- a low continuous indistinct sound; often accompanied by movement of the lips without the production of articulate speech (同)muttering, murmur, murmuring, murmuration, mussitation
- a person who speaks softly and indistinctly (同)mumbler, murmurer
- (余り口を開けずに)『つぶやく』《+『away』》 / (…に対して…について)ぶつぶつ言う,不平を言う《+『at』(『against』)+『名』+『about』+『名』》 / (…に)…‘を'ぶつぶつ言う《+『名』+『at』(『against』)+『名』》 / つぶやき,つぶやきに似た音;不平
- 《俗》 / 犬,(特に)雑取犬,のら犬 / 《英》ばか者
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/09/10 23:00:01」(JST)
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Look up mutter or Mutter in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Mutter may refer to:
- Mutter (software), an X window manager and Wayland compositor developed for the GNOME 3.0 desktop environment
- Mutter (Rammstein album) (2001)
- "Mutter" (song), a song by Rammstein
- Mutter (surname)
- The Mother (play) or Die Mutter, a play by Bertolt Brecht
- Mutters, a municipality near Innsbruck, Austria
See also
- Mütter Museum, a medical museum in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Mutterstadt, a municipality in Germany
- All pages beginning with "Mutter"
- All pages with titles containing "Mutter"
English Journal
- Delineation of Supraclavicular Target Volumes in Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy.
- Brown LC1, Diehn FE2, Boughey JC3, Childs SK1, Park SS1, Yan ES1, Petersen IA1, Mutter RW4.
- International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys.2015 Jul 1;92(3):642-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2015.02.022. Epub 2015 Apr 28.
- PURPOSE: To map the location of gross supraclavicular metastases in patients with breast cancer, in order to determine areas at highest risk of harboring subclinical disease.METHODS AND MATERIALS: Patients with axial imaging of gross supraclavicular disease were identified from an institutional brea
- PMID 25936809
- The role of perceived need and health insurance in substance use treatment: implications for the affordable care act.
- Ali MM1, Teich JL2, Mutter R2.
- Journal of substance abuse treatment.J Subst Abuse Treat.2015 Jul;54:14-20. doi: 10.1016/j.jsat.2015.02.002. Epub 2015 Feb 23.
- The expansions in insurance coverage under the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (ACA) that took full effect in 2014 have been projected to increase the number of users of behavioral health services. By analyzing data from the 2008-2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, this paper e
- PMID 25753655
- Inpatient admissions from the ED for adults with injuries: the role of clinical and nonclinical factors.
- Spector WD1, Limcangco R2, Mutter RL3, Pines JM4, Owens P5.
- The American journal of emergency medicine.Am J Emerg Med.2015 Jun;33(6):764-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2015.02.045. Epub 2015 Mar 7.
- INTRODUCTION: Inpatient hospital costs represent nearly a third of heath care spending. The proportion of inpatients visits that originate in the emergency department (ED) has been growing, approaching half of all inpatient admissions. Injury is the most common reason for adult ED visits, representi
- PMID 25865158
- Pseudozyma aphidis fungemia after abdominal surgery: First adult case.
- Herb A1, Sabou M2, Delhorme JB3, Pessaux P3, Mutter D3, Candolfi E2, Letscher-Bru V2.
- Medical mycology case reports.Med Mycol Case Rep.2015 Mar 6;8:37-9. doi: 10.1016/j.mmcr.2015.03.001. eCollection 2015.
- Pseudozyma aphidis is an environmental Basidiomycete yeast, and has been involved in the ten past years in rare cases of invasive infection. Pseudozyma species are naturally resistant to caspofungin and often present decreased susceptibility or resistance to fluconazole. This fungus may be difficult
- PMID 25870786
Japanese Journal
- ノサックの「境界」 : ハイデから「アポレー」への旅(<特集>境界)
- 香月 恵里
- ドイツ文学 : Neue Beitrage zur Germanistik (146), 40-54, 2013-03-25
- … Viele Figuren von Nossacks Erzahlungen gerieten in der Pubertat in einen grossen Konflikt mit der Familie, besonders mit der Mutter. … Fur Nossack ist "die Mutter" ein Begriff, die als Herrin uber die Fassadenrealitat herrscht. … In Carlos sieht Schneider sein wahres Ich, welches er als Junge unterdruckt hat, um im Haus der Mutter weiterzuleben. …
- NAID 110009611634
- Die Familie und der Sozialstaat im Wandel : Aus der Debatte der CDU in der zweiten Hälfte der 70er Jahre
- Shirakawa Koichi,シラカワ コウイチ,白川 耕一
- 社会科学 95, 99-117, 2012-05
- … Die Christlich Demokratische Union (CDU) hatte die Verbesserung der gesellschaftlich- und wirtschaftlichen Stelle der Mutter verlangt, damit die verheirateten Frauen freiwillig die Kindererziehung zu Hause als die ausserhäusliche Berufstätigkeit wählen wollten. …
- NAID 110009391529
- Single port laparoscopic cholecystectomy : which technique, which surgeon, for which patient? A study of the implementation in a teaching hospital
- Journal of hepato-biliary-pancreatic sciences 18(3), 453-457, 2011-05-01
- NAID 10029287277
- ホフマンスタール『チャンドス卿の手紙』における比喩形象について
- 山崎 泰孝
- オーストリア文学 (27), 22-31, 2011-03-31
- … Diese Mutter wird mit der mythischen Figur Niobe verglichen. …
- NAID 110008762255
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- 2013年6月18日 ... 前回からの続きです。 コストコでは食材の他にもおもちゃや文房具を買いました。 コストコ水鉄砲. AQUA ZOOKA 早速ベランダで遊んだトコロテン方式の簡単水鉄砲。 最初ベランダの壁に向けて打ったら、跳ね返りで部屋にまで水がかかる ...
- Amazon.co.jp: Mutter: 音楽. ... 曲目リスト. 1. Mein Herz brennt. 2. Links 234. 3. Sonne. 4. Ich will. 5. Feuer frei! 6. Mutter. 7. Spieluhr. 8. Zwitter. 9. Rein raus. 10. Adios. 11. Nebel. 商品の説明. Amazonレビュー. ドイツ出身のインダストリアル・メタル 。
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