- speak softly or indistinctly; "She murmured softly to the baby in her arms"
- make complaining remarks or noises under ones breath; "she grumbles when she feels overworked" (同)mutter, grumble, croak, gnarl
- United States evangelical preacher famous as a mass evangelist (born in 1918) (同)Billy Graham, William Franklin Graham
- United States dancer and choreographer whose work was noted for its austerity and technical rigor (1893-1991) (同)Martha Graham
- making a low continuous indistinct sound; "like murmuring waves"; "susurrant voices" (同)susurrant, whispering
- (流れる水・そよぐ葉などの)『ざわるき』,かすかな音;(人の声の)『ささやき』,ぼそぼそいう声《+『of』+『名』》 / 不平の声,ぶつぶつ言うこと / 〈川・風・木の葉などが〉『ざわめく』 / 〈人が〉『ささやく』,つぶやく / 《まれ》(…について)ぶつぶつ不平を言う《+『at』(『against, about』)+『名』》 / …‘を'『ささやく』,ぼそぼそと言う,小声で言う
- (ふすまを除かない)全麦の
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2013/04/03 23:01:00」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
A Graham Steell murmur is a heart murmur typically associated with pulmonary regurgitation. It is a high pitched early diastolic murmur heard best at the left sternal edge in the second intercostal space with the patient in full inspiration.
The murmur is heard due to a high velocity regurgitant flow across the pulmonary valve; this is usually a consequence of pulmonary hypertension. The Graham Steell murmur is often heard in patients with chronic cor pulmonale (pulmonary heart disease) as a result of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
It is named after Graham Steell.[1][2]
- ^ McArthur JD, Sukumar IP, Munsi SC, Krishnaswami S, Cherian G (October 1974). "Reassessment of Graham Steell murmur using platinum electrode technique". Br Heart J 36 (10): 1023–7. doi:10.1136/hrt.36.10.1023. PMC 1020054. PMID 4433433.
- ^ Fraser AG, Weston CF (January 1991). "The Graham Steell murmur: eponymous serendipity?". J R Coll Physicians Lond 25 (1): 66–70. PMID 2023159.
Eponymous medical signs for circulatory system
Heart disease |
Heart murmur |
- Systolic heart murmur: benign paediatric heart murmur (Still's murmur)
- Diastolic heart murmur: pulmonic regurgitation (Graham Steell murmur)
- aortic insufficiency (Austin Flint murmur) carey coombs murmur
- mitral regurgitation (Presystolic murmur)
Aortic insufficiency |
- Watson's water hammer pulse/Corrigan pulse
- De Musset's sign
- Duroziez's sign
- Müller's sign
- Quincke's sign
- Austin Flint murmur
- Mayne's sign
Other endocardium |
- endocarditis: Roth's spot
- Janeway lesion/Osler's node
- Bracht-Wachter bodies
Pericardium |
- cardiac tamponade/pericardial effusion: Beck's triad
- Ewart's sign
Other |
- rheumatic fever: Anitschkow cell
- Aschoff body
- angina pectoris (Levine's sign)
Vascular disease |
Arterial |
- aortic aneurysm (Cardarelli's sign, Oliver's sign)
- pulmonary embolism (McConnell's sign)
- radial artery sufficiency (Allen's test)
- pseudohypertension (Osler's sign)
- thrombus (Lines of Zahn)
- Adson's sign
- arteriovenous fistula (Nicoladoni sign)
Venous |
- Friedreich's sign
- Caput medusae
- Kussmaul's sign
- Bancroft's sign
- Homans sign
- Lisker's sign
- Louvel's sign
- Lowenberg's sign
- Peabody's sign
- Pratt's sign
- Rose's sign
- Trendelenburg test
- superior vena cava syndrome (Pemberton's sign)
noco/cong/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C1A/1B/1C/1D), blte
anat (a:h/u/t/a/l,v:h/u/t/a/l)/phys/devp/cell/prot
noco/syva/cong/lyvd/tumr, sysi/epon, injr
proc, drug (C2s+n/3/4/5/7/8/9)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The Graham Steell murmur: eponymous serendipity?
- Fraser AG1, Weston CF.
- Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London.J R Coll Physicians Lond.1991 Jan;25(1):66-70.
- On 7 March 1888 Dr Graham Steell addressed the Manchester Medical Society in the premises of the Literary and Philosophical Society in George Street, Manchester. He chose as his subject 'The auscultatory signs of mitral obstruction and regurgitation', and later that year published two papers on the
- PMID 2023159
- Severe and early stenosis of porcine heterograft mitral valve.
- Forfar JC, Cotter L, Morritt GN.
- British heart journal.Br Heart J.1978 Oct;40(10):1184-7.
- A patient who had aortic and mitral valves replaced by Carpentier porcine heterografts for bacterial endocarditis developed severe heart failure 18 days after operation. A second emergency operation revealed that the mitral prosthesis had become severely stenosed and calcified. A loud Graham Steell
- PMID 568477
- Echocardiogram and phonocardiogram related to the movement of the pulmonary valve.
- Sakamoto T, Matsuhisa M, Hayashi T, Ichiyasu H.
- Japanese heart journal.Jpn Heart J.1975 Mar;16(2):107-17.
- Pulmonary valve movement and the related acoustic phenomena were investigated using high speed strip-chart echo- and phonocardiographic recording. The opening of the pulmonary valve had no definite relationship to the acoustic phenomena, whereas the pulmonary ejection sound was closely related in ti
- PMID 1117589
Japanese Journal
- Echocardiogram and Phonocardiogram Related to the Movement of the Pulmonary Valve
- 強大なGraham Steell雑音を示した動脈開存症の1例 : 日本循環器学会第26回東海第2回北陸合同地方会総会
- A Case of Congenital Quadricuspid Pulmonary Valve with Mitral Stenosis
Related Links
- IN 1888 Graham Steell described his now famous left-sternal-border diastolic murmur and attributed its origin to pulmonary regurgitation caused by high pressure in the pulmonary artery in patients with mitral stenosis,1 ...
- Looking for online definition of Graham Steell murmur in the Medical Dictionary? Graham Steell murmur explanation free. What is Graham Steell murmur? Meaning of Graham Steell murmur medical term. What does Graham Steell ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- Graham Steell murmur
- 同
- グラハムスチール雑音 Graham Steell雑音、グレーアム・スティール雑音
- 関
- 肺高血圧
[show details]
- 肺高血圧を来す疾患において聴かれる相対的肺動脈弁閉鎖不全雑音である。