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- Chenopodium
- includes spinach and beets (同)family Chenopodiaceae, goosefoot family
- goosefoot; pigweed (同)genus Chenopodium
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/04/14 16:55:36」(JST)
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Chenopodiaceae were a family of flowering plants, also called the Goosefoot Family. Although widely recognized in most plant classifications (notably the Cronquist system), the more recent gene-based APG system (1998) and the APG II system (2003) have included these plants in the family Amaranthaceae on the basis of evidence from molecular phylogenies: they are a paraphyletic group, so that for a monophyletic taxon, merger with Amaranthaceae sensu stricto was needed.
For any further information, please see main article Amaranthaceae (sensu lato) and the subfamily articles (Betoideae, Camphorosmoideae, Chenopodioideae, Corispermoideae, Polycnemoideae, Salicornioideae, Salsoloideae, and Suaedoideae).
- APG website: Amaranthaceae
- Chenopodiaceae in L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz (1992 onwards), The families of flowering plants.
English Journal
- Choosing between good and better: optimal oviposition drives host plant selection when parents and offspring agree on best resources.
- Videla M, Valladares GR, Salvo A.SourceInstituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET), Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Av. Vélez Sarsfield 1611, X5016GCA, Cordoba, Argentina, mvidela@com.uncor.edu.
- Oecologia.Oecologia.2012 Jul;169(3):743-51. Epub 2012 Jan 15.
- Insect preferences for particular plant species might be subjected to trade-offs among several selective forces. Here, we evaluated, through laboratory and field experiments, the feeding and ovipositing preferences of the polyphagous leafminer Liriomyza huidobrensis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in relati
- PMID 22246471
- Determination of six neonicotinoid insecticides residues in spinach, cucumber, apple and pomelo by QuEChERS method and LC-MS/MS.
- Zhang F, Li Y, Yu C, Pan C.SourceDepartment of Applied Chemistry, College of Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing, 100193, People's Republic of China.
- Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology.Bull Environ Contam Toxicol.2012 Jun;88(6):885-90. Epub 2012 Mar 8.
- A modified QuEChERS and LC-MS/MS method has been developed for the simultaneous determination of residues of six neonicotinoids in various crops, including spinach, cucumber, apple and pomelo. The method showed good linearity (R(2) ≥ 0.9995) and precision (RSD ≤ 14.0%). Average recoveries of the
- PMID 22398693
Japanese Journal
- Spatial heterogeneity of soil chemical properties at fine scales induced by Haloxylon ammodendron (Chenopodiaceae) plants in a sandy desert
- LI Congjuan,LI Yan,MA Jian
- Ecological research 26(2), 385-394, 2011-03-01
- NAID 10028194855
- 瀬戸内地方に隔離分布する絶滅危惧種アッケシソウの起源
Related Links
- Aellen, E (1958) Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Ausbreitung binnenländischer Halophyten durch Vögel. Bauhinia 1: pp. 85-89 Aellen, P (1938) Revision der australischen und neuseeländischen Chenopodiaceae. Bot. Jahrb. Syst ...
- 世界に約100属1500種が分布。おもに乾燥地や海岸の塩生地(えんせいち)に多い。多くは1年草、まれに低木。葉はふつう互生。托葉はない。花は小さく、緑色で目立たない。ホウレンソウやフダンソウ、ビートなどの有用植物を含む。
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- Chenopodiaceae
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- Chenopodiaceae
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