- 英
- gelatinous atrophy
- 関
- 萎縮
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- 1. リウマチ性疾患患者に生じる広範囲慢性疼痛(中枢性感作による疼痛)の概要overview of chronic widespread centralized pain in the rheumatic diseases [show details]
… pain in patients with rheumatic disease requires a better understanding of centralized pain in chronic systemic and regional rheumatic and musculoskeletal pain disorders .… in structure, may reflect altered pain response. There was no evidence for cortical gray matter atrophy. Fifty-four patients with RA underwent functional neuroimaging (functional MRI [fMRI]) and were also …
- 2. 未分化型の全身性リウマチ性(結合組織)疾患およびオーバーラップ症候群undifferentiated systemic rheumatic connective tissue diseases and overlap syndromes [show details]
… for another systemic rheumatic disease, and 5 to 10 percent will acquire other features of systemic rheumatic disease but still cannot be diagnosed with a specific well-differentiated rheumatic disorder. …
- 3. リュウマチ性僧帽弁狭窄症:マネージメント概要rheumatic mitral stenosis overview of management [show details]
…performed in countries in which acute rheumatic fever is rare (eg, the United States); patients presenting with rheumatic MS in countries with low prevalence of rheumatic fever are often immigrants from other …
- 4. 甲状腺疾患と膠原病thyroid disorders and connective tissue disease [show details]
… comparison, there were no cases of polymyalgia rheumatica/GCA among 150 control patients . Nonspecific rheumatic symptoms such as polyarthralgia, myalgia, and fibromyalgia appear more common in people with Hashimoto … Indian patients with systemic sclerosis (94 percent diffuse) showed thyroid volumes consistent with atrophy in 57.5 percent, although the prevalence of subclinical and overt hypothyroidism was low (8.5 and …
- 5. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis of mixed connective tissue diseaseclinical manifestations and diagnosis of mixed connective tissue disease [show details]
… Esophageal biopsies may show severe atrophy and loss of smooth muscle cells in the muscular layer of the lower esophagus, followed by fibrosis . The atrophied tissues show deposition… and other systemic rheumatic diseases. One study followed the clinical course of 118 patients initially diagnosed with MCTD . Twelve percent developed another well-defined rheumatic condition…
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- 認められた.その他の所見として,脂肪織の膠様萎縮, 肺では血栓や肺炎,肝臓では実質混濁や鬱血,腎臓では 梗塞や点状出血,消化管では胃腸炎,枝肉では膿瘍や関 節炎などが認められた. 病理組織学的及び免疫組織化学的 ...
- 【病理】膠様萎縮→飢餓状態の時に心冠脂肪組織を使った栄養障害性萎縮でゼリー状。膠性瘢痕→液化(融解)壊死で脳が軟化してその軟化巣に脂肪貪食マクロファージ(格子細胞)が集まったもの。中枢神経では損傷部位が星状膠に。
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- 英
- atrophy
- ラ
- atrophia
- 関
- 退縮。肥大、過形成
- 英
- colloides、colloidal、mucinous
- 関
- 膠質、コロイド、粘液性、コロイド性、粘液状