神経性セロイドリボフスチノーシス、neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- the 14th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)n
- nitrogenの化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/12/16 10:57:16」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- ニューカレドニアのISO 3166-1国名コード
- ニューカッスルのIATA都市コード
- ニューカッスル国際空港のIATA空港コード
- ニューカッスル大学 (イングランド)
- ノルウェージャン・クルーズライン (Norwegian Cruise Line) - アメリカのクルーズ客船運航会社
- 神経性セロイドリポフスチン沈着症 (neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis)
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[Wiki en表示]
NCL may refer to:
- Northern coalfields limited, a a part of coal india limited http://www.ncl.nic.in/ company
- Norwegian Cruise Line, a cruise ship company
- National Charity League, a mother-daughter philanthropy organization in the US
- National Conference League, a rugby league competition played in the UK
- National Consumers League, formed in the 1890s for women's suffrage, protection of female and child laborers, eliminations of health hazards
- New Caledonia, a small French country
- A wide group of diseases known as neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- Newcastle University
- The IATA airport code for Newcastle International Airport, UK
- The National Rail station code of Newcastle Central railway station, UK
- Nintendo Company Limited, a major Japanese video game company
- The National Chemical Laboratory of Pune, India
- The Nested Context Language
- The NCAR Command Language
- The North Coast League, a high school athletic conference in Ohio
- North Coast railway line, Queensland - The main railway line between Brisbane and Cairns
- North Coast railway line, New South Wales - The main railway line between Sydney and the Queensland border
- National City Lines, part of the Great American Streetcar Scandal
- Nucleolin, a protein
- National Chemical Laboratories, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
- Native chemical ligation, a chemical way to synthesize proteins
- Normal closure (disambiguation) in group theory and as a command in computer algebra systems
- NULL convention logic, a form of asynchronous logic
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Novel application of red-light runner proneness theory within traffic microsimulation to an actual signal junction.
- Bell MC, Galatioto F, Giuffrè T, Tesoriere G.SourceSchool of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Newcastle University, Cassie Building, Newcastle Upon Tyne NE17RU, UK. margaret.bell@ncl.ac.uk
- Accident; analysis and prevention.Accid Anal Prev.2012 May;46:26-36. Epub 2012 Jan 20.
- Building on previous research a conceptual framework, based on potential conflicts analysis, has provided a quantitative evaluation of 'proneness' to red-light running behaviour at urban signalised intersections of different geometric, flow and driver characteristics. The results provided evidence t
- PMID 22310040
- Exploring Förster electronic energy transfer in a decoupled anthracenyl-based borondipyrromethene (bodipy) dyad.
- Bai D, Benniston AC, Hagon J, Lemmetyinen H, Tkachenko NV, Clegg W, Harrington RW.SourceMolecular Photonics Laboratory, School of Chemistry, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK. a.c.benniston@ncl.ac.uk.
- Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP.Phys Chem Chem Phys.2012 Apr 7;14(13):4447-56. Epub 2012 Feb 28.
- An anthracenyl-Bodipy dyad containing a triazole bridge, that acts to decouple the two units in the ground state, has been synthesised and structurally characterised. Efficient electronic energy transfer occurs from the anthracenyl-based unit to the Bodipy system in toluene in around 12 ps, and beco
- PMID 22373573
Japanese Journal
- Carborane confined nanoparticles for boron neutron capture therapy: Improved stability, blood circulation time and tumor accumulation
- Sumitani Shogo,Oishi Motoi,Nagasaki Yukio,角谷 省吾,大石 基,長崎 幸夫
- Reactive & functional polymers 71(7), 684-693, 2011-07
- … No leakage of VB-carborane from the CL micelles was observed in PBS even in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) at 37 °C, whereas significant leakage (80%) of VB-carborane was observed for the non-cross-linked (NCL) micelles under the same conditions. … To clarify the biodistribution of both types of micelles, 125I (RI: radioisotope)-labeled CL and NCL micelles were injected into tumor-bearing BALB/c mice via the tail vein. …
- NAID 120003184400
- 水球競技におけるコンタクトレンズ使用が競技中の静止視力,動体視力,眼痛および霧視の程度に与える影響
- 小森 康加,望月 康司,榎本 至,前田 明,河野 一郎
- 体力科学 60(1), 113-120, 2011
- … Eleven male water polo players participated in this study, and were assigned to one of two groups: contact lens users (CL, n=5) and non-users (NCL, n=5). …
- NAID 130000672320
Related Links
- NCL図書目録で紹介の図書全918セットをオールカラーの写真付きで解説したホームページです。 「キーワード」や「グレード」別の用途に応じた便利な検索付きです。
- 株式会社マックスではNCL(ナンバーチェンジロック)のシリンダー、遊技場設備、部材等の販売を行っております。 ... 地 域 連 絡 先 ご注文方法 北海道 株式会社 北日本ジェー・シー・エム TEL:011-868-7710 FAX:011-868-7721 Fax ...
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- 英
- neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis
- 同
- 英
- neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis NCL