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- 1. 敗血症性硬膜静脈洞血栓症septic dural sinus thrombosis [show details]
… This topic discusses septic dural sinus thrombosis. Aseptic dural sinus thrombosis is discussed separately: The cavernous sinus is the most frequent dural sinus to become infected… cavernous sinus thrombosis. There has been interest in using glucocorticoids in patients with septic cavernous sinus thrombosis to potentially reduce cranial nerve edema and orbital inflammation,… superior sagittal sinus, septic thrombotic occlusion is very rare. The most common infection associated with complete occlusion of the superior sagittal sinus is bacterial meningitis.…
- 2. 慢性副鼻腔炎:臨床症状、病態生理、および診断chronic rhinosinusitis clinical manifestations pathophysiology and diagnosis [show details]
… such as formaldehyde, may also contribute to nasal and sinus mucosal inflammation and decreased mucociliary function, thereby predisposing to sinus infection . Studies have demonstrated associations between …
- 3. 脳静脈血栓症:病因、臨床的特徴、診断cerebral venous thrombosis etiology clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… thrombus and the occluded dural sinus or vein . The characteristics of the MRI signal depend on the age of the thrombus : In the first five days, the thrombosed sinuses appear isointense on T1-weighted …
- 4. 原発性免疫不全症の肺合併症pulmonary complications of primary immunodeficiencies [show details]
…peribronchiolar lymphocytic inflammation . Organizing pneumonia is also a prominent finding in addition to the typical histopathologic features of nodular peribronchial inflammation with mature… The association of pneumonia with recurrent sinus infections is also a clue that a PID may be present.… skeletal disease (eg, fractures, scoliosis), and vascular abnormalities (eg, cerebral aneurysms, thrombotic events) . There are also autosomal recessive forms of hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome caused by…
- 5. 鼻症状の原因:概要etiologies of nasal symptoms an overview [show details]
… the sinus, within the ostiomeatal complex. Acute inflammation in the maxillary sinuses may cause the cheeks to become tender to touch or the upper jaw and upper teeth to ache. The ethmoid sinuses are …
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- 厚性硬膜炎と脳静脈洞血栓症の合併と診断した.血栓症 の治療として,第4 病日よりヘパリン12000 U/day を開 始し,HSV PCR 陰性を確認し第5 病日でACV は中止し た.各種検査より硬膜炎の原因は明らかではなく,特発
- 特発性肥厚性硬膜炎に脳静脈洞血栓症を合併した41 歳男性例. 症例は41 歳男性.亜急性に進行した頭痛と行動異常が認められ緊急入院となった.入院時は,意識清明だが高揚感があり,軽度認知機能障害と項部硬直を認めた.脳MRI で硬膜が肥厚しており ...
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- 英
- sinus thrombosis, venous sinus thrombosis
- 同
- 血栓性硬膜洞炎、脳静脈洞血栓症 cerebral venous sinus thrombosis、血栓性静脈洞炎 thrombosinusitis、洞血栓症
- 関
- 静脈洞血栓、頭蓋内静脈洞血栓症、上矢状静脈洞血栓症、海綿静脈洞血栓症、海綿静脈洞血栓性静脈炎
- 英
- thrombus, thrombi TH
- 関
- 血栓症
- ST上昇型急性冠症候群の症例ではフィブリンと赤血球主体の赤色血栓が認められ、非ST上昇型急性冠症候群で心筋トロポニンが上昇した症例では血小板主体の白色血栓が存在していることが明らかとなった。
- 岡松健太郎1 清野精彦1 水野杏一2, 血管内視鏡を用いた急性冠症候群の洞察(II),日医大医会誌2009; 5(1)
- 1日本医科大学千葉北総病院循環器内科
- 2日本医科大学大学院医学研究科器官機能病態内科学
- 英
- dura mater
- ラ
- dura pachymeninx
- 関
- 脳硬膜、脊髄硬膜、髄膜
- 関
- 炎光、炎症
- 英
- thrombotic
- 関
- 血栓