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- 1. 心不全の自己管理heart failure self management [show details]
… decompensation, patient self-management is crucial in avoiding hospitalizations . Unfortunately, many patients lack self-care skills . This topic will review evidence for the value of self-management and strategies …
- 2. 小児や青年の自傷行為:病因nonsuicidal self injury in children and adolescents pathogenesis [show details]
… definition, nonsuicidal self-injury is distinguished from suicidal behavior; socially accepted practices such as tattoos, piercings, and religious rituals; accidental self-harm; and indirect self-injury through …
- 3. 小児や青年の自傷行為:評価nonsuicidal self injury in children and adolescents assessment [show details]
… definition, nonsuicidal self-injury is distinguished from suicidal behavior; socially accepted practices such as tattoos, piercings, and religious rituals; accidental self-harm; and indirect self-injury through …
- 4. 小児や青年の自傷行為:臨床的特徴および提案する診断基準nonsuicidal self injury in children and adolescents clinical features and proposed diagnostic criteria [show details]
… definition, nonsuicidal self-injury is distinguished from suicidal behavior; socially accepted practices such as tattoos, piercings, and religious rituals; accidental self-harm; and indirect self-injury through …
- 5. 高齢者の虐待、自己放任、および関連する現象elder abuse self neglect and related phenomena [show details]
…the victim. Phenomena related to elder abuse: Self-neglect – Self-neglect is failure of an older adult to provide for their own care and protection. Self-neglect is said to be a failure of the older adult …
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