- 英
- nasal nutritional tube
- 同
- 経鼻栄養管
- 関
- 経鼻胃管
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- 1. 乳幼児や小児への経腸栄養の概要overview of enteral nutrition in infants and children [show details]
… Enteral nutrition is defined as providing nutrients via the gastrointestinal tract. Although the term technically refers to nutrition given either by mouth or through a feeding tube, in common usage, …
- 2. 早産児における経腸栄養に対するアプローチapproach to enteral nutrition in the premature infant [show details]
… is nonspecific because it may be affected by the position of the infant or the position of the feeding tube. Although some NICUs routinely measure GRVs in asymptomatic infants, there is no evidence that …
- 3. 経腸栄養:経胃栄養と幽門後経管栄養の比較enteral feeding gastric versus post pyloric [show details]
… are often used in neonatal practice, since infants are predominantly obligate nasal breathers. A more permanent feeding tube should be considered if enteral support will be needed for more than four to …
- 4. 重症患者における栄養補給:経腸栄養nutrition support in critically ill patients enteral nutrition [show details]
…decision to place a gastrostomy versus a nasal feeding tube. For example, one study reported that the rate of acceptance of patients with temporary nasal tubes was significantly lower in New York City compared …
- 5. 重症患者における栄養補給:概要nutrition support in critically ill patients an overview [show details]
…as well as the safety of continuing feeding during changes in position . Use of nasal bridles to secure nasal feeding tubes is reasonable. Malnutrition – The diagnosis of malnutrition is more likely to …
Japanese Journal
- 口唇口蓋裂児を持った母親の授乳経験のアンケート調査
- 学内実習における体験学習の効果 - 鼻腔栄養チューブ挿入経験を通して -
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- 2009.5.31. ▫ 医療安全全国フォーラム. 2009.11.23. ▫ (社)神奈川県看護協会. 業務 委員会主催研修. 2009.8.1. 「あなたの看護技術は大丈. 夫?経鼻栄養チューブ挿. 入 のワザとコツ」. 作成:寺見雅子・神奈川県看護協会業務委員会. 経鼻栄養チューブの 挿入 ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- nutrition、nutrient、vegetative, alimentation
- ラ
- nutritio
- 関
- 栄養性、栄養素、栄養分、栄養法、植物性、増殖型、栄養剤
- 水:体重x30ml
- Na:体重x 1mEq
- K:体重x 0.5mEq
- http://fooddb.mext.go.jp/
- 英
- nasal cavity (Z)
- ラ
- cavum nasi