- 同
- patellar clonus
- 同
- kneeclonus
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- 1. 成人における詳細な神経学的検査the detailed neurologic examination in adults [show details]
… increased (hyperactive) 4 = clonus; Some examiners use a grade of 5 to designate sustained clonus, reserving 4 for unsustained clonus that eventually fades after 2 to 10 beats.… finger flexion, and finger abduction. In the lower extremities, test hip flexion, hip extension, knee flexion, knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion, and ankle plantar flexion. Additional testing may be necessary …
- 2. 脳性麻痺:分類および臨床的特徴cerebral palsy classification and clinical features [show details]
… Clonus – Clonus refers to sustained involuntary muscle contractions and relaxations in the setting of muscle stretching. Clonus at the ankle may be elicited… and gastrocnemius muscles in the legs (resulting in knee flexion and foot plantar flexion) with some degree of foot pronation.…
- 3. セロトニン症候群(serotonin toxicity)serotonin syndrome serotonin toxicity [show details]
…Spontaneous clonus; Inducible clonus plus agitation or diaphoresis; Ocular clonus plus agitation or diaphoresis; Tremor plus hyperreflexia; Hypertonia plus temperature above 38ºC PLUS ocular clonus or inducible …
- 4. 新生児痙攣の臨床的特徴、評価、および診断clinical features evaluation and diagnosis of neonatal seizures [show details]
…movements such as clonus or tremor, the jerking movements of a focal clonic seizure are consistently slower and more rhythmic. Focal clonic seizures can be differentiated from tremor or clonus by restraint …
- 5. 選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害剤中毒selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor poisoning [show details]
…hyperthermia, diaphoresis, hypertonia, hyperreflexia, tremor, ankle clonus, and slow, continuous, horizontal eye movements (referred to as ocular clonus). Neuromuscular findings are generally more pronounced in …
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- クローヌス クローヌスの意義: クローヌスは、反射が著明に亢進したことと同じ意義があり、以下の2つが有名である。 ・膝クローヌス ・足クローヌス 陽性の場合は錘体路障害や筋緊張の亢進を疑う。 クローヌス(clonus)が持続せず数回で終るのを『pseudoclonus』と呼び、これも軽度の錐体路の ...
- クローヌスは脊髄損傷や脳卒中を起こした後に、脊髄や脳による筋肉の反射を抑制する機能が低下することで起こる症状です。少しの刺激で手足が勝手にピクピクと震えてしまうため、日常生活動作の障害となります。治療には飲み薬や各種注射療法、リハビリテーションが行われます。
Related Pictures

- 英
- patellar clonus
- 同
- 膝クローヌス knee clonus
- 英
- knee
- ラ
- genu
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- 膝関節