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- 1. 神経有棘赤血球症neuroacanthocytosis [show details]
… Chorea-acanthocytosis has also been called choreoacanthocytosis, familial amyotrophic chorea with acanthocytosis,… Cardiomyopathy and cardiac arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter) have been described.…
- 2. 甲状腺機能亢進症およびバセドウ病の神経学的症状neurologic manifestations of hyperthyroidism and graves disease [show details]
… the onset of chorea is gradual, but a sudden onset of unilateral chorea has been described . Chorea may be unilateral,… except for cardiogenic embolism in the setting of hyperthyroid-induced atrial fibrillation (AF),…
- 3. 全身性エリテマトーデスの神経症状および神経精神症状neurologic and neuropsychiatric manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus [show details]
…of chorea may precede the diagnosis of SLE and may coexist with other neurologic syndromes including stroke and/or cognitive impairment . The clinical features and differential diagnosis of chorea are… Cardiogenic embolism also can occur in the setting of atrial fibrillation,…
- 4. 低マグネシウム血症:マグネシウム欠乏の臨床症状hypomagnesemia clinical manifestations of magnesium depletion [show details]
… depletion . Frequent atrial and ventricular premature systoles may be present, and sustained atrial fibrillation may also develop. Hypomagnesemia facilitates the development of digoxin cardiotoxicity . Because… Involuntary movements – Patients with hypomagnesemia can manifest athetoid or choreiform movements .…
- 5. 頻脈を有する小児に対するアプローチapproach to the child with tachycardia [show details]
… the potential to rapidly deteriorate into ventricular fibrillation and sudden death .… tachydysrhythmias . Other findings include arthralgia, arthritis, erythema marginatum, subcutaneous nodules, and chorea. Testing for recent streptococcal infection is essential to establish the diagnosis. Hyperthyroidism …
Related Links
- 告示病名以外の指定難病対象疾病名はこちらにあります。. (概要、臨床調査個人票の一覧は、こちらにあります。. ). 1. 「ハンチントン病」とは. 常染色体優性遺伝 型式を示す遺伝性の 神経変性 疾患で、 舞踏運動 などの 不随意運動 、精神症状、行動 ...
- 舞踏病という疾患をご存知ですか?ほとんどの方は、耳にしたことが無いのではないでしょうか。舞踏病とは、患者が歩行しようとすると、あたかも踊っているように自分の意思に反して不規則な運動を繰り返してしまうという疾患です。
- 舞踏運動は,主に遠位筋および顔面の,非律動的,発作的,急速,抑制不可能な不随意運動である;その動きは半意図的な行為に組み込まれ,不随意な動きが覆い隠されていることがある。アテトーゼ(緩徐な舞踏運動)は,遠位筋優位の,非律動的で緩徐な,身をよじりくねらせる運動であり ...
Related Pictures
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- Morvan chorea
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- 細動性舞踏病 fibrillary chorea
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- 舞踏病
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- chorea
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- Rapid, semipurposeful, graceful, dancelike, nonpatterned involuntary movements involving distal or proximal muscle groups.(HIM.2560)
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- disease、sickness
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- 疾病、不調、病害、病気、疾患
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- fibrillation
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- f波
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- dance
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- ダンス