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- 腹部膨満
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- 1. 乳児における横隔膜弛緩症の評価eventration of the diaphragm in infants [show details]
…defects and include vomiting and failure to thrive . In some cases, there may be a scaphoid abdomen accompanied by bulging of the hemithorax as abdominal contents migrate into the hemithorax. In one case series …
- 2. 成人におけるopen abdomen(閉腹しない状態)のマネージメントmanagement of the open abdomen in adults [show details]
…reasons for leaving an abdomen open. Open abdomen exposes the viscera and leads to fluid and heat loss, which can be reduced with temporary abdominal closure techniques until the abdomen can be closed primarily …
- 3. 小児における身体的診察:胸部および腹部the pediatric physical examination chest and abdomen [show details]
… Scaphoid abdomen – A scaphoid abdomen can occur in a patient with upper gastrointestinal… asymmetric chest wall include: Scoliosis Underlying cardiac disease that creates a precordial bulge (eg, atrial septal defect, partial anomalous pulmonary venous connection) Poland syndrome – Syndactyly …
- 4. 腹腔鏡下腹壁ヘルニア修復術laparoscopic ventral hernia repair [show details]
… to cause bulging. Such cases of mesh bulging (also referred to as eventration) cannot be distinguished from true hernia recurrences very easily without imaging. Mesh bulging is observed in 1.6… a "hostile abdomen," such as those rendered by a history of extensive or multiple abdominal operations (especially with placement of intraperitoneal meshes), an open abdomen,…
- 5. 新生児の評価assessment of the newborn infant [show details]
… The abdomen should be examined when the infant is quiet. The size and overall appearance should be assessed. The normal abdomen is slightly protuberant.… sagittal and lambdoid sutures. It usually is open, but smaller than 1 cm in diameter. Tense and bulging fontanelle in a sitting infant who is not crying may be an indication of raised intracranial pressure …
Related Links
- 内科学 第10版 - 腹部膨隆の用語解説 - 鑑別診断 おもな鑑別として6つのF(six F’s):鼓腸(flatus; meteorism),腹水(fluid;ascites),胎児(fetus),宿便(feces),肥満(fat),腫瘍(fibroid;tumor)があげられる.
- 腹部膨満感、腹鳴. 食べものを食べて満腹になることはだれでも経験することですが、おなかがはる(腹部膨満感)というのは、満腹感と異なり、少ししか食べてないのにおなかがはって食べられない、あるいは空腹感を感じることがなく、おなかがはった ...
- 鼓腸【こちょう】とは、腸の中にガスが異常なほどにたまってしまっている状態です。 腹部膨満【ふくぶぼうまん】は、おなかが張って苦しい症状のことです。 腹部膨満の原因となる病気には、器質的疾患、機能性疾患、蠕動【ぜんどう】障害などがあります。 腸の中にガスがたまる原因とし ...
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- 英
- abdominal distension, bloating, abdominal bloating, abdominal fullness
- 同
- 腹部膨隆 abdominal swelling、膨隆腹
- 英
- abdomen belly
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- 腹部
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- prominence
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- 腹部膨隆