- 英
- brief reactive psychosis
- 関
- 短期精神病性障害
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- 1. 広場恐怖症の有無を問わずパニック障害をきたす成人患者への治療法 approach to treating panic disorder with or without agoraphobia in adults [show details]
… responded better to a trial of pharmacotherapy compared with receiving further CBT, at least in the short term (three months) . Consideration of psychodynamic psychotherapy may be a reasonable alternative … disorder) who experienced no response or a partial response to medication treatment (mostly SSRIs) compared the response and remission of the anxiety…
- 2. 成人における全般性不安障害の治療法に対するアプローチapproach to treating generalized anxiety disorder in adults [show details]
… withdrawal symptoms after long-term treatment, and rebound anxiety after short-term treatment .… experience a partial symptom reduction in response to CBT. Patients who experience a poor response,… augmenting treatment for patients with GAD. For this reason, as well as the general physical and mental health benefits of exercise, we encourage aerobic exercise for patients with anxiety disorders who…
- 3. 離人症性障害(離人・現実感喪失症侯群)の治療法approach to treating depersonalization derealization disorder [show details]
… who experience an inadequate response to a trial of education, psychotherapy, and support include longer-term psychotherapy,… Depersonalized individuals may report the sense of being an outside observer of their mental processes or their body,…
- 4. 青年の物質使用障害への治療アプローチapproach to treating substance use disorder in adolescents [show details]
…adverse effects when treating co-occurring mental disorders in adolescents. The results of these trials provide little evidence of improvement of the SUD when the mental disorder is treated, particularly in …
- 5. アルコール使用障害への治療アプローチapproach to treating alcohol use disorder [show details]
… an inadequate response to initial treatment with naltrexone, we favor acamprosate for second-line treatment (unless contraindicated) and vice versa. If an inadequate response is achieved… indicated for patients with: Current, heavy use and ongoing risk for consequences from use. In DSM-5 terms, patients with moderate to severe alcohol use disorder. Motivation to reduce alcohol intake. … For patients with unhealthy drinking that falls short of an alcohol use disorder,…
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- 短期精神病性障害は,持続期間が1日以上かつ1カ月未満の妄想,幻覚,または他の精神病症状から成り,最終的に病前の正常な機能状態に回復する。. 短期精神病性障害はまれである。. 既存の パーソナリティ障害 (例,妄想性,演技性,自己愛性,統合 ...
- 短期精神病性障害の治療法・予後. 短期精神病性障害の治療法は、病的になってしまった脳内環境を是正するため、薬物療法などが行われます。. 具体的な治療薬として、抗精神病薬や睡眠導入剤などが、個々の状況に応じて選択されます。. また、短期精神 ...
- 短期精神病性障害が統合失調症と似ている点、違いは次のようになります。 【統合失調症と似ている点】 ・幻覚、幻聴、妄想、解体症状があらわれる。 【違い】 ・短期精神病性では、症状が急激にあらわれるようになり、比較的短期間で
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- 英
- brief psychotic disorder
- 関
- 短期反応精神病 brief reactive psychosis
- 英
- (生物)response、(化学)reaction、respond、react、responsive
- 関
- 応答、応答性、反応性、返答
- 英
- short term、short-term、brief
- 関
- 要約、しばらく、短い、短時間、短期間
- 英
- disease、sickness
- 関
- 疾病、不調、病害、病気、疾患
- 英
- reactive psychosis
- 関
- 心因性反応
- 英
- psychosis, insanity