- 同
- follicle-stimulating hormone
- the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)f
- a benign epithelial tumor of glandular origin
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English Journal
- Juvenile granulosa cell tumour of the ovary presenting with hyperprolactinaemic amenorrhoea and galactorrhoea.
- Iqbal A1, Novodvorsky P1, Lubina-Solomon A1, Kew FM2, Webster J1.
- Endocrinology, diabetes & metabolism case reports.Endocrinol Diabetes Metab Case Rep.2016;2016:160006. doi: 10.1530/EDM-16-0006. Epub 2016 Feb 23.
- PMID 27047664
- Molecular classification of pituitary adenomas: in search for criteria useful for high-throughput studies.
- Żebracka-Gala J1, Rudnik A, Hasse-Lazar K, Larysz D, Jarząb M, Krajewska J, Bażowski P, Jarząb B.
- Endokrynologia Polska.Endokrynol Pol.2016;67(2):148-56. doi: 10.5603/EP.a2016.0024. Epub 2016 Feb 17.
- PMID 26884293
- Galectin-3 expression in pituitary adenomas as a marker of aggressive behavior.
- Righi A1, Morandi L, Leonardi E, Farnedi A, Marucci G, Sisto A, Frank G, Faustini-Fustini M, Zoli M, Mazzatenta D, Agati R, Foschini MP.
- Human pathology.Hum Pathol.2013 Nov;44(11):2400-9. doi: 10.1016/j.humpath.2013.05.020. Epub 2013 Sep 2.
- PMID 24007691
Japanese Journal
- Expression of mPOU protein in the human pituitary adanomas
- Sakagami Yoshio,Okimura Yasuhiko,Kondoh Takeshi,Iguchi Genzo,Fumoto Mariko,Kuno Takayoshi,Chihara Kazuo/Kohmura Eiji
- The Kobe journal of the medical sciences 49(5/6), 117-122, 2003
- … In this study, we immunohistologically investigated the expression of mPOU in pituitary adenomas. … [Methods] 17 patients with pituitary adenoma underwent tumor excision by transsphenoidal approach at our hospital (PRL: 5, GH: 4, FSH: 1, non-functioning: 7). … [Results] In all GH-producing and PRL-producing adenomas, mPOU protein was specifically expressed, particularly in the nuclei. …
- NAID 110000935420
- プロラクチンおよび成長ホルモンを産生し嚢胞を伴った異所性鞍上部下垂体腺腫
- 鈴川 活水,天羽 正志,大貫 明,石井 尚登,浦上 信也
- 脳神経外科ジャーナル 10(8), 525-530, 2001-08-20
- … って正常下垂体とは分けられて観察された.下垂体ホルモン検査では血清プロラクチンとGHの基礎値が高値を示し, TRH, LH-RHおよびヒトインスリンによる下垂体刺激試験には低反応であった.一方, 血清ACTH, TSH, LH, FSHの基礎値は低値を示し, 下垂体刺激試験に対し低反応を示した.術中所見では腫瘍は正常下垂体との連続性がなく, pars tuberalisより発生したものと考えられた.病理学検査においては, 免疫染色も含め, プロラクチ …
- NAID 110003812367
- 加藤 哲夫,桑山 明夫,高橋 立夫,景山 直樹
- Neurologia medico-chirurgica 23(8), 633-637, 1983-08-15
- … Though radiographically-proven calcifications in pituitary adenomas are rare, a higher incidence of microscopically-proven calcified adenomas has been recently reported. …
- NAID 110002280024
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卵胞刺激ホルモン follicle-stimulating hormone follicle stimulating hormone
フェニルアラニン phenylalanine