乾性角結膜炎 keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- street names for ketamine (同)jet, super acid, special K, honey oil, green, cat valium, super C
- the 11th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)k
- Kelvin / Kindergarten / (チェスの)King / kalium(ラテン語)(=potassium)の化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/10/18 20:17:18」(JST)
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- カンサスシティスタンダード - コンパクトカセットテープへのデータ記録規格。
- SCC傘下の専門学校
- KCS北九州情報専門学校
- KCS福岡情報専門学校
- KCS大分情報専門学校
- KCS鹿児島情報専門学校
- 企業の略称
- 兼松コミュニケーションズ
- さくらケーシーエスの旧社名、神戸コンピューターサービスの略称。
- 国際ケーブル・シップ - 海底ケーブルの敷設・保守を行う会社。
- 九州コンビニエンスシステムズ
- 京セラコミュニケーションシステム
- コベルコシステム - 旧社名・神鋼コンピュータシステムの略称に由来。
- カンザス・シティ・サザン鉄道 - アメリカ合衆国の鉄道事業者。
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KCS may refer to:
- Czechoslovak crown (abbreviated as Kcs.)
- Kanawha County Schools
- Kansas City Southern Railway
- Kansas City standard, a standard for encoding binary data on tape used by many early microcomputers
- KCSF, formerly KCS radio station
- Kennet Comprehensive School, a state school in south east England.
- Keratoconjunctivitis sicca
- Keyboard Controller Style, an interface often used between Baseboard Management Controller and payload processor in the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) architecture
- Khamiti Confection Sport, an Algerian sport equipment
- Killed carbon steel
- kilocycles per second, another name for kilohertz
- King's College School, an independent day school in south west London, England
- Kingsford Community School, an East London secondary school
- Knowledge-Centered Support
- Very-long-chain 3-oxoacyl-CoA synthase, en enzyme
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Compressive sensing of sparse tensors.
- Friedland S, Li Q, Schonfeld D.
- IEEE transactions on image processing : a publication of the IEEE Signal Processing Society.IEEE Trans Image Process.2014 Oct;23(10):4438-47. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2014.2348796. Epub 2014 Aug 15.
- Compressive sensing (CS) has triggered an enormous research activity since its first appearance. CS exploits the signal's sparsity or compressibility in a particular domain and integrates data compression and acquisition, thus allowing exact reconstruction through relatively few nonadaptive linear m
- PMID 25137727
- Kupffer cells decrease metastasis of colon cancer cells to the liver in the early stage.
- Matsumura H, Kondo T, Ogawa K, Tamura T, Fukunaga K, Murata S, Ohkohchi N.
- International journal of oncology.Int J Oncol.2014 Sep 18. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2014.2662. [Epub ahead of print]
- Although Kupffer cells (KCs) play an important role in the liver's immune response, their role in colon cancer metastasis to the liver is unclear. We here analyzed the relationship between KCs and tumor cells (TCs) in colon cancer metastasis to the liver. Fischer 344 (F344) rats were divided into
- PMID 25231346
- Fatty Acid Binding Protein 7 Regulates Phagocytosis and Cytokine Production in Kupffer Cells during Liver Injury.
- Miyazaki H1, Sawada T1, Kiyohira M1, Yu Z2, Nakamura K1, Yasumoto Y1, Kagawa Y1, Ebrahimi M1, Islam A1, Sharifi K1, Kawamura S1, Kodama T1, Yamamoto Y1, Adachi Y3, Tokuda N4, Terai S5, Sakaida I5, Ishikawa T6, Owada Y7.
- The American journal of pathology.Am J Pathol.2014 Sep;184(9):2505-15. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2014.05.015. Epub 2014 Jul 18.
- Kupffer cells (KCs) are involved in the progression of liver diseases such as hepatitis and liver cancer. Several members of the fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) are expressed by tissue macrophages, and FABP7 is localized only in KCs. To clarify the role of FABP7 in the regulation of KC function,
- PMID 25041855
Japanese Journal
- 全方向送受信スタビライズ機能を搭載したKCS-60型スキャニングソナーの紹介
- 海洋水産エンジニアリング = Journal of Fishing Boat and System Engineering Association of Japan 16(127), 85-87, 2016-05
- NAID 40020852313
Related Links
- 「株式会社さくらケーシーエスは、お客さまの“真のパートナー”を目指し、価値を提供し続ける会社へ」ワンストップソリューション体制を確立し、IT化をご支援します。 ... マイナンバー制度対応支援コンサルティング 特定個人 ...
- 大学同時卒業可能!資格、就職に強い!情報処理、IT、医療情報、ゲーム、CG、ビジネス、ネットワークを学ぶならKCS福岡情報専門学校 ... 〒810-0003 福岡市中央区春吉1丁目11-18 TEL.092-711-0401 FAX.092-714-3744
Related Pictures
![Home [kcsouthernenglish.silkroad.com]](https://1mg.info/0/7/5/0007.jpg)

- 英
- dry eye syndrome
- 同
- 乾性角結膜炎 keratoconjunctivitis sicca, KCS、乾性角膜炎 keratitis sicca