットと位置づけている)。 これとは別に、物理的な所在地として下記の事業場・研究所がある。
[ヘルプ] |
ウィキメディア・コモンズには、日本電気に関連するメディアがあります。 |
This article's lead section may not adequately summarize key points of its contents. Please consider expanding the lead to provide an accessible overview of all important aspects of the article. (March 2012) |
Empowered by Innovation
Type | Public |
Traded as | TYO: 6701 OSE: 6701 |
Industry | Information technology Electronics |
Founded | Tokyo, Japan (July 17, 1899 (1899-07-17)) |
Headquarters | 5-7-1, Shiba, Minato, Tokyo, Japan |
Area served | Worldwide |
Key people | Kaoru Yano (Chairman) |
Products | Telecommunications equipment, Servers, Consumer electronics, Domestic appliances, Lighting |
Revenue | ¥3.036 trillion (2012)[1] |
Operating income | ¥18.483 billion (2012)[1] |
Net income | ¥-110.267 billion (2012)[1] |
Total assets | ¥2.557 trillion (2012)[1] |
Total equity | ¥656.980 billion (2012)[1] |
Employees | 109,102 (2012)[1] |
Subsidiaries | NEC Corporation of America |
Website | NEC.com |
NEC Corporation (日本電気株式会社, Nippon Denki Kabushiki Gaisha?) is a Japanese multinational provider of information technology (IT) services and products, with its headquarters in Minato, Tokyo, Japan.[2] NEC provides information technology (IT) and network solutions to business enterprises, communications services providers and to government agencies. The company was known as the Nippon Electric Company, Limited, before rebranding in 1983 as just NEC. Its NEC Semiconductors business unit was one of the worldwide top 20 semiconductor sales leaders before merging it with Renesas Electronics. NEC is a member of the Sumitomo Group.
Kunihiko Iwadare and Takeshiro Maeda established Nippon Electric Limited Partnership on August 31, 1898 by using facilities that they had bought from Miyoshi Electrical Manufacturing Company. Iwadare acted as the representative partner; Maeda handled company sales. Western Electric, which had an interest in the Japanese phone market, was represented by Walter Tenney Carleton.[3] Carleton was also responsible for the renovation of the Miyoshi facilities.[4] It was agreed that the partnership would be reorganized as a joint-stock company when treaty would allow it. On July 17, 1899 the revised treaty between Japan and the United States went into effect. Nippon Electric Company, Limited was organized the same day with Western Electric Company to become the first Japanese joint-venture with foreign capital.[5] Iwadare was named managing director. Ernest Clement and Carleton were named as directors. Maeda and Mototeru Fujii were assigned to be auditors. Iwadare, Maeda and Carleton handled the overall management.[6]
The company started with the production, sales and maintenance of telephones and switches. NEC modernized the production facilities with the construction of the Mita Plant in 1901 at Mita Shikokumachi. It was completed in December 1902.
The Japanese Ministry of Communications adopted a new technology in 1903: the common battery switchboard supplied by NEC. The common battery switchboards powered the subscriber phone, eliminating the need for a permanent magnet generator in each subscriber's phone. The switchboards were initially imported, but were manufactured locally by 1909.
NEC started exporting telephone sets to China in 1904.
In 1905, Iwadare visited Western Electric in the U.S. to see their management and production control. On his return to Japan he discontinued the "oyakata" system of sub-contracting and replaced it with a new system where managers and employees were all direct employees of the company. Inefficiency was also removed from the production process. The company paid higher salaries with incentives for efficiency. New accounting and cost controls were put in place, and time clocks installed.[7]
Between 1899 and 1907 the number of telephone subscribers in Japan rose from 35,000 to 95,000.[8] NEC entered the China market in 1908 with the implementation of the telegraph treaty between Japan and China. They also entered the Korean market, setting up an office in Seoul in January 1908. During the period of 1907 to 1912 sales rose from 1.6 million yen to 2 million yen. The expansion of the Japanese phone service had been a key part of NEC's success during this period. This expansion was about to take a pause.
The Ministry of Communications delayed a third expansion plan of the phone service in March, 1913, despite having 120,000 potential telephone-subscribers waiting for phone installations. NEC sales fell sixty percent between 1912 and 1915. During the interim, Iwadare started importing appliances, including electric fans, kitchen appliances, washing machines and vacuum cleaners. Electric fans had never been seen in Japan before. The imports were intended to prop up company sales. In 1916, the government resumed the delayed telephone-expansion plan, adding 75,000 subscribers and 326,000 kilometers of new toll lines. Thanks to this third expansion plan, NEC expanded at a time when much of the rest of Japanese industry contracted.[9]
In 1919, NEC started its first association with Sumitomo, engaging Sumitomo Densen Seizosho to manufacture cables. As part of the venture, NEC provided cable manufacturing equipment to Sumitomo Densen. Rights to Western Electrics duplex cable patents were also transferred to Sumitomo Densen.[10]
The Great Kanto Earthquake struck Japan in 1923. 140,000 people were killed and 3.4 million were left homeless.[11] Four of NEC's factories were destroyed, killing 105 of NEC's engineers and workers. Thirteen of Tokyo's telephone offices were destroyed by fire. Telephone and telegraph service was interrupted by damage to telephone cables. In response, the Ministry of Communications accelerated major programs to install automatic telephone switching systems and enter radio broadcasting.[12] The first automatic switching systems were the Strowger-type model made by Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co. (ATM) in the United Kingdom. NEC participated in the installation of the automatic switching systems, ultimately becoming the general sales agent for ATM. NEC developed its own Strowger-type automatic switching system in 1924, a first in Japan. One of the plants almost leveled during the Kanto Earthquake, the Mita Plant, was chosen to support expanding production. A new three-story steel-reinforced concrete building was built, starting in 1925. It was modeled after the Western Electric Hawthorne Works.
NEC started its radio communications business in 1924. Japan's first radio broadcaster, Radio Tokyo was founded in 1924 and started broadcasting in 1925. NEC imported the broadcasting equipment from Western Electric.[13] The expansion of radio broadcasting into Osaka and Nagoya marked the emergence of radio as an Industry. NEC established a radio research unit 1924. NEC started developing electron tubes in 1925. By 1930, they were manufacturing their first 500 W radio transmitter. They provided the Chinese Xinjing station with a 100 kW radio broadcasting system in 1934.
Photo-telegraphic equipment developed by NEC transmitted photos of the accession ceremony of Emperor Hirohito. The ceremony was held in Kyoto in 1928. The Newspapers Asahi Shimbun and Mainichi Shimbun were competing to cover the ceremony. The Asahi Shimbun was using a Siemens device. The Mainichi was planning to use French photo-telegraphic equipment. In the end, both papers acquired and used the NEC product, due to its faster transmission rate and higher picture quality.[14]
In 1929 Nippon Electric provided Japan's Ministry of Communications with the A-type switching system, the first of these systems to be developed in Japan. Nippon supplied Japan's Ministry of Communications with nonloaded line carrier equipment for long distance telephone channels in 1937.[15]
World War II was described by the company as being the blackest days of its history.[16] In 1938 the Mita and Tamagawa plants were placed under military control, with direct supervision by military officers. In 1939, Nippon Electric established a research laboratory in the Tamagawa plant. It became the first Japanese company to successfully test microwave multiplex communications.[17] On December 22, 1941, the enemy property control law was passed. NEC shares owned by International Standard Electric Corporation (ISE), an ITT subsidiary and Western Electric affiliate were seized. Capital and technical relations were abruptly severed. The "Munitions Company Law" was passed in October 1943, placing overall control of NEC plants under military jurisdiction.[18] The Ueno plant was leveled by military attack in March 1945. Fire bombings in April and May heavily damaged the Tamagawa Plant, reducing its capacity by forty percent. The Okayama Plant was totally destroyed by a bombing attack in June of the same year. At the end of the war, NEC’s production had been substantially reduced by damage to its facilities, and by material and personnel shortages.
After the war, production was slowly returned to civilian use. NEC re-opened its major plants by the end of January 1946.[19] NEC began transistor research and development in 1950. It started exporting radio-broadcast equipment to Korea under the first major postwar contract in 1951. NEC received the Deming prize for excellence in quality control in 1952. Computer research and development began in 1954. NEC produced the first crossbar switching system in Japan. It was installed at Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation (currently Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation; NTT) in 1956. NEC began joint research and development with NTT of electronic switching systems the same year. NEC established Taiwan Telecommunication Company as their first postwar overseas joint venture in 1958. They completed the NEAC-1101 and NEAC-1102 computers the same year. In 1959 NEC demonstrated their first transistorized computer, the NEAC-2201. They demonstrated it at the UNESCO AUTOMATH show in Paris. The company began integrated circuit research and development in 1960. In 1963 NEC started trading as American Depositary Receipts, ten million shares being sold in the United States.[20] Nippon Electric New York (now NEC America Inc.) was incorporated in the same year.
NEC supplied KDD with submarine cable systems for laying in the Pacific Ocean in 1964. They supplied short-haul 24 channel PCM carrier transmission equipment to NTT in 1965. NEC de Mexico, S. A. de C. V., NEC do Brasil, S. A., NEC Australia Pty. Ltd. were established between 1968 and 1969. NEC supplied Comsat Corporation with the SPADE satellite communications system in 1971. In 1972, Switzerland ordered a NEC satellite communications earth station. The same year, a small transportable satellite communications earth station was set up in China. Shares of NEC common stock were listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange in 1973. NEC also designed an automated broadcasting system for the Japan Broadcasting Corporation the same year. NEC Electronics (Europe) GmbH was also established. In 1974, the ACOS series computer was introduced. The New Central Research Laboratories were completed in 1975. In 1977, Japan's National Space Development Agency launched the NEC geostationary meteorological satellite, named Himawari.
During this period NEC introduced the concept of "C&C", the integration of computers and communications. NEC America Inc. opened a plant in Dallas, Texas to manufacture PABX and telephone systems in 1978. They also acquired Electronic Arrays, Inc. of California the same year to start semiconductor chip production in the United States.
In 1980, NEC created the first digital signal processor, the NEC µPD7710. NEC Semiconductors (UK) Ltd. was established in 1981, producing VLSIs and LSIs. NEC introduced the 8-bit PC-8800 series personal computer in 1981, followed by the 16-bit PC-9800 series in 1982. In 1983 NEC stock was listed on the Basel, Geneva and Zurich, Switzerland exchanges. NEC changed its English company name to NEC Corporation the same year. NEC Information Systems, Inc. started manufacturing computers and related products in the United States in 1984. NEC also released the V-series processor the same year. In 1986, NEC delivered its SX-2 super computer to the Houston Advanced Research Center, The Woodlands, Tx. In the same year, the NEAX61 digital switching system went in to service. In 1987, NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd. was established in the United Kingdom to manufacture VCRs, printers and computer monitors and mobile telephones for Europe. Also that year, NEC licensed technology from Hudson Soft, a video game manufacturer, to create a video game console called the PC-Engine (later released in 1989 as the TurboGrafx-16 in the North American market). Its successor, the PC-FX, was released in Japan in 1994. NEC USA, Inc. was established in 1989 as a holding company for North American operations.
In 1990, the new head office building, known as the "Super Tower", was completed. Additionally, joint-venture agreements were established to manufacture and market digital electronic switching systems and LSIs in China. In 1993 NEC's asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) switching system, the NEAX61 (Nippon Electronic Automatic Exchange) ATM Service Node, went into service in the United States. NEC Europe, Ltd. was established as a holding company for European operations the same year. The NEC C&C Research Laboratories, NEC Europe, Ltd. were opened in Germany in 1994. NEC (China) Co, Ltd. was established as a holding company for Chinese operations in 1996. In 1997 NEC developed 4Gbit DRAM, and their semiconductor group was honored with one of the first Japan Quality Awards. In 1998, NEC opened the world's most advanced semiconductor R&D facility.
NEC celebrated their 100th anniversary in 1999. NEC Electronics Corporation was separated from NEC in 2002 as a new semiconductor company. NEC Laboratories America, Inc. (NEC Labs) started in November, 2002 as a merger of NEC Research Institute (NECI) and NEC USA’s Computer and Communications Research Laboratory (CCRL). NEC built the Earth Simulator Computer (ESC), the fastest supercomputer in the world from 2002 to 2004, and since produced the NEC N343i in 2006.
In 2007, NEC and Nissan Co. Corp. started evaluating a joint venture to produce lithium ion batteries for hybrid and electric cars.[22]
On April 23, 2009, Renesas Technology Corp and NEC Electronics Corp struck a basic agreement to merge by around April 2010.[23] On April 1, 2010 NEC Electronics and Renesas Technology merged forming Renesas Electronics which is set to be fourth largest semiconductor company according to iSuppli published data.[24]
On January 27, 2011, NEC formed a PC joint venture with Chinese PC maker Lenovo, the fourth largest PC maker in the world. As part of the deal, the companies said in a statement they will establish a new company called Lenovo NEC Holdings B.V., which will be registered in the Netherlands. NEC will receive US$175 million from Lenovo through the issuance of Lenovo's shares. Lenovo, through a unit, will own a 51% stake in the joint venture, while NEC will hold a 49% stake.[25] In February 2011, Bloomberg News said the joint venture would allow Lenovo to expand in the field of servers, and NEC's Masato Yamamoto said NEC would be able to grow in China.[26]
On January 26, 2012 NEC Corporation announced that it would cut 10,000 jobs globally due to big loss on NEC's consolidated financial statement in line with economic crisis in Europe and lagged in the development of smartphones in the domestic market compare to Apple and Samsung. Previously, in January 2009 NEC has cut about 20,000 jobs, mainly in sluggish semiconductor and liquid crystal display related businesses.[27]
NEC has structured its organization around three principal segments: IT solutions, network solutions and electronic devices.
The IT solutions business delivers computing solutions to business enterprises, government and individual customers — in the form of software, hardware and related services.
The network solutions business designs and provides broadband network systems, mobile and wireless communications network systems, mobile handsets, broadcast and other systems.
NEC's electronic devices business includes semiconductors, displays and other electronic components. NEC produces Versa notebooks for the international market and the LaVie series for Japanese markets.
Principal subsidiaries of NEC include:
The NEC Super Tower in Minato, Tokyo, Japan, the headquarters of NEC
The European headquarters of NEC in Düsseldorf, Germany
Achievements of NEC include:[citation needed]
As of 2009[update] NEC ranked consistently in the top four companies over the previous five years for the number of U.S. patents issued, averaging 1764 each year[citation needed].
NEC was the main (title) sponsor of the Davis Cup competition until 2002, when BNP Paribas took over the sponsorship.
NEC sponsored the English football club Everton from 1985 to 1995. The 1995 FA Cup Final triumph was Everton's final game of the decade-long NEC sponsorship, and Danka took over as sponsors.
NEC signed a deal to sponsor the Sauber F1 team for the 2011 Season onwards.
In April 2013, NEC became the umbrella sponsor for the PGA Tour Latinoamérica, a third-tier men's professional golf tour.
These started as works teams, but over the years came to include professional players:
NEC also used to own Montedio Yamagata of the football (soccer) J. League, but as of 2009[update] just sponsors them along with other local companies.
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リンク元 | 「壊死性腸炎」「necrotising enterocolitis」 |
拡張検索 | 「EINECS」 |
関連記事 | 「N」「NE」 |
[★] 壊死性腸炎 necrotizing enterocolitis NEC