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- 1. 消化管穿孔の概要overview of gastrointestinal tract perforation [show details]
… Intestinal perforation can present acutely or in an indolent manner (eg, abscess or intestinal fistula formation).… subcutaneous emphysema is identified in anteroposterior or posteroanterior projections on chest radiograph, the neck region should be carefully examined (if subcutaneous emphysema was not obvious… leading to pain radiating to the shoulder. If perforation is confined to the retroperitoneum or lesser sac (eg, duodenal perforation), the presentation may be more subtle. Retroperitoneal perforations often …
- 2. 成人患者における外傷性胃腸障害traumatic gastrointestinal injury in the adult patient [show details]
… diagnosis of blunt intestinal injury . Some report an accuracy of nearly 100 percent while others have shown that as many as 20 percent of blunt intestinal injuries can be missed by CT.… for signs of contusion or laceration. The posterior surface can be examined after opening the lesser sac. Ligating a few of the short gastric arteries will facilitate exposure. Small gastric perforations …
- 3. ツェンカー憩室zenkers diverticulum [show details]
… diverticulum (ZD) is a sac-like outpouching of the mucosa and submucosa through Killian triangle,… True diverticula contain all layers of the intestinal wall ; False diverticula contain only mucosa and… procedure, patients may experience chest and/or back pain. In some cases, serious subcutaneous emphysema can cause temporary dysphagia, changed voice, and local neck pain. Symptoms usually subside after …
- 4. 救急外来における胸痛を有する成人の評価evaluation of the adult with chest pain in the emergency department [show details]
…ischemia due to aortic branch vessel occlusion, including myocardial infarction, stroke, acute intestinal ischemia, or extremity ischemia depending on the affected arteries Discrepancies in pulses or … Unilateral decreased breath sounds may be noted with pneumothorax; subcutaneous emphysema is uncommon.… periesophageal fluid, mediastinal widening, and air and fluid in the pleural spaces, retroperitoneum or lesser sac. The diagnosis is confirmed with the oral administration of a water soluble contrast agent followed…
- 5. 小児の急性呼吸窮迫症:緊急評価と初期対応acute respiratory distress in children emergency evaluation and initial stabilization [show details]
… bedside ultrasound should be used to rapidly identify fluid in the pericardial sac and to guide pericardiocentesis ( and and ).… Tracheal deviation may also be seen in patients with pulmonary emphysema,… provide clues to an intra-abdominal etiology of respiratory distress (eg, perforated viscus or intestinal obstruction). Echocardiogram may be indicated in patients with cardiac compromise to diagnose…
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