- 英
- peritubular、periductal
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- 1. 喫煙の心血管リスクおよび禁煙の利益cardiovascular risk of smoking and benefits of smoking cessation [show details]
…non-cigarette smoking (eg, pipe or cigar smoking, smokeless tobacco, etc), the data are somewhat less clear regarding the risks. Many studies have shown an increased CVD risk associated with pipe or cigar smoking …
- 2. 成人の肥満:発生率、スクリーニング、および評価obesity in adults prevalence screening and evaluation [show details]
…addition to measuring BMI, we recommend measuring waist circumference in overweight and obese adults to assess abdominal obesity. A waist circumference of ≥40 in (102 cm) for men and ≥35 in (88 cm) for women …
- 3. 小児における身体的診察:一般原則および標準的な測定the pediatric physical examination general principles and standard measurements [show details]
…may be inappropriate to use a single head circumference standard for children in all countries or ethnic groups. A study that compared mean head circumference from a variety of studies including >11,000 …
- 4. 小児の身体組成測定measurement of body composition in children [show details]
…evaluated clinically by measuring the waist circumference or the ratio of waist circumference to the hip circumference (waist-to-hip ratio [WHR]). Waist circumference is measured just above the uppermost lateral …
- 5. 喫煙と肺癌の発症につながるその他の危険因子cigarette smoking and other possible risk factors for lung cancer [show details]
…6) compared with nonsmokers. In a cohort study that followed 15,263 pipe-only smokers and 123,044 nonsmokers for 18 years, current pipe smoking was associated with an increased risk of death from lung cancer …
Japanese Journal
- MRIによる血管周囲腔の体積計測 : 初期臨床経験 (特集 認知症の画像診断)
- 映像情報medical : a monthly journal of medical imaging and information 49(6), 21-26, 2017-06
- NAID 40021231462
- "悩ましい症例"に立ち向かう! CPiCレポート(第2回)血管周囲上皮細胞様細胞性腫瘍(PEComa)を疑った囊胞変性した子宮筋腫の1例
- 産婦人科の実際 = Obstetrical and gynecological practice 66(3), 344-348, 2017-03
- NAID 40021136571
- 腹腔鏡検査と卵管形成術 (特集 Non-ARTの不妊症診療 : 体外受精なしでここまでできる)
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- 英
- perivascular space
- 同
- ウィルヒョウ・ロビン腔, Virchow-Robin space
- 関
- 拡大血管周囲腔 état criblé
- CTでは脳室と同様のlow density areaとしてみとめられる。
- 加齢による変化と考えられ、その変化に対する特別な対応は不必要
- http://www.snh.or.jp/jsbd/gaido_main1.html
- 英
- perivascular glial limiting membrane
- 関
- 血管周囲グリア終足
- 英
- perivascular pseudorosette
- 関
- 偽ロゼット
- 英
- surrounding、circumferential、ambient、peri、around, circumference
- 関
- 環境、外周、約、外界