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- 1. ヒ素曝露と中毒arsenic exposure and poisoning [show details]
… shellfish intake, ideally with inorganic arsenic found in the urine . In evaluating a patient for chronic arsenic exposure, either a 24-hour urine arsenic or spot urine arsenic and creatinine can be obtained after …
- 2. 殺鼠剤中毒の概要overview of rodenticide poisoning [show details]
…poisoning . Arsenic-based rodenticides have been in use since the 1860s, although many have been banned in developed countries . Most arsenical pesticides contain the soluble salt, arsenic trioxide, a …
- 3. 小児における後天性末梢性ニューロパチーの概要overview of acquired peripheral neuropathies in children [show details]
…rare and usually is the result of deliberate poisoning. Arsenic exposure and toxicity are discussed in detail separately. Clinical features of arsenic poisoning include changes in skin pigmentation, palmar …
- 4. アントラサイクリン系以外の抗がん剤の心毒性cardiotoxicity of non anthracycline cancer chemotherapy agents [show details]
…tamponade) and myocardial ischemia/infarction. The differentiation syndrome is discussed elsewhere. Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is used to treat acute promyelocytic leukemia. Serious adverse events attributed to…
- 5. 女性の生殖への職業上・環境上のリスク:特定の物質への暴露とその影響occupational and environmental risks to reproduction in females specific exposures and impact [show details]
… obtained for both urine arsenic and urine creatinine. Urine creatinine is used to adjust for urine concentration. The initial arsenic result is reported as micrograms of arsenic per liter. The clinician …
Japanese Journal
- 医療過誤と推測されるサルバルサン中毒死(汎発性砒素疹)の検屍例について
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Related Pictures

- 英
- arsenic poisoning
- 同
- 砒素中毒
- 関
- ヒ素
- ヒ素を含む毒物:As3+を含む亜ヒ酸(AsO33-)、有機ヒ素化合物
- 生化学的な機序:
- ジヒドロリポアミドなどのSH化合物と2ヵ所で結合して環状付加化合物を形成。リポアミドを補酵素とするピルビン酸デヒドロゲナーゼ複合体、2-オキソグルタル酸デヒドロゲナーゼ複合体が失活。
- 要はスルフヒドリル基(-SH)を有する酵素活性を阻害
- 侵入径路:経気道、経口、あるいは経皮滴
- 症状:慢性暴露により慢性ヒ素中毒を呈する。
- 1. [charged] ヒ素曝露と中毒 - uptodate [1]