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English Journal
- Prior knowledge-based approach for associating contaminants with biological effects: A case study in the St. Croix River basin, MN, WI, USA.
- Schroeder AL1, Martinović-Weigelt D2, Ankley GT3, Lee KE4, Garcia-Reyero N5, Perkins EJ6, Schoenfuss HL7, Villeneuve DL8.
- Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987).Environ Pollut.2017 Feb;221:427-436. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2016.12.005. Epub 2016 Dec 8.
- Evaluating potential adverse effects of complex chemical mixtures in the environment is challenging. One way to address that challenge is through more integrated analysis of chemical monitoring and biological effects data. In the present study, water samples from five locations near two municipal wa
- PMID 27939634
- Endocrine disorders in women with complex regional pain syndrome type I.
- Buryanov A1, Kostrub A2, Kotiuk V2.
- European journal of pain (London, England).Eur J Pain.2017 Feb;21(2):302-308. doi: 10.1002/ejp.924. Epub 2016 Aug 10.
- BACKGROUND: The question of hormonal dysregulation in patients with CRPS I in whole was investigated very scantily. There are only a few studies concerning catecholamines, oestrogens and endorphins independently. Other hormones were studied in patients with different other chronic pain conditions. C
- PMID 27506801
- Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism: the under-recognized value of inhibins.
- Shearer JL1, Salmons N2, Murphy DJ3, Gama R1,4.
- Annals of clinical biochemistry.Ann Clin Biochem.2017 Jan;54(1):174-177. doi: 10.1177/0004563216656873. Epub 2016 Sep 28.
- We report a 70-year-old female presenting with increased libido and mild but rapid onset virilism. Investigations showed markedly elevated androstenedione and 17 hydroxyprogesterone misdirecting to possible late-onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia. High serum testosterone and oestrogens with suppre
- PMID 27278937
Japanese Journal
- Determination of 17-oxosteroid sulfates and glucuronides III. Sample and Method
- Determination of 17-Oxosteroid Sulfates and Glucuronides:III. Sample and Method
- ,
- 臨床化学 19(3), 266-274, 1990
- … On the basis of results of the present study and the previously proposed methods, we developed the method for the determination of four 17OS sulfates and seven glucuronides in urine and four 170S sulfates in serum. …
- NAID 130004627078
- Determination of 17-oxosteroid sulfates and glucurnides II. Improved pre-labeling with dansylhydrazine and analytical condition
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- 17-ox·o·ste·roid (-ŏk′sə-stîr′oid′, -stĕr′-) n. See 17-ketosteroid. ... Disclaimer All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.
- 17-oxosteroid definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Thesaurus Translate Puzzles & Games Reference Word of the Day Blog Slideshows Apps by Log In ...
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- 英
- 17-ketosteroids, (国試)17-KS
- 同
- 17-オキソステロイド 17-oxosteroid
- 関
- チンマーマン反応、尿中17-ケトステロイド、17-ヒドロキシコルチコステロイド
- コルチゾール、もしくはアンドロゲンが代謝されてできる物質の総称。
- クッシング病、異所性ACTH症候群では増加、副腎癌では著増するが、副腎腺腫・副腎皮質結節性過形成では正常~低下する。 ← 後者2つでは、副腎アンドロゲンの産生が亢進していないということか??血清DHEA-Sでもやや同じ挙動がみられるし。
- 副腎由来:2/3~3/4
- 精巣由来:1/4~1/3
- 英
- 17-oxosteroid
- 関
- 17-ケトステロイド