- 英
- threadand streak sign
- 同
- 線条血管像 striated vascular pattern
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- 1. 正常月経周期の超音波評価ultrasound evaluation of the normal menstrual cycle [show details]
…which appears as an anechoic stripe within the cervix and is a sign of impending ovulation. After ovulation, the "triple-line" disappears and is replaced by a hyperechoic stripe, 10 to 14 mm in thickness …
- 2. 重篤な状態の成人患者へのベッドサイド超音波検査の適応indications for bedside ultrasonography in the critically ill adult patient [show details]
…is supine or in a semi-left lateral decubitus position (also known as the enhanced peritoneal stripe sign [EPSS]) . EPSS consists of a superficial single or double echogenic line that denotes the interface …
- 3. 結腸虚血colonic ischemia [show details]
…rectal sparing. A single linear ulcer running along the longitudinal axis of the colon (the "single-stripe sign") may also favor an ischemic cause of colitis . Biopsies taken from affected areas may show nonspecific …
- 4. 成人における鈍的胸部外傷の初期評価およびマネージメント initial evaluation and management of blunt thoracic trauma in adults [show details]
… rightward and/or right mainstem bronchus downward; Wide left paravertebral stripe; A widened mediastinum is a sensitive but nonspecific sign of aortic injury Overall, the correlation between mediastinal widening …
- 5. 頚管妊娠cervical pregnancy [show details]
… the patient should be immediately assessed with vital signs for hemodynamic stability and with an abdominal examination… should eventually pass. No evidence of intrauterine pregnancy. Visualization of an endometrial stripe. Hourglass (figure of eight) shaped uterus with ballooned cervical canal. Other features that may …
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- 被殻、尾状核、淡蒼球、視床下核などから構成され、被殻と尾状核を合わせて線条体、被殻と淡蒼球を合わせてレンズ核と言う。 症状は、運動減少症(陰性徴候)と運動過多症(陽性徴候)の2つに大別される。 【症状】 運動減少症
- クッシング症候群はこんな病気 クッシング症候群は副腎から分泌されるコルチゾールというホルモンの作用が過剰になることで、身体に特徴的な徴候が現れる病気です。コルチゾールはあらゆる生体機能を調整する働きがあり、多すぎても少なすぎても病気につながります。
- 腹部単純X線写真での液貯留の判定には腹膜外脂肪層と結腸の外縁が3mm以上離れる側腹線条徴候(flank stripe sign)、肝右葉後外側下縁の輪郭が不明瞭になる肝角徴候(hepatic angle sign)や、小骨盤腔内に貯留した液体が、膀胱と
Related Pictures

- 英
- flank stripe sign
- 関
- 腹水、腹腔内液体貯留、側腹線条
- http://www.mypacs.net/repos/mpv3_repo/viz/full/0/6/789/7099531.jpg
- http://www.ceessentials.net/images/critiqueChest/image0095.jpg