- 英
- snowball vitreous opacity
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- 1. 小児の急性視力障害への診断アプローチdiagnostic approach to acute vision loss in children [show details]
…path from the front to the back of the eye, traveling through the cornea, aqueous humor, lens, and vitreous humor to the retina Refracted by the cornea and lens (and perhaps also by glasses or contact lenses) … lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) may infiltrate the optic nerve and eye in children, causing a loss of vision . Like the testicle, the eye is an important "sanctuary" site for leukemic cells where leukemia may recur … to 72 hours after ingestion. Patients describe several visual disturbances including blind spots, snow field vision, and loss of color vision. An afferent pupillary defect is an ominous and late sign …
- 2. 真菌による眼内炎の治療treatment of endophthalmitis due to molds [show details]
…aspirates some of the approximately 4 mL of gel-like vitreous into a canister During this process, a separate cannula infuses balanced salt solution into the vitreous cavity to maintain intraocular pressure. …
- 3. 白色瞳孔を有する小児に対するアプローチapproach to the child with leukocoria [show details]
… form is characterized by a rudimentary vascular stalk in the vitreous that usually extends to the optic nerve and is associated with a plaque-like opacity in the posterior lens. PFV is generally diagnosed …
- 4. 血清病および血清病様反応serum sickness and serum sickness like reactions [show details]
…"type III" or immune complex-mediated hypersensitivity disease Serum sickness-like reactions – Serum sickness-like reactions (SSLRs) are generally similar to but less severe than classic serum sickness …
- 5. 救急外来における眼部損傷の概要overview of eye injuries in the emergency department [show details]
… waves from the passing missile cause retinal and/or vitreous hemorrhage and choroidal rupture that appears as white or yellow streaks in a claw-like pattern Choroidal rupture and chorioretinitis sclopetaria …
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- 英
- vitreous opacity, vitreous opacities
- ラ
- opacitas corporis vitrei OCV
- 関
- 硝子体
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- vitreous body (KH), hyaloid body
- ラ
- corpus vitreum, corpus vitrei
- 関
- 眼球
- 英
- opacity
- 関
- 乳白度、不透明