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- 1. 血栓溶解異常による血栓性および出血性疾患thrombotic and hemorrhagic disorders due to abnormal fibrinolysis [show details]
… abnormal bleeding, even after surgery. Homozygous deficient individuals exhibited delayed bleeding after surgery or trauma only, suggesting that their initial hemostatic response was normal… pseudomembranes, primarily on the upper tarsal conjunctiva . The pseudomembranes typically are white, yellow-white, or red, and they often develop a wood-like consistency. Approximately one-third have corneal …
- 2. 出血性疾患の疑いのある成人患者へのアプローチapproach to the adult with a suspected bleeding disorder [show details]
… suspected bleeding disorder is to determine whether a disorder is present. We start with a thorough history that includes underlying medical conditions, spontaneous bleeding, response to bleeding challenges …
- 3. 児童虐待:小児への虐待による頭部外傷(AHT)の眼の所見child abuse eye findings in children with abusive head trauma aht [show details]
…retinal hemorrhage. Some patients have white-centered hemorrhages that may be caused by fibrin plugs, ischemia, artifactual reflection, or central resolution . These white-centered hemorrhages should …
- 4. 血友病A・血友病Bに伴う出血の治療と周術期マネージメントtreatment of bleeding and perioperative management in hemophilia a and b [show details]
… potentially serious bleeding is individualized based upon a variety of issues including need for surgery, extent of bleeding, site of bleeding, presence of an injury or target joint, and response (eg, reduction …
- 5. 分娩後出血:薬物療法と侵襲性の低い対処法postpartum hemorrhage medical and minimally invasive management [show details]
… situation. For example, beta blockade for treatment of hypertension may prevent a normal HR response in a bleeding patient; histamine release due to an analgesic (morphine) may lead to peripheral vasodilation …
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- 英
- leukemoid reaction
- 同
- 白血性反応 leukemic reaction、偽白血病 仮性白血病 pseudoleukemia
- 関
- 末梢血中の白血球が著明に増加し(5万/μL以上)、幼若な白血球(特に骨髄芽球)が出現している病態
- NAPスコアは正常・上昇 ← 好中球ホスファターゼが上昇傾向
- 英
- (生物)response、(化学)reaction、respond、react、responsive
- 関
- 応答、応答性、反応性、返答