- 英
- autoregulation
- 同
- 自動調節能
- (physiology) processes that maintain a generally constant physiological state in a cell or organism
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- 1. 成人における頭蓋内圧亢進の評価およびマネージメントevaluation and management of elevated intracranial pressure in adults [show details]
…maintained at a relatively constant level by cerebrovascular autoregulation of CVR over a wide range of CPP (50 to 100 mmHg) . However, autoregulation of CVR can become dysfunctional in certain pathologic states …
- 2. 成人における中等度~重症の高血圧性網膜症および高血圧性脳症moderate to severe hypertensive retinopathy and hypertensive encephalopathy in adults [show details]
…transmitted to the smaller, more distal vessels . With increasingly severe hypertension, however, autoregulation eventually fails . The ensuing rise in pressure in the arterioles and capillaries leads to acute …
- 3. 中度と重度の急性外傷性脳損傷のマネージメントmanagement of acute moderate and severe traumatic brain injury [show details]
…Through autoregulation, the normal cerebral vasculature maintains an adequate cerebral blood flow (CBF) across a wide range (50 to 150 mmHg) of mean arterial pressure (MAP). Cerebral autoregulation is disrupted …
- 4. 新生児の胚基質出血(Germinal matrix hemorrhage)および脳室内出血(GMH-IVH):発症機序、臨床症状、診断germinal matrix hemorrhage and intraventricular hemorrhage gmh ivh in the newborn pathogenesis clinical presentation and diagnosis [show details]
…and reperfusion, elevated arterial blood flow, elevated venous pressure, and impaired cerebral autoregulation. In preterm infants, GMH-IVH generally originates within the germinal matrix (GM); the highly …
- 5. 高血圧におけるACE阻害剤の腎への効果renal effects of ace inhibitors in hypertension [show details]
…hypertension is related both to the glomerular actions of angiotensin II and the mechanism of autoregulation of the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) . Angiotensin II constricts both the afferent (preglomerular) …
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- 脳循環自動調節能=血圧変動に対し脳血流を一定に保とうとする機構. 脳血流自動調節能 (autoregulation)とは 全身血圧の変動に影響されずに脳が一定の循環を保とうとする働き で、 平均(動脈)血圧約60~150mmHg の間では脳の細小動脈を自動的に拡張ないし ...
- 脳血流自動調整能 (Autoregulation)の機能. 頭蓋内の容積と圧が一定になるように調節する機能です。. 平均血圧が 60~160㎜hg の間であれば、脳血流は一定に保たれると言われています。. 脳血流を一定に保つことができる血圧の範囲には 上限 と 下限 があります ...
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- 英
- regulation, (眼科)accommodation(水晶体による)
- 関
- 調和等能系
- 英
- self, oneself, ego