English Journal
- Safe distance between electrotome and recurrent laryngeal nerve: an experimental canine model.
- Jiang K1, Zhu Y1, Zhou G1, Ye Y1, Xie Q1, Yang X1, Wang S1.
- International journal of clinical and experimental medicine.Int J Clin Exp Med.2015 Jan 15;8(1):770-5. eCollection 2015.
- BACKGROUND: Various energy based surgical devices (ESD) like electrotome have been widely applied in thyroid surgery. This is the first canine model to determine the safety margin of using the electrotome near the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) to prevent injury to this nerve during thyroid surgery
- PMID 25785056
- Effect of rocuronium on the level and mode of pre-synaptic acetylcholine release by facial and somatic nerves, and changes following facial nerve injury in rabbits.
- Tan J1, Xu J1, Xing Y2, Chen L2, Li S2.
- International journal of clinical and experimental pathology.Int J Clin Exp Pathol.2015 Feb 1;8(2):1479-90. eCollection 2015.
- Muscles innervated by the facial nerve show differential sensitivities to muscle relaxants than muscles innervated by somatic nerves. The evoked electromyography (EEMG) response is also proportionally reduced after facial nerve injury. This forms the theoretical basis for proper utilization of muscl
- PMID 25973033
- Evoked EMG versus muscle torque during fatiguing functional electrical stimulation-evoked muscle contractions and short-term recovery in individuals with spinal cord injury.
- Estigoni EH1, Fornusek C2, Hamzaid NA3, Hasnan N4, Smith RM5, Davis GM6.
- Sensors (Basel, Switzerland).Sensors (Basel).2014 Dec 3;14(12):22907-20. doi: 10.3390/s141222907.
- This study investigated whether the relationship between muscle torque and m-waves remained constant after short recovery periods, between repeated intervals of isometric muscle contractions induced by functional electrical stimulation (FES). Eight subjects with spinal cord injury (SCI) were recruit
- PMID 25479324
Japanese Journal
- 木谷 伸治
- 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報 97(4), 645-653, 1994
- … を分析することにより障害部位診断に利用することが可能である.3) 圧迫による側頭骨内顔神麻痺を作製後,一定の期間をおいてAEPとeEMGを同時に記録し比較検討した.AEPはeEMGより麻痺発症後早期に消失し,回復期には早期に再出現した.したがってAEPはeEMGより予後診断法として優れていると考えられた.2) 正常者ならびに側頭骨内顔神麻痺患者でAEPの記録を試みた.正常者では全例でAEP …
- NAID 130000805449
- 進行性筋ジストロフィー症の研究 : 特に電気生理学的研究(<特集>脳と神経の研究II)
- 鈴木 次郎,富田 裕,立岩 正孝,石田 三郎,近藤 正治,山中 力,斎藤 篤,山根 友二郎
- 千葉医学会雑誌 41(4), 361-369, 1965-11-28
- … Eleven patients suffering from Dystrophia musculorum progressiva (BMP) were subjected to electromyographical (EMG) and evoked electromyographical (EEMG) analysis, with the following results. …
- NAID 110007347881
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- 英
- evoked electromyogram evoked EMG EEMG
- 関
- 筋電図
- 末梢神経に経皮的に電気刺激を与え、支配筋に発生する電気的活動を筋電図と同一の方法で記録したもの。
- 1-30Hz程度の頻度で刺激を与えてる。
感情表出, expressed emotion