- 英
- psoas shadow
- 関
- 大腰筋
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- 1. 腰筋膿瘍psoas abscess [show details]
… treatment of psoas abscess will be reviewed here. Understanding the clinical manifestations, complications, and management of psoas abscess requires knowledge of the anatomy of the psoas muscle and its …
- 2. 下肢の神経ブロック:手技lower extremity nerve blocks techniques [show details]
…nerve, and obturator nerve The femoral nerve (L2 to L4) runs through the psoas muscle and emerges at the lower border between the psoas and iliacus muscles, beneath the inguinal ligament lateral to the common …
- 3. 医原性尿菅損傷の外科的修復surgical repair of an iatrogenic ureteral injury [show details]
…mobilization of the bladder, as well as placement of the anchoring stitches in the psoas tendon. The bladder is anchored to the psoas tendon with nonabsorbable stitches. Inserting the surgeon fingers into the …
- 4. 腎および腎周囲膿瘍renal and perinephric abscess [show details]
…abdominal mass, an enlarged kidney with indistinct outlines, a loss of psoas margin, a radio-opaque calculus , and/or a poorly defined renal shadow. Chest radiography may demonstrate a pleural effusion, ipsilateral …
- 5. Ultrasound guidance for neuraxial anesthesia techniquesultrasound guidance for neuraxial anesthesia techniques [show details]
…hypoechoic, finger-like acoustic shadows below. This creates a pattern that has been termed the "trident," sign because of its similarity to the mythologic weapon. The psoas muscle has a striated appearance …
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- psoas lineとは何か psoasとは腸腰筋陰影のこと。腹部単純レントゲンにおいて重要な所見。 psoas(腸腰筋)が左右ともに線として見えるのが正常であるが、このラインが不鮮明になると後腹膜の占拠性病変を示唆する。腸腰筋の辺縁は後腹膜の脂肪層と接しており、ここに腫瘍や炎症などの病変が ...
- 腸腰筋陰影の消失や腫大像が見られます。 CT/MRI 腸腰筋腫大像 膿瘍の広がり を確認することができます。 造影剤を用いた検査で膿瘍は周囲の壁のみに造影効果を認める点が重要です。 症例 50歳代女性 発熱、両側腰の痛み 両側の ...
- 腸腰筋陰影 7. 傍結腸溝の変化 8. 骨盤腔の液体貯溜像 9. 異物の有無 消化管破裂がある場合には傍結腸溝(paracolic gut-ter)の 拡大,腸 腰筋陰影(psoas shadow)の 不鮮明 化,骨 盤腔への貯溜を示すdog's ear signな どがみ られます ...
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- 関
- 腸腰筋、腰筋徴候
- 後腹壁の血腫などで見えなくなることがある。
- 出血・炎症、腎破裂
- 関
- 腰筋陰影、大腰筋
- 英
- psoas、psoas muscle
- 英
- shadow
- 関
- 陰影