- 英
- radical
- 関
- 根治的、遊離基、ラジカル
- of or relating to or constituting a linguistic root; "a radical verb form"
- (mathematics) a quantity expressed as the root of another quantity
- a character conveying the lexical meaning of a logogram
- a person who has radical ideas or opinions
- especially of leaves; located at the base of a plant or stem; especially arising directly from the root or rootstock or a root-like stem; "basal placentation"; "radical leaves" (同)basal
- arising from or going to the root or source; "a radical flaw in the plan"
- 『根本的な』,『基本的な』 / 《しばしばR-》『急進的な』,過激な / (数学の記号で)根(こん)の / 《しばしばR-》急進堂員,主義者,過激論者 / (数学の記号で)根,根号 / (化学反応で)基(き),根
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Japanese Journal
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- 英
- radical、curable、radically
- 関
- 徹底的、遊離基、ラジカル、急激、過激