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- 1. 小児の閉塞性睡眠時無呼吸に対する持続的陽圧換気療法(CPAP)continuous positive airway pressure cpap for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea [show details]
…preference for a nonsurgical approach; For such patients, CPAP treats OSA by overcoming the critical closing pressure of the pharynx to maintain a patent pharyngeal airway . Less common clinical uses of CPAP …
- 2. 肺疾患、集中治療医学の最新情報whats new in pulmonary and critical care medicine [show details]
…supported by the American Thoracic Society, American College of Chest Physicians, and Society of Critical Care Medicine. In a recent, multicenter randomized trial of 750 ventilated patients, aggressive …
- 3. 呼気終末陽圧(PEEP)positive end expiratory pressure peep [show details]
… Positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) is the alveolar pressure above atmospheric pressure that exists at the end of expiration.… PEEP is applied to prevent cyclic opening and closing of alveoli (and thereby prevent ventilator-induced…
- 4. 診察室外血圧測定:自由行動下血圧測定および自己血圧測定out of office blood pressure measurement ambulatory and self measured blood pressure monitoring [show details]
… appropriately sized cuff. Ambulatory blood pressure monitors register blood pressure by detecting small oscillations during deflation; therefore, it is critical that the patient keep their arm relaxed, still …
- 5. 高血圧の成人の目標血圧goal blood pressure in adults with hypertension [show details]
… general: Our proposed blood pressure targets depend in part upon the method by which the blood pressure is measured : In particular, blood pressure that is measured in the office (ie, medical care setting) …
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- (4γ/4P)(以下Cσ, Cかと記す),静脈の臨界閉鎖圧 では,.Pα, Pηに関係なく,1回転にほぼ一箆量拍出 (Critical closing pressure,以下Pooと記す)と関 するわけである。
- さまざまなショックの管理において微小循環を維持するためには,微小循環の臨界閉鎖圧を超えて血圧を維持する必要がある。従来,心原性ショックでは,正常者であれば収縮...集中治療ショック管理の原則PART1
- 一方,臓器に関していえば,臓器血流と末梢血管抵抗により組織の灌流圧が決定され,灌流圧が極端に低下すると,組織の灌流が途絶するが,これが組織循環の臨界閉鎖圧である。腹腔内臓器は,脳や心臓などと比較すると臨界閉鎖圧
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- newtonian fluid, newtonian liquid
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- 臨界閉鎖圧
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- critical
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- 決定的、批評、批判的、重大な意味を持つ、クリティカル
- 英
- closure
- 同
- 縫合
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- pressure
- 関
- 圧力