- 英
- distraction, extension, traction
- 関
- 牽引性
- a mutually agreed delay in the date set for the completion of a job or payment of a debt; "they applied for an extension of the loan"
- an educational opportunity provided by colleges and universities to people who are not enrolled as regular students (同)extension service, university extension
- amount or degree or range to which something extends; "the wire has an extension of 50 feet" (同)lengthiness, prolongation
- an additional telephone set that is connected to the same telephone line (同)telephone extension, extension phone
- act of expanding in scope; making more widely available; "extension of the program to all in need"
- act of stretching or straightening out a flexed limb
- a string of characters beginning with a period and followed by one or more letters; the optional second part of a PC computer filename; "most applications provide extensions for the files they create"; "most BASIC files use the filename extension .BAS" (同)filename extension, file name extension
- the ability to raise the working leg high in the air; "the dancer was praised for her uncanny extension"; "good extension comes from a combination of training and native ability"
- the act of distracting; drawing someones attention away from something; "conjurers are experts at misdirection" (同)misdirection
- an obstacle to attention
- mental turmoil; "he drives me to distraction"
- (orthopedics) the act of pulling on a bone or limb (as in a fracture) to relieve pressure or align parts in a special way during healing; "his leg was in traction for several days"
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『拡大』(延長)『すること』,(…が)拡大(延長)されること《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉拡大(延長)された部分(物) / 〈C〉(電話の)内線
- 〈U〉気を散らすこと,注意散漫 / 〈C〉気を散らすもの,気晴らし / 〈U〉精神錯乱,狂気
- けん引(道路などの表面に沿って乗り物などを引くこと) / けん引された状態,引っ張られた状態 / けん引力
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Japanese Journal
- 広域経済圏のうねり (厳選110テーマ、最速60分で早読み! 2011年大予測) -- (世界経済編 新興国が牽引 先進国は停滞)
- コモディティ価格の見通し (厳選110テーマ、最速60分で早読み! 2011年大予測) -- (世界経済編 新興国が牽引 先進国は停滞)
- 欧州財政危機の行方 (厳選110テーマ、最速60分で早読み! 2011年大予測) -- (世界経済編 新興国が牽引 先進国は停滞)
Related Links
- 牽引 とは - コトバンク
- デジタル大辞泉 牽引の用語解説 - 1 [名](スル)大きな力で引っ張ること。 引き寄せること。牽曳(けんえい)。「故障車をレッカー車で―する」「―力」 2 「牽引 自動車」の略。「―免許」 ...
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※国試ナビ4※ [108B030]←[国試_108]→[108B032]
- 関
- tractional
- 英
- traction、tractional
- 関
- 牽引
- 英
- traction diverticulum
- 関
- 憩室、食道憩室、圧出性憩室
- 英
- skeletal traction
- 関
- 直達牽引
- 英
- tractile fiber、traction fiber