- 英
- conclusion、conclusive
- 関
- 確証的、決定的、結論
- forming an end or termination; especially putting an end to doubt or question; "conclusive proof"; "the evidence is conclusive"
- the last section of a communication; "in conclusion I want to say..." (同)end, close, closing, ending
- the proposition arrived at by logical reasoning (such as the proposition that must follow from the major and minor premises of a syllogism) (同)ratiocination
- a final settlement; "the conclusion of a business deal"; "the conclusion of the peace treaty"
- an intuitive assumption; "jump to a conclusion"
- (議論など)結論的な,確定的な,最終的な
- 〈C〉〈U〉『終わり』,終結,結末 / 〈C〉『結論』,決定,判断;(三段論法の)断案 / 〈U〉〈C〉(条約などの)締結,妥結
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- 壮年期から中年期の就労者における初回急性心筋梗塞の体験に関する現象学的研究
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- 英
- definitive、conclusive、critical、crucial、decisive、final、definitively、conclusively、crucially
- 関
- 確証的、結論的、最終的、重大、批評、臨界、批判的、重大な意味を持つ、終局、最終、確定、クリティカル
- 英
- conclusive、confirmatory、convincing、authentic、conclusively
- 関
- 決定的、結論的、確か、標準、信頼のおける、真正、終局、有力
- 関
- conclude、conclusive
- 英
- conclusion、conclude
- 関
- 終わる、終局