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- 1. 振子様眼振pendular nystagmus [show details]
… or hemorrhages can cause jerk-type see-saw nystagmus . Head trauma can also cause see-saw nystagmus . In rare cases, see-saw nystagmus is described in Arnold-Chiari malformation ,… any direction; it can be torsional, horizontal, vertical, or a combination of these, resulting in circular, oblique, or elliptical trajectories. It may be different in the two eyes, sometimes even monocular …
- 2. 成人における急性虫垂炎:臨床症状と鑑別診断acute appendicitis in adults clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis [show details]
… The incidence of perforated appendicitis is approximately 29 per 100,000 person-years in both the United States and South Korea . There are also more cases of perforated appendicitis… contains all of the layers of the colonic wall: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis (longitudinal and circular), and the serosal covering . The appendiceal orifice opens into the cecum. Its blood supply, the …
- 3. 迷走神経切離術vagotomy [show details]
… The following decades saw the development of histamine H2-receptor antagonists and proton pump inhibitors,… usually have low acid production. Therefore, vagotomy is rarely indicated. For patients with perforated duodenal ulcer, open or laparoscopic lavage with omental patch closure of the perforation is the …
- 4. ノコギリヤシの臨床使用clinical use of saw palmetto [show details]
…separately. The saw palmetto berry contains over 100 known compounds. The potential active ingredients in saw palmetto appear to be contained in the purified lipid soluble extract of the saw palmetto berry …
- 5. 成人における急性虫垂炎のマネージメントmanagement of acute appendicitis in adults [show details]
…considered. Approximately 20 percent of patients with perforated appendicitis present within 24 hours of the onset of symptoms . The management of perforated appendicitis depends on the condition of the patient …
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