- (medicine) the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms and their multiplication which can lead to tissue damage and disease
- (phonetics) the alteration of a speech sound under the influence of a neighboring sound
- the pathological state resulting from the invasion of the body by pathogenic microorganisms
- (international law) illegality that taints or contaminates a ship or cargo rendering it liable to seizure
- moral corruption or contamination; "ambitious men are led astray by an infection that is almost unavoidable"
- an incident in which an infectious disease is transmitted (同)contagion, transmission
- 〈U〉(病気の)伝染;感染 / 〈C〉伝染病
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2018/05/22 21:45:29」(JST)
[Wiki en表示]
Acanthamoeba infection is a cutaneous condition resulting from Acanthamoeba that may result in various skin lesions.[1]:422[2]:1172 Acanthamoeba strains can also infect human eyes causing acanthamoebic keratitis.[3]
See also
- Acanthamoeba keratitis
- Balamuthia infection
- Skin lesion
- ^ James, William D.; Berger, Timothy G.; et al. (2006). Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: clinical Dermatology. Saunders Elsevier. ISBN 0-7216-2921-0.
- ^ Rapini, Ronald P.; Bolognia, Jean L.; Jorizzo, Joseph L. (2007). Dermatology: 2-Volume Set. St. Louis: Mosby. ISBN 1-4160-2999-0.
- ^ Khan, Naveed Ahmed (2009). Acanthamoeba: Biology and Pathogenesis. Horizon Scientific Press. p. 127. ISBN 9781904455431.
Amoebozoal diseases (A06, 006)
(free-living) |
Centramoebida |
- Acanthamoeba
- Acanthamoeba keratitis
- Cutaneous acanthamoebiasis
- Granulomatous amoebic encephalitis
- Acanthamoeba infection
- Balamuthia mandrillaris
- Balamuthia amoebic encephalitis
- Balamuthia infection
Flabellinea |
- Sappinia diploidea/Sappinia pedata
- Sappinia amoebic encephalitis
Conosa/Archamoebae |
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Amoebiasis
- Amoebic dysentery
- Amoebic liver abscess
- Cutaneous amoebiasis
- Amoebic brain abscess
- Amebiasis cutis
- Entamoeba gingivalis
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- The Characterisation of an Adrenergic Signalling System Involved in the Encystment of the Ocular Pathogen Acanthamoeba spp.
- Heaselgrave W1, Kilvington S2.
- The Journal of eukaryotic microbiology.J Eukaryot Microbiol.2016 Mar 4. doi: 10.1111/jeu.12312. [Epub ahead of print]
- The aim of this study was to identify and characterise the receptor system involved in controlling encystment in Acanthamoeba using specific agonists and antagonists and to examine whether endogenous stores of catecholamines are produced by the organism. Acanthamoeba trophozoites suspended in axenic
- PMID 26941040
- Active and Adaptive Legionella CRISPR-Cas reveals a recurrent challenge to the pathogen.
- Rao C1, Guyard C2,3, Pelaz C4, Wasserscheid J5, Bondy-Denomy J1,6, Dewar K5, Ensminger AW1,2,7.
- Cellular microbiology.Cell Microbiol.2016 Mar 3. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12586. [Epub ahead of print]
- CRISPR-Cas systems are widely recognized as critical genome defense systems that protect microbes from external threats such as bacteriophage infection. Several isolates of the intracellular pathogen Legionella pneumophila possess multiple CRISPR-Cas systems (Type I-C, Type I-F, and Type II-B), yet
- PMID 26936325
- Clinical evaluation and characterisation of corneal vascularisation.
- Faraj LA1, Said DG2, Al-Aqaba M1, Otri AM1, Dua HS1.
- The British journal of ophthalmology.Br J Ophthalmol.2016 Mar;100(3):315-22. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2015-306686. Epub 2015 Jul 10.
- BACKGROUND/AIMS: To clinically characterise corneal neovascularisation (CVas) with a view to elaborate clinical presentations and to standardise descriptors for clinical evaluation and research.METHODS: Corneas of 165 patients with CVas due to a variety of corneal pathologies were observed clinicall
- PMID 26163540
Japanese Journal
- 小田原 晶子/篠崎 和美/高村 悦子/堀 貞夫
- 東京女子医科大学雑誌 82(E1), E249-E253, 2012-01-31
- アカントアメーバ角膜炎の初期例と完成期例の2例を経験したので報告する。,症例1は22歳、男性。1カ月定期交換のソフトコンタクトレンズ装用者だった。左眼,痛と充血を主訴に、発症から3週間後に当院を受診した。初診時、毛様充血、放射状角膜神経炎と偽樹枝状角膜炎を認め、初期のアカントアメーバ角膜炎と診断し、角膜擦過、消毒薬点眼、抗真菌薬の局所・全身投与を施行した。3カ月後、視力(1.2)と視力障害を残さず …
- NAID 110008767986
- LAOPRASERT Thitiporn,八木田 健司,下河原 理江子,CHINABUT Supranee,畑井 喜司雄
- 水産増殖 = The aquiculture 57(3), 383-388, 2009-09-20
- 2000年にアメーバ症がタイの熱帯魚の一種であるオスカーに発生した。異常遊泳魚から分離されたアメーバはアカントアメーバ属に分類された。アメーバの分離状況、形態的および生物学的特性について記載した。大腸菌を塗布した寒天培地に分離されたアメーバを接種し、種々の条件下で発育状況を試験した結果、アカントアメーバは種々の条件下において栄養型で増殖するが、環境が悪化する高温、高または低pH、高塩分下ではシスト …
- NAID 10029844726
- 英
- Acanthamoeba infection
- 関
- アカントアメーバ感染
- 英
- Acanthamoeba infection
- 関
- アカンソアメーバ感染
- 関
- contagion、infect、infectious disease、infestation、transmission、transmit