- 英
- ventriculoperitoneal shunt ventriculo-peritoneal shunt
- 同
- VPシャント VP shunt、脳室腹腔短絡
- 関
- V-P shunt術
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- 1. 髄液シャント術に用いたシャントシステムの感染infections of cerebrospinal fluid shunts and other devices [show details]
…of the distal end of the shunt or via hematogenous seeding. Distal-end contamination of ventriculoperitoneal shunts occurs in the setting of bowel perforation or peritonitis, whereas contamination of externalized …
- 2. 正常圧水頭症normal pressure hydrocephalus [show details]
…such shunts compared with the more commonly used VP shunts. CSF flow is controlled via a one-way valve in the shunt; many different models of VP shunts are in clinical use . Shunts are often classified …
- 3. 小児の水頭症:マネージメントと予後hydrocephalus in children management and prognosis [show details]
…potentially avoids the long-term complications that frequently occur with ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts (ie, infection and/or malfunction). However, ETV is not effective in all patients. As discussed …
- 4. 妊娠に合併した神経障害neurologic disorders complicating pregnancy [show details]
…with ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunts requiring urgent evaluation, neuroimaging, and neurosurgical consultation. Vaginal delivery can be attempted in stable women with VP shunt. Caesarean section is recommended …
- 5. 動脈瘤性くも膜下出血:治療および予後aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage treatment and prognosis [show details]
…CSF drainage with rapid EVD wean approach has been associated with fewer ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt placements, fewer complications, and shorter length of stay compared with a continuous CSF drainage …
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Related Pictures

脳室腹腔シャント ventriculoperitoneal shunt
- 英
- ventriculoperitoneal shunt malfunction
- 英
- shunt
- 同
- 短絡
- 関
- ブラッドアクセス
- 血流が無限大か換気できる空気がないことを示す
- [V]A:毎分の肺胞換気量
- [Q]毎分の血流量
- 英
- ventricle, ventricles
- ラ
- ventriculus cerebri
- 関
- 側脳室、第3脳室、第4脳室
- 英
- abdominal cavity (Z)
- ラ
- cavum abdominis
- 同
- 腹膜腔
- 英
- cavity